Carbon Isotope Excursions of Cambrian Hwangju and Bopdong Groups in Pyongnam Basin, Korean Peninsula
摘要: 朝鲜平南盆地寒武系包括黄州群和法洞群下部.为了与邻区及世界其他地区同时期地层进行对比,对黄州群(从下到上分为坪山组、中和组、黑桥组和林村组)和法洞群下部(戊辰组和古丰组)进行了生物地层学和碳酸盐岩碳和氧同位素分析.生物地层学研究表明,坪山组和中和组分别不早于寒武系第三阶和第四阶.坪山组δ13C值变化范围为0~-3.1‰,中和组为-4.7‰~2.0‰,黑桥组为-1.0‰~2.4‰,林村组为-2.6‰~0.4‰,戊辰组为-1.3‰~0.4‰,古丰组为-1.0‰~2.4‰.综合对比分析,坪山组、中和组和黑桥组大致对应寒武系第三阶-第四阶,林村组大致对应第二统与苗岭统界线附近,古丰组大致对应芙蓉统.中和组上部-黑桥组(正漂移)、林村组下部(负漂移)和古丰组中部(正漂移)记录的3个碳同位素漂移事件可能分别对应MICE(mIngxinsi carbon isotope excursion)、ROECE(redlichiid-olenellid extinction carbon isotope excursion)和SPICE(steptoean positive carbon isotope excursion)全球性事件.Abstract: The Cambrian strata in the Pyongnam basin in Korea include the Hwangju Group and the lower Bopdong Group. To compare the Cambrian strata of this basin with those in the adjacent regions and areas beyond, this paper performs biostratigraphy research and isotope analysis of carbon and oxygen isotopes of typical carbonates of the Hwangju Group (the Pyongsan, Junghwa, Hukgyo and Rimchon Fms.) and the lower Bopdong Group (the Mujin and Kopung Fms.). Based on biostratigraphic research, the Pyongsan and Junghua Formations should be no lower than Stage 3 and Stage 4, respectively. δ13C values in the Pyongsan Fm. range from 0 to -3.1‰, Junghua -4.7‰ to 2.0‰, Hukgyo -1.0‰ to 2.4‰, Rimchon -2.6‰ to 0.4‰, Mujin -1.3‰ to 0.4‰, and Kopung -1.0‰ to 2.4‰. Synthetically, it is argued that the Pyongsan, Junghua and Hukgyo Fms. belong to Stages 3-4 of Cambrian, the Rimchon Fm. is around the boundary of Series 2 and Miaoling Series, and the Kopung Fm. belongs to the Furong Series of Cambrian. And the three carbon excursions in the upper Junghwa-Hukgyo Fm. (positive), the lower Rimchon Fm. (negative) and the middle Kopung Fm. (positive) are comparable to the global events of the mIngxinsi carbon isotope excursion, redlichiid-olenellid extinction carbon isotope excursion and steptoean positive carbon isotope excursion, respectively.
Key words:
- North China craton /
- Korean Peninsula /
- Pyongnam basin /
- Cambrian /
- carbon isotope excursion /
- biostratigraphy
图 2 平南盆地寒武系地层代表性三叶虫(a~b)和腕足类(c~g)化石照片
a.Hsuaspis coreanicus(中和组);b.Oryctocephalus longispinformis(黑桥组);c.Obolus margaritae(中和组);d.Botsfordia granulata(黑桥组);e.Obolus linyuensis(戊辰组);f.Lingulella tangshihensis(戊辰组);g.Acrothele asiatica(戊辰组).参见Paek et al.(1996)
Fig. 2. Representative fossils in the strata of the Cambrian in the Pyongnam basin
图 4 平南盆地寒武系碳酸盐岩δ13C-δ18O相关图
Fig. 4. Correlation diagram of δ18O and δ13C of carbonates of the Cambrian carbonate rock in the Pyongnam basin
图 5 平南盆地寒武系地层柱状图及碳酸盐岩δ13C值变化
地层柱修改自Paek et al.(1996),地层总厚度约1 300 m.坪山组及中和组据金明哲等(2016)
Fig. 5. Cambrian strata column and variation of the δ13C values of carbonate samples in the Pyongnam basin
图 6 朝鲜平南盆地与华南、西伯利亚、北美等地寒武系碳酸盐岩同位素值变化对比
Fig. 6. Comparison of carbon isotope of the Cambrian carbonates in the Pyongnam basin with those equivalents in South China, Siberia and Northern America
表 1 平南盆地寒武系碳酸盐岩的碳和氧稳定同位素组成
Table 1. Carbon and oxygen isotopes of the Cambrian carbonates from the Pyongnam basin
层位 岩石 样品号 13Ccarb
(‰, VPDB)18Ocarb
(‰, VPDB)古丰组 灰岩 16-Jc-33 -1 -13 泥质灰岩 16-Jc-32 -0.9 -15.3 泥质灰岩 16-Jc-31 -0.9 -15.6 白云岩 16-Jc-30 0.4 -8.6 白云岩 16-Jc-29 -0.6 -8.5 白云岩 16-Jc-27 0.6 -11.4 白云岩 15-S-17 1.8 -7.6 白云岩 16-Jc-26 1.4 -11.7 白云岩 15-S-15 0.4 -7.8 灰岩 16-Jc-24 0.6 -10.3 白云岩 15-S-14 0.9 -7.9 粘土质灰岩 16-Jc-23 2.4 -9.9 白云岩 16-Jc-22 0.2 -9.6 白云岩 16-Jc-20 0.4 -10.3 白云岩 16-Jc-19 0.4 -9.9 白云岩 15-S-12 0.5 -7.8 白云岩 15-S-10 0.7 -9.6 白云岩 16-Jc-17 0.3 -10.7 戊辰组 泥灰岩 16-Jc-15 -0.2 -9.9 粘土质灰岩 16-Jc-14 0.1 -13.8 粘土质灰岩 16-Jc-13 0 -9.9 灰岩 15-S-8 0.4 -9.7 粘土质灰岩 16-Jc-12 0.3 -9.5 灰岩 15-S-7 -1.3 -8.8 粘土质灰岩 16-Jc-11 0.3 -9.2 林村组 灰岩 16-Ku-2 -0.8 -11.5 灰岩 16-Jc-10 0.4 -14 灰岩 16-Ku-1 -2.6 -8.1 粘土质灰岩 16-Jc-9 -2.5 -12.1 粘土质灰岩 16-Jc-7 -0.9 -10.3 灰岩 16-Jc-6 -0.8 -12.6 灰岩 16-Sh-2 0.1 -10.4 灰岩 16-Sh-1 -0.3 -11.7 黑桥组 灰岩 14-J-24 -1.0 -11.7 灰岩 14-J-20 0.2 -16.9 灰岩 15-J-24 2.4 -10.5 灰岩 15-J-23 1.2 -8.8 -
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