Trace Element Systematics of Granulite-Facies Rutile
摘要: 麻粒岩是研究地壳演化最重要的变质岩类,金红石作为麻粒岩中常见的副矿物之一,深入探究其微量元素体系特点,可为大陆地壳演化研究提供新的视角.根据麻粒岩金红石的基础数据(显微结构、微量元素、离子替换方式)以及地壳常见造岩矿物的微量元素特点,初步探讨了麻粒岩变质过程中微量元素行为和扩散效应.麻粒岩金红石Zr含量可记录不同阶段的变质温度,但次生锆石和钛铁矿可对其Zr含量有较大影响,作为孤立体系(不与锆石和石英平衡)的金红石不能用于温度计算;金红石Nb、Ta、Cr和V不仅受全岩成分控制,还与变质过程中黑云母、钛铁矿、蓝晶石等矿物的形成和分解紧密相关;金红石与富Fe矿物之间有强烈的Fe扩散效应.深入理解麻粒岩变质过程中金红石微量元素行为,可为限定大陆地壳变质演化和动力学过程提供重要的矿物学信息.Abstract: Granulite is the most important metamorphic rock type for the study of crust evolution. As a common accessary mineral in granulite, rutile provides a new research window for the evolution of the continental crust. Based on fundamental information for granulite-facies rutile (microtextures, trace elements, and cation substitution) and related trace elements in major rock-forming minerals in the crust, this paper discusses the potential trace element behaviors and diffusion effects during granulite-facies metamorphism, which have received much less attention than eclogite ones during the last decades. The Zr contents in granulite-facies rutile may reflect metamorphic temperatures of different metamorphic stages; however, the formation of secondary zircon and/or ilmenite would significantly affect the Zr contents of former rutile via diffusion effects. The isolated rutile that is not equilibrated with zircon and quartz (e.g., rutile boundaries close to the secondary zircon and ilmenite, orientated rutile needles in garnet) cannot be used to calculate temperatures by Zr-in-rutile thermometer. The Nb, Ta, Cr and V contents of granulite-facies rutile are largely influenced by bulk-rock composition and by the formation and breakdown of biotite, ilmenite and kyanite. In addition, the Fe contents of rutile adjacent to garnet may be significantly modified due to the fast diffusion rate of Fe. Understanding the behaviors of rutile trace elements during granulite-facies metamorphism can provide important mineral constraints for the metamorphic evolution and dynamic processes of the continental crust.
Key words:
- granulite /
- rutile /
- trace element systematics /
- Zr-in-rutile thermometer /
- diffusion effect /
- petrology
图 1 麻粒岩金红石显微照片中所显示的常见显微结构
图a、d、e、f为单偏光电子显微照片;图b、c为电子背散射图像;a.石榴石边部的基质金红石和内部的金红石包裹体,样品:缅甸Mogok变质带泥质麻粒岩;b.条纹长石内部的自形金红石包裹体,样品:喀麦隆蓝晶石泥质麻粒岩;c.石榴石中的金红石-黑云母-石英多晶包裹体,样品:喀麦隆蓝晶石泥质麻粒岩;d.环边状石榴石(“红眼圈”)中的金红石包裹体,样品:巴基斯坦Stak基性麻粒岩;e.石英中的金红石棒状体,样品:意大利北部Ivrea-Verbano泥质麻粒岩,据Ewing et al.(2013);f.石榴石中的定向金红石棒状体,样品:美国Acadian造山带泥质麻粒岩,据Ague and Eckert(2012)
Fig. 1. Microphotographs showing common microtextures of granulite-facies rutile
图 2 麻粒岩中与金红石相关的次生锆石和钛铁矿
a.金红石中的锆石棒状体;b.金红石边部发育细粒次生锆石,内部发育钛铁矿条纹;c.基质金红石边部的钛铁矿;d.次生钛铁矿贯穿基质金红石;其中图a、b来自于意大利北部Ivrea-Verbano泥质麻粒岩,据Ewing et al.(2013);图c、d来自于缅甸Mogok变质带泥质麻粒岩
Fig. 2. Secondary zircon and ilmenite replacing rutile
图 3 地壳岩石中主要造岩矿物HFSE和Cr含量对比
Fig. 3. HFSE and Cr concentrations of major rock-forming minerals in the crust
图 4 南极泥质麻粒岩样品(Z7-14-5)金红石微量元素
Fig. 4. Rutile trace elements concentrations in a felsic granulite sample (Z7-14-5) from East Antarctica
图 5 加拿大太古代Pikwitonei泥质麻粒岩(样号589)的金红石V-Cr(a)和V-Nb(b)相关系图解
Fig. 5. Cr-V (a) and Nb-V (b) concentration diagrams of metamorphic rutile grains from a pelitic granulite (sample 589) of the Archean Pikwitonei granulite domain, Canada
图 7 金红石内部各元素扩散系数对比
数据来源:Zr, Hf据Cherniak et al.(2007);Pb据Cherniak(2000);Ba据Nakayama and Sasaki(1963);Nb, Ta据Marschall et al.(2013);Sc, Cr, Fe, Mn, Co据Sasaki et al.(1985);Ti据van Orman and Crispin(2010).图中阴影区域代表麻粒岩相变质温度(800~1 100 ℃)
Fig. 7. Plots summarizing diffusion of various cations in rutile
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