Paleoproterozoic Metamorphism and Tectonic Evolution in Wutai-Hengshan Region, Trans-North China Orogen
摘要: 华北克拉通古元古代造山带的时空分布与构造属性尚有很大争论,一种观点认为华北克拉通从新太古代至古元古代受大洋俯冲闭合控制,在1.85~1.95 Ga之间先后发生3次陆-陆碰撞形成3条造山带,即孔兹岩带、胶-辽-吉带和中部造山带;另一种观点强调华北克拉通这3条元古代造山带在1.80~1.98 Ga之间经历了相同的漫长演化过程,指示当时特有的热俯冲和碰撞环境.通过总结中部造山带中的五台-恒山地区变质作用研究进展,阐述该区古元古代造山时代与构造属性.五台-恒山地区的主要变质岩石-构造单元包括恒山杂岩、五台杂岩和滹沱群.恒山杂岩和五台杂岩主体为新太古代TTG片麻岩和表壳岩,它们在古元古代晚期经历了两期变质作用改造.第一期变质作用为中压型,是由于陆-陆碰撞导致弧后伸展盆地闭合、地壳加厚造山所致,从南向北形成一个递增序列:包括五台群下部和南恒山杂岩南部的低角闪岩相、南恒山杂岩北部高角闪岩相和北恒山杂岩的高压麻粒岩相,其压力峰期所对应的地热梯度为~15 ℃/km.变质锆石所记录的年龄峰值随着变质程度增高而降低,依次为~1.95 Ga、~1.92 Ga和~1.85 Ga,这是因为在变质过程中锆石生长受流体和熔体行为控制:在亚固相线下,变质锆石可记录峰期变质年龄,而在超固相线条件下记录伴随熔体结晶的退变质年龄.由此确定该区中压相系变质作用压力峰期时间为~1.95 Ga,对应地壳加厚造山的峰期.加厚地壳由于重力均衡导致变质岩从深部地壳折返至中部地壳,在P-T轨迹上表现为压力峰期之后发生等温减压(ITD)至0.5~0.7 GPa,岩相学上表现为峰期石榴石分解形成斜长石"白眼圈"等,指示缺流体条件.南恒山北部高角闪岩相岩石中的变质锆石记录的折返时间为~1.92 Ga,指示第一次造山结束.第二期变质作用为中-低压型,系为板内变形所致,表现为折返至中地壳的岩石伴随挤压型剪切变形和流体注入形成平衡矿物组合.朱家坊韧性剪切带就是这次板内变形的强构造域,其中也记录了顺时针型P-T轨迹,但所反映的地壳加厚程度有限,第二期变质-变形峰期时间为~1.85 Ga.由于朱家坊韧性剪切带左行走滑,导致北恒山麻粒岩地体抬升.五台-恒山地区在1.80~1.96 Ga之间经历两期变质-变形事件,这一认识或对讨论华北克拉通其他地区的古元古代造山带演化有一定启示意义.Abstract: The tempo-spatial distribution and tectonic attribute of the Paleoproterozoic orogens of the North China Craton (NCC) are strongly controversial. One model argues that three times of continental collision occurred sequentially during the period of 1.85-1.95 Ga in the NCC, resulted in the formation of three Paleoproterozoic orogens, i.e. the Khondalite belt, Jiao-Liao-Ji belt and the Trans-North China orogen (TNCO). The other model contests that the above three orogens may have experienced the same long-lived evolutional history within the period of 1.80-1.98 Ga, suggesting particular hot subduction and collision in Paleoproterozoic. Summarizing the recent advances of the study on metamorphism in the Wutai-Hengshan region, this paper presents the time and tectonic attribute of the Paleoproterozoic orogeny. The main litho-structural units in the Wutai-Hengshan region include the Hengshan complex, Wutai complex and Hutuo Group. The Hengshan and Wutai complexes are recognized to have undergone two phases of metamorphism. The first phase was identified to be a medium-pressure type, which was attributed to resulting from a crust thickening orogeny related to the closure of back-arc basins due to continental collision. A progressive metamorphic series can be revealed, including, from south to north, the low-amphibolite facies of the lower Wutai Group and the southern part of the south Hengshan complex, the high-amphibolite facies of the northern part of the south Hengshan complex and the high-pressure granulite facies of the north Hengshan complex, with their pressure peak conditions corresponding to a geothermal gradient of~15℃/km. With increasing in metamorphic grade, the peak ages from metamorphic zircons show a decreasing trend, which are~1.95 Ga, ~1.92 Ga and~1.85 Ga for the low-amphibolite, high-amphibolite and granulite facies rocks respectively. This is because zircon growth during metamorphism depends on the behaviors of fluids and melts, which results in that metamorphic zircons tend to record the time of the peak stages for metamorphism under subsolidus conditions, but to date the retrograde stage with melt crystallization during metamorphism under suprasolidus conditions. As a result, the pressure peak stage of the medium-pressure type metamorphism is determined to be~1.95 Ga, also equivalent to the peak stage of the crust-thickening orogeny. Due to gravity isostasy in the thickening crust region, metamorphic rocks may exhume from deep crust to middle crust, displaying as the post-peak isothermal decompression (ITD) to 0.5-0.7 GPa in P-T paths, and suggested from the 'white eye socket' textures formed by the decomposition of peak garnet under fluid-absent conditions. The metamorphic zircon ages of 1.92 Ga from the high-amphibolite facies rocks of the northern part of the south Hengshan complex were interpreted to represent the decompression of medium-pressure rocks, also constraining the termination of the first-phase orogeny. The second phase of metamorphism is inferred to be a low-pressure type, resulted from deformation within-plate, and displaying as the formation of equilibrium assemblages that overprinted the exhumed medium-pressure rocks triggered by compressional shearing and fluid infiltration. The Zhujiafang shearing belt could be a high-strain zone produced in this within-plate deformation, which also records a clockwise P-T path, but indicating limited crustal thickening. The second phase of metamorphism and deformation was constrained to occur mainly at~1.85 Ga. The sinistral strike-slip of the Zhujiafang shearing belt may have resulted in the uplifting of the north Hengshan granulite terranes. Two phases of metamorphism and deformation were proposed to have occurred within the period of 1.80-1.96 Ga in the Wutai-Hengshan region, which could be significant for discussing the Paleoproterozoic orogenic evolution from the other domains in the NCC.
Key words:
- metamorphism /
- P-T path /
- Hengshan complex /
- Wutai complex /
- tectonic evolution /
- Trans-North China orogen /
- petrology
图 1 华北中部造山带地质略图(a),五台-恒山地区地质图(b)
图 1a中变质地体缩写:CD.承德;DF.登封;FP.阜平;HA.怀安;HS.恒山;LL.吕梁;NH.冀北;TH.太华;WT.五台;XH.宣化;ZH.赞皇;ZT.中条.图a据Zhao et al.(2007)修改;图b据Kröner et al.(2006)和Li et al.(2008)修改
Fig. 1. A geological sketch of the Trans-North China orogen (a), a geological sketch of the Wutai-Hengshan region (b)
图 2 北恒山杂岩的野外及岩相学特征
a.大石峪基性高压麻粒岩布丁(GRN),围岩为混合岩化TTG片麻岩和二长花岗岩脉体(GRA);b.基性高压麻粒岩布丁中石榴石变斑晶发育白眼圈结构,从布丁内部向外部,变成斜长石假象;c.TTG片麻岩中基性麻粒岩小布丁(GRN)中石榴石全部变成斜长石假象;d.TTG片麻岩中发育大量深熔脉体,脉体受到明显变形;e.显微照片(长边约1.2 mm)表示基性麻粒岩中石榴石(gt)发育斜长石(pl)冠状体,原来的单斜辉石转变为单斜辉石(cpx)+斜长石和斜方辉石(opx)构成的后成合晶;f.显微照片(长边约1.5 mm)表示基性麻粒岩中粗大角闪石(hb)晶体包裹早期石榴石等
Fig. 2. Field and petrographic characteristics of the north Hengshan complex
图 3 北恒山杂岩基性麻粒岩石榴石成分环带(a)和变质作用P-T轨迹(b)
图引自张颖慧(2013);图a:Xalm, Xgr, Xpy和Xsp,高压麻粒岩样品H944(样品位置见图 1)中石榴石的铁铝榴石、钙铝榴石、镁铝榴石和锰铝榴石组分;C, M, R.核部、幔部和边部;图b:WBS.基性岩饱和水固相线,据Schmidt and Poli(1998);WGS.花岗岩饱和水固相线,据Johannes and Holtz(1996);C、M.依据石榴石核部到幔部成分确定的P-T条件;变质相界限魏春景等(2017):EC.榴辉岩相;GR.麻粒岩相;HAM.高角闪岩相;HGR.高压麻粒岩相;LAM.低角闪岩相
Fig. 3. arnet zoning (a) and metamorphic P-T path (b) for basic granulites from the north Hengshan complex
图 4 南恒山杂岩的岩相学特征
a.英云闪长质片麻岩;b.石榴斜长角闪岩,石榴石发育“白眼圈”结构;c.石榴石直闪石岩;d.直闪石岩中的红柱石(and)脉体,其中残留有蓝晶石(ky);e.变质基性岩墙侵入TTG片麻岩,明显切割围岩面理;f.显微照片显示半自形岩浆斜长石周围出现串珠状石榴石,构成“红眼圈”结构.矿物代号见图 2
Fig. 4. Petrographic characteristics of rocks in the south Hengshan complex
图 5 南恒山石榴斜长角闪岩和石榴直闪石岩变质作用P-T轨迹
图据Qian et al.(2015)、Qian and Wei(2016);WBS.基性岩饱和水固相线,据Schmidt and Poli(1998);WGS.花岗岩饱和水固相线,据Johannes and Holtz(1996);GOR.石榴直闪石岩;H1301、H1307和H1313为石榴斜长角闪岩(详见文本);变质相界限引自Oh and Liou(1998)、魏春景等(2017):BS.蓝片岩相;EAM.绿帘角闪岩相;EC.榴辉岩相;GR.麻粒岩相;HAM.高角闪岩相;HGR.高压麻粒岩相;LAM.低角闪岩相,红柱石(and)、夕线石(sill)和蓝晶石(ky)之间的相平衡关系是利用THERMOCALC程序计算的
Fig. 5. Metamorphic P-T paths for garnet orthoamphibole rocks and garnet amphibolites from the south Hengshan complex
图 7 金岗库组中的石榴云母片岩和石榴斜长角闪岩的特征与石榴石成分环带
a.石榴云母片岩;b.强变形石榴斜长角闪岩;c.石榴云母片岩(W109)中石榴石成分环带引自Trap et al.(2012);d.石榴斜长角闪岩(H1228)中石榴石成分环带引自Qian and Wei(2016)
Fig. 7. Field characteristics and garnet zoning of garnet mica schists and garnet amphibolites in the Jingangku Formation
图 8 金岗库组石榴斜长角闪岩和石榴云母片岩变质作用P-T轨迹
图中石榴云母片岩(W109)轨迹引自Qian et al.(2013);石榴斜长角闪岩(H1228)轨迹引自Qian and Wei(2016);南金岗库组石榴斜长角闪岩(Zhao99)轨迹引自Zhao et al.(1999).其他同图 5
Fig. 8. etamorphic P-T paths for garnet amphibolites and garnet mica schists in the Jingangku Formation
图 9 五台-恒山地区变质锆石年龄分布
为了对比,图中包括了阜平杂岩麻粒岩变质年龄;图据Qian et al.(2017)
Fig. 9. Age distribution of metamorphic zircons in the Wutai-Henghan region
图 10 五台-恒山地区古元古代两期变质作用P-T轨迹
图中第一期变质作用(图中粗实线和粗虚线)峰期条件为中压相系,年龄为~1.95 Ga;第二期变质作用(图中细实线和虚线)峰期条件为低压相系,年龄为~1.85 Ga.WT、SHS和NHS依次为五台岩群下部低角闪岩相、南恒山高角闪岩相和北恒山麻粒岩相岩石,ZJF为朱家坊韧性剪切带的P-T轨迹,OR表示南恒山直闪石岩中红柱石脉体的条件.其他同图 3和图 5
Fig. 10. P-T paths for the two phases of the Paleoproterozoic metamorphism in the Wutai-Hengshan region
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