Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Composite Flower Structures in Northern Slope of Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin
摘要: 学者们对塔中北坡走滑断层的活动期次和发育时间以及形成机制展开过一些研究,但尚未达成共识.近期高品质三维地震资料的获得,有助于对该区走滑断层展开更详细的研究.基于三维地震数据的解释,发现塔中北坡发育一系列下断穿寒武系基底、上断至中泥盆统的NNE向走滑断裂.地震剖面上显示多数走滑断裂几何学形态复杂,以上奥陶统为界,断裂呈现下部"正花状"与上部"负花状"相互叠置的"复合花状"构造样式.三维地震相干切片显示,下部断裂呈NNE向线性延伸且只分布于主位移带附近;上部断裂为NW走向,整体上呈现为右阶雁列排布.根据界面沿断层局部"隆升"高度的分析以及断层生长指数的计算可知,下部断层形成时间不早于晚奥陶世,上部雁列正断层的发育时间为中志留-中泥盆世.结合塔里木盆地周缘构造背景分析,认为下部基底断层可能发育于晚奥陶世,与古昆仑洋强烈俯冲碰撞作用相关;上部雁列断层的形成可能受控于下部基底走滑断层的活化,与阿尔金域强烈的褶皱造山作用相关.Abstract: Developmental stages and mechanisms of the strike-slip faults on the northern slope of the Tarim basin remains controversial despite many studies. However, a more detailed study of the strike-slip faults in the area is possible due to the availability of high-quality 3D seismic data now. It is found that a series of strike-slip faults, which cut through the basement strata and straight up to the Middle Devonian strata, developed in the study area based on detailed 3D seismic interpretations. On the 3D seismic profiles, the strike-slip fault shows complex geometric feature that consists of a lower positive flower structure and an upper negative flower structure that is bounded by the Late Ordovician strata. On the seismic coherency slices, the lower strike-slip faults show NE linear extension and the upper strike-slip faults are NW trending and present right-order en-echelon arrangements. According to changes of the rising height of the interface and fault throw changes, the development history of the strike-slip faults may be divided into two stages including the Late Ordovician and the Middle Silurian-Middle Devonian. Combined with tectonic background analyses on the structures surrounding Tarim basin, the lower strike-slip faults and the upper en-echelon normal faults may be genetically linked. In the Late Ordovician, the Tazhong uplift experienced a strong compression from ancient Kunlun ocean subducting in NE direction, which resulted in the formation of NNE-trending strike-slip faults. During the Middle Silurian-Middle Devonian, intense folding orogeny of the Arkin tectonic domain caused the reactivation of the lower strike-slip faults and made the formation of the en-echelon normal faults was controlled by the early-stage basement weak zones.
图 2 三维地震剖面AA′和BB′花状构造与垂直断层识别
剖面AA′和BB′位置见图 1
Fig. 2. The flower structures and vertical faults of 3D seismic profiles AA′ and BB′
图 4 塔中北坡走滑断层识别标志
a.顺南1三维工区桑塔木组顶界面(T70)相干切片;b.顺南2三维工区恰尔巴克组底界面(T74)相干切片;c.顺1三维工区东河塘组底界面(T60)相干切片;三维工区的位置见图 1
Fig. 4. Identification characteristics of strike-slip faults in northern slope of Tazhong uplift
图 5 顺1、顺南1和顺南2三维工区地震剖面走滑断裂解释
走滑断裂典型构造样式剖面位置见图 6
Fig. 5. Interpreted 3D seismic sections across the strike-slip faults from the 3D seismic volumes of S1, SN1 and SN2
图 6 顺1(a, a′)、顺南1和顺南2(b, b′)三维工区上奥陶统恰尔巴克组底界面(T74)地震相干属性切片
三维工区的位置见图 1
Fig. 6. Coherence attribute slices of the Ordovician Qiaerbake Formation bottom (T74) from the 3D seismic volumes of S1(a, a′), SN1 and SN2 (b, b′)
图 7 顺1三维工区中泥盆统克孜儿塔格组顶界面(T60)地震相干属性切片(a, a′),顺南1和顺南2三维工区下志留统柯坪塔格组顶界面(T63)地震相干属性切片(b, b′)
三维工区的位置见图 1
Fig. 7. Coherence attribute slice of Devonian Keziertage Formation top (T60) from the S1 3D seismic volumes (a, a′) and Coherence attribute slice of Silurian Kepingtage Formation top (T63) from the 3D seismic volume of SN1 and SN2 (b, b′)
图 10 雁列正断层地震解释剖面(a)和断层生长指数分析(b)
断层F1、F2、F3和剖面pro.1、pro.2、pro.3、pro.4、pro.5的位置见图 5
Fig. 10. Seismic interpretation sections (a) and fault growth index analysis (b) for en-echelon normal faults
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