Formation of Nano-Micron Pores in Conglomerate Reservoirs of Xujiaweizi Fault Depression and Their Relationship with Natural Gas Filling
摘要: 松辽盆地徐家围子断陷在沙河子组致密砂砾岩纳米-微米级的孔隙中获得了工业气流,研究纳米-微米级孔隙形成与天然气充注的关系,为勘探选区和"甜点"预测奠定基础.在分析储层岩石学、储集空间和成岩作用特征的基础上,通过储层分类和计算各成岩事件对储层物性的影响,确定了砂砾岩储层的致密成因、微米-纳米级孔隙形成机制.研究认为,断陷早期的快速沉降大量减少储层原始孔隙,在强烈的机械压实作用下,富含粘土和塑性岩屑的"超致密砂砾岩"首先致密,相对富含刚性组分的"致密砂砾岩"受中成岩B期碳酸盐胶结物的充填达到致密,晚期碳酸盐岩胶结开始形成时期对应砂砾岩大规模致密化的时期,这期间原始较大孔隙也逐渐向微米-纳米级转化.结合砂砾岩中方解石胶结物内气液烃包裹体的均一温度和地层埋藏史、热史,推断砂砾岩致密化深度为2 500 m,致密化时期为距今100 Ma.砂砾岩孔隙演化史、源岩生烃史和油气充注史综合研究表明,天然气在储层致密前、后均有充注:初次充注发生在储层致密以前,天然气的生成速率和充注强度低,形成"先成藏、后致密"型构造气藏,斜坡带上倾方向发育微构造形态的部位是"甜点"发育的有利区;成藏高峰发生在砂砾岩致密化之后,天然气"连续"充注,形成不受构造控制的、大面积分布的致密气藏,斜坡带下倾方向邻近生烃中心的河道砂砾岩体是"甜点"发育的有利区.沙河子组砂砾岩储层致密与天然气充注关系综合分析认为,沙河子组主体为"先致密、后成藏",局部为"先成藏、后致密".Abstract: Sandy on conglomerate gas prospecting in Shahezi Formation of Xujiaweizi depression has achieved initial success after several industrial gas flow wells had been drilled in reservoir space of nano-micron size. It is of great importance to determine the relationship between tight reservoir formation and natural gas charge for the exploration plan and "sweet spot" prediction. Based on the analysis of reservoir petrology, reservoir space and diagenetic evolution sequence, principal reasons and formation mechanism of nano-micron pores were determined through calculating the porosity changed by various diagenesis events. It is concluded that the quick subsidence and the huge mechanical compaction in the early diagenetic stage accelerated the damage of primary pores, resulting in the compacting of 'super-tight sandy conglomerates' which are rich in clay and plastic lithic fragments. 'Tight sandy conglomerates' which are rich in rigid components reached the tight grade in the later diagenetic process mainly due to the filling of carbonate cements, thus the formation of later carbonate cements corresponding to the densification threshold, after which the original pores reduced into nano-micron pores greatly. According to analysis of the homogeneous temperature of hydrocarbon inclusion in the calcite cement and burial-thermal history of Shahezi Formation, the compacting of sandy conglomerates happened around 2 500 m in depth and before 100 Ma. According to the comprehensive study of pore evolution history, hydrocarbon generation history and hydrocarbon filling history, gas accumulation occurred both before and after the compacting of sandy conglomerates. Before the compacting of sandy conglomerates, gas generated at a low speed and filled into the reservoir with a weak strength, forming some structural gas pools at the boundary of the depression, and therefore the upward direction of slope where micro amplitude structure developed is the favorable area for prospecting. The peak of gas accumulation occurred after reservoir compacting, characterized by high gas injection strength, forming widely distributed lithologic gas reservoirs, and thus the downdip direction of the slop where distributary channel sandbody developed and closely contact with main source rocks is the potential area for exploration.The comprehensive analysis indicates that the gas pool mainly formed after the reservoir tight with some formed before the reservoir compacting.
Key words:
- tight /
- sandy conglomerate /
- reservoir /
- gas accumulation /
- Shahezi Formation /
- Xujiaweizi depression /
- petroleum geology
图 3 沙河子组砂砾岩成岩作用显微照片
a.原生粒间孔,SS4井,2 772.21 m;b.长石溶孔,SS4井,2 274.01 m;c.火山岩屑溶孔,ZS6井,3 970.3 m;d.长石溶蚀,XT1井,3 938.56 m,杂色砂砾岩;e.碳酸盐胶结物溶孔,XS1井,4 035.08 m;f.片状绿泥石晶间微孔,SS4井,2 566.42 m;g.自生石英晶间微孔,XS401,4 529.42 m;h.溶蚀孔隙和压裂缝同时发育,DS16井,3 619.06 m;i.砾石表面压裂缝,SS6井,3 097.00 m
Fig. 3. Diagenesis micrographs of sandy conglomerate reservoirs in Shahezi Formation
图 5 沙河子组砂砾岩成岩作用类型微观图像
a.云母压弯变形,XS35井,4 352.86 m;b.岩屑压弯变形,XT1井,3 820.12 m;c.砾石颗粒凹凸接触,ZS6井,3 970.3 m;d.铁方解石胶结镶嵌状分布,SS4井2 770.71 m;e.铁白云石胶结物,DS16井,3 618.52 m;f.石英次生加大,DS4井,3 343.83 m;g.自生硅质沉淀,SS4井,2 774.01 m;h.绿泥石衬边胶结,绿泥石膜外部发育微晶石英,XS801井,4 029.02 m;i.半蜂窝状伊蒙混层,SS4井,3 155.76 m;j.长石溶孔,SS4井,2 274.01 m;k.碳酸盐交代岩屑,DS15井,3 732.31 m;l.泥质重结晶,FS10井,3 689.51 m
Fig. 5. Microscopic diagenesis images of sandy conglomerates in Shahezi Formation
表 1 沙河子组砂砾岩储层试气成果
Table 1. Gas test results of sandy conglomerates in Shahezi Formation
井号 井段(km) 岩性 孔隙度(%) 渗透率(10-3 μm2) 压裂后产能(m3/d) XS401 4.37~4.38 砂砾岩 5.8 0.16 55 089 XT1 3.94~4.04 砂砾岩 6.5 0.08 91 025 DS3 3.79~3.80 砂砾岩 4.5 0.03 34 624 ZS12 3.72~3.75 砂砾岩 3.9 0.04 18 301 XS1 4.43~4.46 砂砾岩 4.0 0.03 14 825 SS5 2.96~3.04 砂砾岩 3.7 0.02 3 580 XS801 4.00~4.02 砂砾岩 2.8 0.01 6 580 CS6 3.23~3.26 砂砾岩 2.2 0.01 340 DS401 3.41~3.43 砂砾岩 2.0 0.01 880 表 2 沙河子组砂砾岩孔隙结构压汞测试参数
Table 2. Pore structure parameters of sandy conglomerates in Shahezi Formation based on mercury injection tests
井号 深度(m) 孔隙度(%) 渗透率(10-3 μm2) 排驱压力(MPa) 最大孔喉半径(μm) 平均半径(μm) 均质系数 退汞效率(%) 最大进汞饱和度(%) XS401 4 524.62 1.9 0.01 30.9 0.02 0.01 0.41 20.8 45.1 FS8 4 145.43 2.7 0.01 10.3 0.07 0.02 0.30 44.8 62.5 XS801 4 029.02 3.7 0.14 1.36 0.54 0.14 0.26 34.0 32.4 SS4 3 156.16 4.2 0.03 2.74 0.27 0.06 0.22 50.2 49.1 SHS6 3 211.03 5.4 0.05 2.74 0.07 0.08 0.30 28.3 64.4 SS4 2 774.01 8.2 0.07 1.36 0.53 0.12 0.23 30.3 73.1 表 3 不同成岩作用对沙河子组砂砾岩储层孔隙演化的影响
Table 3. The effect of different diagenesis events on porosity evolution of sandy conglomerates in Shahezi Formation
类型 原始孔隙度(%) 压实作用损失孔隙度(%) 早期胶结损失孔隙度(%) 溶蚀作用增加孔隙度(%) 晚期胶结损失孔隙度(%) 破裂作用增加孔隙度(%) 计算目前孔隙度(%) 实测目前孔隙度(%) 平均误差(%) 样品数 超致密砂砾岩 26.1~33.2
2.70.3 30 致密砂砾岩 27.5~35.6
6.00.4 22 -
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