Quantitative Evaluation of Fault Vertical Sealing Ability of 1st Structure in Nanpu Sag
摘要: 通过对断裂带内部结构及其特征研究发现,断层岩是断层构成的重要部分,断层垂向封闭能力的强弱关键取决于油气运移方向断层岩与下伏储层岩石的排替压力差.若断层岩排替压力大于等于储层岩石,断层垂向封闭,其封闭能力的大小取决于二者排替压力差值的大小,差值越大,断层垂向封闭能力越强;反之断层垂向开启.断层岩的排替压力大小受泥质含量、压实成岩程度、岩石结构方向性等因素的影响,其泥质含量越高、压实成岩程度越大、断面方向与铅直方向夹角越小,断层岩排替压力越大.基于断层垂向封闭机理及影响因素,综合实验室不同角度泥岩样品排替压力测试结果与岩石力学分解关系,在确定与目标点断层岩具有相同压实成岩程度围岩地层的基础上,建立了一套定量评价断层垂向封闭能力的方法,并将其应用于渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷1号构造内典型断层垂向封闭能力评价中,结果表明:f1断层在不同测线处的断-储排替压力差为-0.114~1.035 MPa,除L7~L11测线处其他测线内断层岩排替压力均大于储层岩石,断层垂向封闭,与油气分布吻合关系较好.通过与未考虑岩石结构方向性方法的比较,证实该方法具有更好的可行性和更高的可信度.Abstract: The study of the internal structure and its characteristics of fault zone shows that fault rock constitutes an important part of fault with universal distribution in fault, and the vertical sealing ability of fault is mainly determined by the difference of capillary entry pressure between fault rock and underlying reservoir rock. The fault is sealed when the capillary entry pressure of fault rock is not smaller than that of reservoir rock. In addition, the sealing ability is determined by the degree of capillary entry pressure difference, the greater the difference, the stronger the sealing ability of fault, and vice versa. The capillary entry pressure of fault rock depends on mud content, diagenetic degree and structure directionality of rock. The higher the mud content and the larger the degree of diagenesis, the smaller the angle between fault surface and vertical direction, which results in the greater the capillary entry pressure. Based on the fault vertical sealing mechanism and multiple geological factors, in combination with the results of capillary entry pressure of mudstone samples in different angles under laboratory conditions and the relation of rock mechanics decomposition, a set of method that could evaluate the fault vertical sealing ability is then established on the basis of determining the surrendering rock which has the same diagenetic degree with the target fault rock. Then the method was applied to evaluation of the fault sealing ability of 1st structure of Nanpu sag. The results indicate that the differences of capillary entry pressures of fault rock and reservoir rock in different survey lines of Fault f1 are from -0.114 MPa to 1.035 MPa, the capillary entry pressures of fault rock are larger than that of reservoir rock except for the survey Lines L1 to L7, that fault is sealed invertical direction, which is consistent with oil and gas distribution law. The method is proved more feasible and credible by comparison of the results with those calculated by method which ignores the structure directionality of rock.
表 1 不同方向岩石排替压力实测值与分解法计算值间关系
Table 1. The relation of capillary entry pressure by measurement and calculation (applicable for normal fault)
样品1 样品2 断层倾角(°) 90 75 60 45 90 75 60 45 实测值(MPa) 2.68 2.43 2.16 1.96 4.55 4.16 3.82 3.33 计算值(MPa) 2.68 2.59 2.32 1.90 4.55 4.39 3.94 3.22 误差(%) 0 6.73 7.61 3.31 0 5.53 3.25 3.27 表 2 南堡凹陷1号构造f1断层垂向封闭性评价参数
Table 2. Evaluation data of fault vertical sealing of Fault f1 in 1st structure of Nanpu sag
测线号 现今埋深(m) 断层岩 储层岩石 断-储排替压力差(MPa) 泥质含量(%) 断层倾角(°) 压实成岩埋深(m) 垂直断层方向排替压力(MPa) 油气运移方向排替压力(MPa) 泥质含量(%) 储层倾角(°) 垂直储层方向排替压力(MPa) 油气运移方向排替压力(MPa) 1 2 876.5 36.49 61.81 128.42 0.421 0.786 30.53 14.63 0.747 0.548 0.238 2 2 869.3 44.03 56.65 149.07 0.431 0.655 30.53 8.87 0.760 0.563 0.092 3 2 901.7 40.92 47.67 184.67 0.436 0.479 30.51 16.41 0.786 0.408 0.070 4 2 887.3 35.12 47.35 184.87 0.430 0.467 30.51 19.07 0.749 0.355 0.112 5 2 963.4 42.05 61.32 134.40 0.426 0.779 30.49 14.41 0.789 0.576 0.203 6 2 985.3 39.61 45.16 198.94 0.438 0.440 30.61 10.94 0.783 0.440 0.000 7 3 000.0 36.83 39.54 218.64 0.438 0.362 30.66 2.57 0.791 0.476 -0.114 8 2 996.3 34.39 42.53 208.67 0.434 0.398 30.67 3.42 0.804 0.507 -0.109 9 2 959.8 33.91 44.30 200.19 0.432 0.422 30.65 4.41 0.801 0.514 -0.092 10 2 927.0 31.94 47.76 185.96 0.428 0.471 30.63 1.83 0.781 0.561 -0.090 11 2 956.1 30.97 49.03 183.17 0.426 0.491 30.52 6.02 0.769 0.525 -0.034 12 3 047.8 31.75 53.53 171.21 0.425 0.575 30.46 9.86 0.792 0.547 0.028 13 3 040.4 31.47 53.20 172.12 0.425 0.568 30.23 13.22 0.788 0.506 0.062 14 3 122.1 31.33 61.98 138.61 0.420 0.789 26.77 11.58 0.690 0.531 0.258 15 3 073.7 28.68 66.27 116.90 0.415 0.944 26.77 14.63 0.687 0.539 0.405 16 3 096.0 27.30 66.12 118.45 0.414 0.936 26.77 11.91 0.701 0.569 0.367 17 3 144.5 25.14 62.43 137.54 0.415 0.796 26.77 6.56 0.711 0.589 0.207 18 3 178.3 23.42 65.14 126.27 0.413 0.891 26.77 15.02 0.713 0.547 0.344 19 3 185.8 22.43 67.65 114.49 0.411 1.000 24.81 9.72 0.669 0.567 0.433 20 3 315.0 23.63 74.98 81.19 0.408 1.521 21.62 8.27 0.561 0.515 1.005 21 3 212.2 30.26 75.05 78.31 0.410 1.536 21.41 12.84 0.567 0.501 1.035 22 3 315.0 33.36 69.73 108.54 0.416 1.127 22.77 16.31 0.599 0.481 0.646 23 3 322.7 40.23 66.42 125.61 0.423 0.970 23.72 8.99 0.638 0.537 0.432 24 3 396.0 40.16 60.92 155.99 0.429 0.772 19.79 9.67 0.513 0.400 0.372 25 3 380.5 43.12 65.98 130.04 0.426 0.956 18.06 4.87 0.475 0.415 0.541 26 3 399.8 43.79 64.90 136.30 0.428 0.913 16.38 12.14 0.427 0.340 0.573 27 3 509.2 42.23 64.11 144.81 0.429 0.883 14.68 7.58 0.393 0.328 0.555 28 3 470.0 44.39 55.60 185.27 0.439 0.642 13.80 4.47 0.369 0.287 0.354 29 3 548.7 44.34 64.22 145.86 0.430 0.891 13.16 8.20 0.359 0.298 0.593 30 3 485.7 43.35 71.49 104.58 0.421 1.257 12.19 11.84 0.337 0.291 0.966 -
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