Boundary Determining and Type Dividing of Tectonics Hinge Zone for Oil & Gas Significance
摘要: 中国中西部发育大量的叠合盆地,中深层纵向上形成了隆起、凹陷、正向叠加(古隆起)、负向叠加(凹陷或洼陷)、跷跷板式等叠加样式.它们对于油气的富集与保存有着不同的作用.跷跷板式叠加作用是盆地边缘最为常见的叠加样式.分析表明,在盆地垂向调整、改造过程中构造枢纽带是必然产物,是调整范围的一部分,是新的构造圈闭区范围.向盆地区也存在调整区,地层产状变缓,但方向没有改变.构造枢纽带后方,下部层位产状发生极性变化.构造枢纽带位置在地质历史是变化的.随着造山带向盆地的推进,枢纽带有不断向盆内推进的趋势,形成继承型、新生和反转型(废弃)3种类型的构造枢纽带.其中晚期继承型最有利油气的富集保存;晚期新生构造枢纽带有利油气聚集;反转型(废弃)构造枢纽带不利于油气的保存.Abstract: Superposed basins are well developed in West China. There are uplift (or ancient uplift) and depression, positive superposition, negative superposition or sag, and seesaw styles. Different superposed styles have different roles for enrichment and preservation of oil and gas. Seesaw type is the most common in edge of basin superimposed style. Analysis shows that in the process of basin vertical adjustment, the transformation of tectonic hub is the inevitable product and part of the adjusting range, it includes area which is a new structure trap area. There are adjusted to basin region area, stratigraphic trend slow, but the direction has not changed. Behind the hinge zone structure, the lower strata trend change polarity. The position of the tectonics hinge zone is variational with basin history. The tectonics hinge zone constantly advanced within the basin evolution, three types of structure were formed that were inheritance tectonics hinge zone, the new tectonics hinge zone, and inversion (abandoned) tectonics hinge zone. Late inherit tectonics hinge zone is the most favorable for oil and gas enrichment; Late tectonic new tectonics hinge zone is favorable for oil and gas accumulation; Reverse tectonics hinge zone (abandoned tectonics hinge zone) is unfavorable for oil and gas preservation.
Key words:
- superimposed basin /
- seesaw move /
- adjust /
- tectonics hinge zone /
- petroleum geology
图 5 塔西南-巴楚及玉北地区地震剖面(OGZ30+272.6)
剖面位置见图 6
Fig. 5. 5Seismic profiles of southwest Tarim, Bachu and Yubei area
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