Spatial Distribution and Mobilization of Iodine in Groundwater System of North China Plain: Taking Hydrogeological Section from Shijiazhuang, Hengshui to Cangzhou as an Example
摘要: 高碘地下水是继高砷、高氟地下水之后的又一全球性饮水安全问题,但对地下水系统中碘的赋存形态及迁移富集机理研究尚显不足.为了解华北平原地下水系统中碘的空间分布特征及迁移富集规律,选取石家庄-衡水-沧州典型水文地质剖面,完成地下水样品采集,分析其水化学组成、总碘含量及碘形态组成特征,同时运用phreeqc完成水文地质剖面地球化学反向模拟及相关矿物饱和指数计算,定性定量表征水流场内所发生的水文地球化学过程,进而深入探讨上述过程对地下水系统碘迁移富集的影响.结果表明,区域内地下水中碘含量变化范围为3.35~1 106.00 μg/L,其中,41.86%样品碘含量超过《水源性高碘地区和地方性高碘甲状腺肿病区的规定(GB/T19380-2003)》所界定的150 μg/L国家标准;空间上,高碘地下水主要分布于渤海湾区;地下水中碘的主要赋存形态为碘离子及碘酸根离子,其分布受氧化还原环境控制,碘酸根离子主要出现于氧化环境中;沿地下水流向,地下水环境朝利于液相碘迁移富集的方向演变;渤海湾区,海水入侵影响下形成的偏碱性、(弱)还原环境,利于碘从沉积物中迁移释放至地下水中;碘在不同铁矿物相上的搭载能力及氧化还原环境演化导致的铁矿物相转化,是造成华北平原地下水系统中碘迁移富集的主要水文地球化学过程.Abstract: High iodine groundwater is another global drinking water safety problem in addition to after high arsenic and high fluorine groundwater. However, the research on the existing forms of iodine and the mechanisms of migration and enrichment of iodine in groundwater system is still insufficient research on the existing forms of iodine and the mechanisms of migration and enrichment of iodine in groundwater system. To understand spatial distribution and mobilization of iodine in groundwater system of North China plain(NCP), a hydrochemical study was conducted. The results show that iodine concentration in groundwater from NCP rangesd from 3.35 to 1 106 μg/L, and 41.86% of groundwater samples has iodine concentration exceeding drinking water level (150 μg/L) recommended by Chinese government. High iodine groundwater (>150 μg/L) is mainly distributed in deep aquifers of Bohai bay area. The main species of groundwater iodine include mainly diodide and iodate, the distribution of which is controlled by redox environment of groundwater, and iodate mainly occurs in oxidizing condition. Along the groundwater flow path from Shijiazhuang, Hengshui to Cangzhou, hydrochemical evolution and inverse modeling were performed to understand the groundwater environment favoring iodine enrichment in groundwater. The results of hydrochemical evolution showed that at Bohai bay area, the weak-alkalinity and (sub)reducing environment influenced by seawater intrusion favor the iodine release and enrichment in groundwater.The adsorption equilibration of iodine among metal oxyhydroxides under various environments is the primary hydrogeochemical process controlling iodine mobilization in the groundwater system of the North China plain.
Key words:
- iodine /
- mobilization /
- groundwater /
- North China Plain
表 1 华北平原第四系地层、岩性、含水层组和海侵划分
Table 1. Events of Quaternary marine transgressions at North China Plain (NCP)
符号 岩性描述 底界埋深 总厚度 含水层组 海侵 全新统 Q4 含淤泥质粉土、粉质粘土夹细砂粉砂 15~30 m,局部为60~70 m 20~30 m 第1含水层组 天津海侵 上更新统 Q3 粉土、粉质粘土、粉细砂、中细砂、卵石 10~170 m 50~150 m 第2含水层组 白洋淀、沧州海侵 中更新统 Q2 粉质粘土夹砂、砾石 250~350 m 80~180 m 第3含水层组 海兴、黄骅海侵 下更新统 Q1 厚层粘土、粉质粘土夹砂 350~550 m 100~200 m 第4含水层组 渤海海侵 表 2 样品数据统计
Table 2. Statistical description of chemical composition of groundwater samples from NCP
Ⅰ区 Ⅱ区 Ⅲ区 最小值 最大值 平均值 中位数 标准差 最小值 最大值 平均值 中位数 标准差 最小值 最大值 平均值 中位数 标准差 总碘(μg/L) 3.35 20.99 8.82 7.23 5.03 7.66 138.00 54.12 37.74 41.82 197.80 1 106.00 598.00 546.40 282.20 碘酸根(μg/L) ND 17.63 3.26 2.18 5.21 ND 115.50 16.24 ND 32.42 ND 694.60 134.80 3.88 228.50 碘离子(μg/L) 0.87 11.56 2.24 1.11 3.30 0.70 91.21 29.50 16.12 29.80 34.47 854.00 424.80 358.30 259.80 有机碘(μg/L) 2.07 5.91 3.32 2.83 1.16 ND 20.2 8.65 7.01 6.92 -17.19 296.10 43.63 4.98 85.14 pH 7.25 8.36 7.62 7.49 0.38 7.64 8.55 8.16 8.16 0.21 7.80 8.34 8.048 8.10 0.15 TDS(mg/L) 269.5 817.7 461.9 309.2 222.3 391.1 866.4 671.2 702.8 158.4 892.0 2 400.0 1 480.0 1 498.0 373.4 Eh(mV) 122.00 170.00 145.60 148.00 17.08 86.00 135.00 113.70 115.00 15.96 -214.00 126.00 -2.221 51.55 132.60 F(mg/L) 0.19 0.67 0.41 0.42 0.14 0.43 3.37 1.51 1.31 1.01 1.93 4.89 3.03 2.74 0.75 Cl/Br (摩尔比) 132.5 3 677.0 938.0 706.4 1 069.0 381.2 2 937.0 1 305.0 1 270.0 570.0 582.3 2 465.0 1 391.0 1 348.0 548.6 Cl(mg/L) 7.16 64.33 33.16 32.99 25.00 11.90 263.00 107.20 113.20 60.91 110.10 705.00 381.50 388.00 153.30 NO3(mg/L) 2.000 139.500 31.150 8.050 43.450 ND 7.050 0.900 ND 1.870 ND 5.580 1.074 ND 1.970 SO4(mg/L) 23.12 200.80 90.60 53.95 72.90 67.47 273.80 152.40 146.00 44.74 87.26 277.70 170.00 158.00 55.48 HCO3(mg/L) 188.50 400.80 293.00 289.70 64.57 91.50 477.60 280.10 283.70 125.40 280.70 550.80 428.50 418.00 80.53 K(mg/L) 1.74 5.09 2.93 2.78 0.88 0.72 2.89 1.57 1.26 0.79 0.61 4.70 2.11 1.94 0.95 Na(mg/L) 13.56 66.90 39.58 41.17 16.23 81.88 349.90 236.20 244.30 91.53 352.90 832.00 529.10 525.30 121.10 Ca(mg/L) 35.61 189.30 96.65 70.48 60.68 ND 50.57 21.27 14.45 16.15 13.26 34.45 18.94 17.08 5.62 Mg(mg/L) 12.070 30.920 20.940 20.560 7.200 3.119 19.920 10.040 8.270 6.080 7.110 57.890 15.380 11.690 11.900 Fe(μg/L) 6.80 31.20 15.68 16.65 77.95 9.8 57.10 24.21 16.00 16.14 20.00 77.83 17.34 19.04 20.36 矿物饱和指数 方解石 -0.37 0.35 -0.08 -0.24 0.29 -0.29 0.66 0.17 0.13 0.34 0.58 0.89 0.72 0.74 0.11 矿物饱和指数 钠长石 -3.5 -1.45 -2.24 -2.06 0.69 -4.93 -1.42 -2.49 -2.43 0.94 -7.56 -4.72 -6.49 -6.59 0.73 矿物饱和指数 钙长石 -4.63 -0.59 -2.41 -2.21 1.13 -5.33 -0.56 -1.41 -1.11 1.28 -5.7 -2.63 -4.19 -4.16 0.82 矿物饱和指数 萤石 -2.25 -1.36 -1.84 -1.86 0.25 -1.73 0.34 -0.67 -0.52 0.77 0.09 0.86 0.51 0.49 0.19 矿物饱和指数 岩盐 -8.2 -7.14 -7.66 -7.80 0.39 -7.90 -6.72 -7.42 -7.56 0.38 -7.46 -6.28 -6.90 -6.84 0.33 矿物饱和指数 石膏 -2.42 -1.14 -1.80 -1.88 0.56 -1.72 -0.95 -1.15 -1.12 0.23 -1.13 -0.63 -0.92 -0.95 0.13 矿物饱和指数 钾盐 -8.81 -7.65 -8.32 -8.35 0.43 -8.65 -7.39 -8.11 -8.10 0.33 -8.09 -6.71 -7.45 -7.35 0.38 矿物饱和指数 绿泥石 -9.07 -4.50 -6.73 -6.8 1.24 -14.54 -5.13 -8.49 -8.00 2.61 -15.00 -7.65 -12.02 -12.08 1.64 矿物饱和指数 高岭石 2.17 6.27 4.70 4.86 1.20 1.29 6.48 5.33 5.66 1.33 0.66 3.93 2.23 2.17 0.82 注:ND.未检出. 表 3 Phreeqc反向地球化学模拟结果
Table 3. The result of inverse modeling of phreeqc along groundwater flow path
矿物相 化学式 转移量(mmol/L) Ⅰ区 Ⅱ区 Ⅲ区 方解石 CaCO3 -1.480 0 2.500 0 1.380 0 钠长石 NaAlSi3O8 0.008 4 -3.350 0 - 钙长石 CaAl2Si2O8 -0.004 2 - -0.250 0 萤石 CaF2 0.006 0 0.075 0 - 岩盐 NaCl -1.20 4.76 8.94 石膏 CaSO4:2H2O -1.48 1.81 -1.06 钾盐 KCl 0.017 -0.040 0.025 CO2(g) CO2(g) -1.68 -2.60 - CaX2 CaX2 -0.43 -1.81 - MgX2 MgX2 -0.42 -2.55 -0.19 NaX NaX 1.69 8.73 0.37 绿泥石 Mg5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 - 0.045 0.038 高岭石 Al2Si2O5(OH)4 - 3.40 0.21 注:正值表示迁入溶液(溶解),负值表示迁出溶液(沉淀),“-”表示无相关结果. -
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