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    钱筱嫣 张志诚 陈彦 于海飞 罗志文 杨金福

    钱筱嫣, 张志诚, 陈彦, 于海飞, 罗志文, 杨金福, 2017. 内蒙古朱日和地区早古生代岩浆岩年代学、地球化学特征及其构造意义. 地球科学, 42(9): 1472-1494. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.545
    引用本文: 钱筱嫣, 张志诚, 陈彦, 于海飞, 罗志文, 杨金福, 2017. 内蒙古朱日和地区早古生代岩浆岩年代学、地球化学特征及其构造意义. 地球科学, 42(9): 1472-1494. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.545
    Qian Xiaoyan, Zhang Zhicheng, Chen Yan, Yu Haifei, Luo Zhiwen, Yang Jinfu, 2017. Geochronology and Geochemistry of Early Paleozoic Igneous Rocks in Zhurihe Area, Inner Mongolia and Their Tectonic Significance. Earth Science, 42(9): 1472-1494. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.545
    Citation: Qian Xiaoyan, Zhang Zhicheng, Chen Yan, Yu Haifei, Luo Zhiwen, Yang Jinfu, 2017. Geochronology and Geochemistry of Early Paleozoic Igneous Rocks in Zhurihe Area, Inner Mongolia and Their Tectonic Significance. Earth Science, 42(9): 1472-1494. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.545


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.545

    国家重点基础研究发展计划项目 2013CB429801

    中国地质调查局地质大调查项目 1212010050503


      钱筱嫣(1992-), 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事区域大地构造研究


      张志诚, E-mail:zczhang@pku.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P548

    Geochronology and Geochemistry of Early Paleozoic Igneous Rocks in Zhurihe Area, Inner Mongolia and Their Tectonic Significance

    • 摘要: 中亚造山带早古生代的构造演化一直存在不同的认识,特别是其俯冲转为碰撞的时限.内蒙古朱日和南部的额尔登陶勒盖地区出露的早古生代岩浆岩,对于限定白乃庙岛弧的延伸方向、岛弧演化和拼贴时间具有重要意义.对额尔登地区出露的火山岩和侵入岩进行了精确的锆石SHRIMP和LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年、锆石Lu-Hf同位素和地球化学分析以确定其时代和成因.研究获得4个岩浆岩年龄,1件英安岩年龄为434.0±4.4 Ma,2件花岗岩年龄分别为432.8±2.6 Ma和428.1±1.8 Ma,此3件样品形成于早中志留世;另有1件流纹岩年龄为411.8±1.0 Ma,形成于早泥盆世.早中志留世侵入岩为低钾、过铝质钙碱性中酸性岩石,富集Rb、Th,弱富集Zr、Hf,明显亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti.在稀土配分曲线上,侵入岩均不存在Eu的负异常.其中2件花岗岩样品的锆石基本为正εHft)值(-1.19~11.51,3.32~10.28),TDM2为684~1 493 Ma及759~1 202 Ma,主要来自新生地壳;早中志留世火山岩具有中-低钾、偏铝质-过铝质、钙碱性酸性岩石特征,富集Rb、Th,弱富集Zr、Hf,明显亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti.在稀土配分曲线上,多数火山岩不存在Eu负异常.英安岩中的锆石具有正εHft)值(3.70~7.94),TDM2为912~1 183 Ma,主要来自新生地壳;而早泥盆世流纹岩(411 Ma)存在明显的Eu负异常,其锆石具有负εHft)值(-14.95~-7.07),TDM2为1.8~2.3 Ga,应为古老地壳再循环的产物,与早中志留世岩浆岩源区明显不同,可能代表构造环境的转变.综合区域地质和前人研究资料表明,早志留世英安岩和花岗岩形成于俯冲岛弧环境,白乃庙岛弧向东可延伸至本区,而早泥盆世流纹岩可能形成于后碰撞环境.


    • 图  1  中亚造山带中国北部-内蒙部分的构造格架(a)和中国北部-蒙古地区构造示意(b)

      图a据Jahn(2004)Zhang et al.(2015)Chen et al.(2016a);图b据Chen et al.(2016a, 2016b).EGFZ.东戈壁断裂带;UCM.乌里雅斯太大陆边缘带;HOB.二连-贺根山蛇绿岩带;NOB.北造山带;SZ.索伦带缝合带,HB.浑善达克地块;SOB.南造山带;NCC.华北克拉通

      Fig.  1.  Tectonic framework of the North China-Mongolian segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (a) and geologic sketch of the North China-Mongolia area (b)

      图  2  额尔登及邻区地质简图(a)、额尔登详细采样点位置(b)以及额尔登地区剖面图(c)

      图a据Luo et al.(2016)修改.图a中的数字“1, 2, …10, 11”为年龄数据位置.1.玄武岩474±7 Ma,英安岩453±7 Ma,英安岩436±9 Ma,SHRIMP(据Zhang et al., 2013).变质火山岩449±3 Ma,LA-ICP-MS(据柳长峰等, 2014);2.变质安山岩450±4 Ma,LA-ICP-MS(据谷丛楠等, 2012);3.石英闪长岩430±3 Ma,LA-ICP-MS(据Zhang et al., 2014);4.英云闪长岩421±2 Ma,英云闪长岩439±5 Ma,LA-ICP-MS(据Zhang et al., 2014);闪长岩419±10 Ma,SHRIMP(据Zhang et al., 2013);5.片麻状石英闪长岩454±14 Ma,片麻状石英闪长岩459±3 Ma,SHRIMP(据童英等, 2010);6.英云闪长岩439±3 Ma,英云闪长岩432±5 Ma,LA-ICP-MS(据Zhang et al., 2014);7.英云闪长岩442±2 Ma,SHRIMP(据白新会等, 2015);8.石英闪长岩432±2 Ma,SHRIMP(据白新会等, 2015);9.花岗斑岩271.8±3.3 Ma,LA-ICP-MS(据鲁颖淮等, 2009);10.花岗闪长岩445.6±2.7 Ma,LA-ICP-MS(据Hao and Hou, 2012);11.英安岩458±3 Ma,SHRIMP(据Jian et al.2008)

      Fig.  2.  Geological sketch of the Eerdeng and adjacent areas (a), detailed locations of the Eerdeng area (b) and geological section of the Eerdeng area (c)

      图  3  额尔登陶勒盖地区火山岩及谷讨勒地区侵入岩野外特征照片及镜下特征照片


      Fig.  3.  Field photographs and photomicromgraphs of igneous rocks at the Eerdeng and Taogule areas

      图  4  额尔登地区样品锆石阴极发光照片及测年点位


      Fig.  4.  CL images and dating spots of zircons from samples in the Eerdeng area

      图  5  锆石U-Pb年龄谐和图


      Fig.  5.  Zircons U-Pb concordia diagram from samples in the Eerdeng area

      图  6  额尔登陶勒盖和谷讨勒地区岩浆岩的TAS图解(a),K2O-SiO2图解(b),Na2O+K2O-CaO-SiO2图解(c)和A/NK-A/CNK图解(d)

      图a据MacDonald and Katsura(1964)和Le Maitre(2002);图b据Peccerillo and Taylor(1976);图c据Frost(2001);图d据Maniar and Piccoli(1989)

      Fig.  6.  TAS diagram (a), K2O-SiO2 diagram (b), Na2O+K2O-CaO-SiO2 diagram (c) and A/NK-A/CNK diagram (d) of igneous rocks in the Eerdengtaolegai and Gutaole areas

      图  7  额尔登陶勒盖和谷讨勒地区岩浆岩的稀土元素配分图(a)和微量元素蛛网图(b)

      球粒陨石REE数据、原始地幔数据据Sun and McDougn(1989),图例同图 6

      Fig.  7.  Chondrite-normalized REE patterns (a) and primitive mantle-normalized spidergrams (b) of igneous rocks in the Eerdengtaolegai and Gutaole areas

      图  8  额尔登地区岩浆岩(La/Yb)N-δEu图解(a)和Mg#-SiO2图解(b)

      图a据李兆鼐(2003);图b据马旭(2012),阴影部分数据据Rapp and Watson(1995),图例同图 6

      Fig.  8.  (La/Yb)N-δEu (a) and Mg#-SiO2 (b) diagrams of igneous rocks fromthe Eerdeng area

      图  9  额尔登地区岩浆岩中锆石的εHf(t)-t图解

      中亚造山带东部和华北克拉通数据据Yang et al.(2006)

      Fig.  9.  Diagram of zircon εHf(t) values vs. U-Pb ages for the Early Paleozoic igneous rocks from the Eerdeng area

      图  10  额尔登地区岩浆岩Nb-Y图解(a),Rb-Y+Nb图解(b)和Rb/Zr-Nb图解(c)

      图a和图b据Pearce et al.(1984),图c据Brown(1984),图例同图 6

      Fig.  10.  Nb-Y (a), Rb-Y+Nb (b), Rb/Zr-Nb (c) diagrams of igneous rocks from the Eerdeng area

      图  11  早古生代白乃庙地区构造演化模式

      Fig.  11.  A cartoon for the Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Bainaimiao area

      表  1  本文采样点GPS采样点坐标

      Table  1.   The GPS data of the samples

      样品号 北纬 东经
      NM10-01~03 42°16′25.7″ 112°58′12.0″
      NM13-18~22 42°16′24.6″ 112°58′16.9″
      NM13-23~25 42°16′19.3″ 112°58′04.8″
      NM13-33 42°17′33.5″ 112°59′15.9″
      NM13-36 42°18′17.6″ 113°0′0.6″
      NM13-37 42°18′13.6″ 113°0′5.8″
      NM13-40 42°18′13.3″ 113°0′6.4″
      NM13-42~43 42°17′59.2″ 113°0′15.4″
      下载: 导出CSV

      表  2  额尔登地区岩浆岩(NM13-20、NM13-40、NM13-42) LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素分析结果

      Table  2.   LA-ICP-MS U-Pb data for zircons of intrusive rocks (simple NM13-20, NM13-40, NM13-42) from the Eerdeng area

      测试点号 Th(10-6) U(10-6) Th/U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U
      比值 1σ 比值 1σ 比值 1σ 年龄(Ma) 1σ(Ma) 年龄(Ma) 1σ(Ma) 年龄(Ma) 1σ(Ma)
      NM13-20-01 374.25 875.90 0.43 0.055 1 0.001 4 0.499 9 0.012 0 0.065 9 0.000 8 415 32 412 8 411 5
      NM13-20-02 223.07 362.91 0.61 0.055 1 0.001 1 0.499 9 0.009 9 0.065 9 0.000 8 415 24 412 7 411 5
      NM13-20-03 330.29 610.26 0.54 0.055 0 0.001 2 0.498 2 0.010 2 0.065 7 0.000 8 413 26 410 7 410 5
      NM13-20-04 151.33 297.69 0.51 0.055 0 0.003 3 0.499 2 0.028 9 0.065 8 0.001 4 413 92 411 20 411 8
      NM13-20-05 295.11 530.13 0.56 0.055 0 0.001 1 0.502 4 0.009 7 0.066 3 0.000 8 413 24 413 7 414 5
      NM13-20-06 187.01 378.88 0.49 0.055 8 0.003 2 0.505 4 0.028 2 0.065 7 0.001 4 444 87 415 19 410 8
      NM13-20-07 436.00 718.27 0.61 0.070 7 0.003 3 0.615 6 0.027 2 0.063 1 0.000 8 949 97 487 17 395 5
      NM13-20-08 248.18 406.25 0.61 0.056 3 0.001 3 0.519 0 0.011 5 0.066 8 0.000 8 466 28 425 8 417 5
      NM13-20-09 96.20 230.15 0.42 0.056 0 0.004 6 0.514 3 0.041 0 0.066 6 0.001 8 454 128 421 27 416 11
      NM13-20-10 299.96 459.01 0.65 0.054 8 0.001 0 0.505 1 0.008 7 0.066 8 0.000 7 406 20 415 6 417 4
      NM13-20-11 131.47 333.52 0.39 0.055 3 0.003 5 0.499 2 0.030 4 0.065 5 0.001 4 423 97 411 21 409 9
      NM13-20-12 344.86 520.91 0.66 0.055 0 0.000 8 0.499 1 0.007 5 0.065 8 0.000 7 412 16 411 5 411 4
      NM13-20-13 167.45 551.55 0.30 0.056 3 0.001 8 0.499 0 0.015 2 0.064 3 0.000 9 464 43 411 10 402 5
      NM13-20-14 252.01 663.82 0.38 0.056 2 0.002 8 0.512 0 0.024 4 0.066 1 0.001 2 461 73 420 16 412 7
      NM13-20-15 431.77 771.95 0.56 0.055 2 0.001 9 0.500 7 0.016 7 0.065 8 0.001 0 421 49 412 11 411 6
      NM13-20-16 173.24 319.69 0.54 0.054 9 0.001 2 0.498 0 0.010 8 0.065 8 0.000 8 409 28 410 7 411 5
      NM13-20-17 184.12 365.21 0.50 0.056 2 0.002 1 0.510 8 0.018 2 0.065 9 0.000 9 461 54 419 12 411 6
      NM13-20-18 149.05 259.20 0.58 0.055 1 0.001 7 0.499 4 0.015 1 0.065 8 0.000 9 415 43 411 10 411 5
      NM13-20-19 323.05 414.97 0.78 0.055 0 0.001 1 0.502 2 0.010 1 0.066 3 0.000 8 411 25 413 7 414 5
      NM13-20-20 271.88 450.47 0.60 0.055 0 0.001 1 0.501 1 0.009 5 0.066 2 0.000 8 411 23 412 6 413 5
      NM13-20-21 562.96 880.69 0.64 0.055 1 0.001 4 0.503 0 0.012 3 0.066 2 0.000 8 416 33 414 8 413 5
      NM13-20-22 103.15 256.47 0.40 0.055 1 0.002 5 0.500 6 0.022 0 0.065 9 0.001 1 415 67 412 15 412 7
      NM13-20-23 389.84 779.20 0.50 0.054 7 0.001 3 0.501 3 0.011 9 0.066 4 0.000 8 402 32 413 8 415 5
      NM13-20-24 272.55 400.70 0.68 0.055 7 0.001 3 0.506 3 0.011 7 0.065 9 0.000 8 441 30 416 8 411 5
      NM13-20-25 234.27 408.69 0.57 0.054 9 0.002 2 0.499 1 0.019 3 0.066 0 0.001 0 408 59 411 13 412 6
      NM13-20-26 175.59 320.34 0.55 0.054 9 0.001 4 0.502 6 0.012 6 0.066 4 0.000 8 407 34 413 9 415 5
      NM13-20-27 368.01 465.30 0.79 0.055 6 0.001 2 0.504 6 0.010 6 0.065 9 0.000 8 436 26 415 7 411 5
      NM13-20-28 241.38 485.82 0.50 0.055 0 0.001 1 0.499 1 0.009 8 0.065 8 0.000 8 413 24 411 7 411 5
      NM13-20-29 100.81 132.95 0.76 0.055 7 0.004 9 0.501 4 0.042 9 0.065 3 0.001 9 439 139 413 29 408 11
      NM13-20-30 254.49 351.94 0.72 0.056 0 0.002 6 0.509 1 0.022 9 0.065 9 0.001 2 453 69 418 15 412 7
      NM13-40-01 104.33 236.14 2.26 0.055 3 0.001 2 0.531 9 0.010 9 0.069 8 0.000 8 424 26 433 7 435 5
      NM13-40-02 485.48 550.31 1.13 0.055 1 0.002 6 0.526 9 0.023 8 0.069 5 0.001 2 414 69 430 16 433 7
      NM13-40-03 246.89 319.65 1.29 0.069 0 0.009 9 0.631 7 0.088 2 0.066 4 0.002 2 898 315 497 55 415 13
      NM13-40-04 56.49 87.77 1.55 0.055 5 0.002 2 0.530 8 0.020 2 0.069 4 0.001 0 431 58 432 13 433 6
      NM13-40-05 127.03 208.19 1.64 0.055 2 0.003 9 0.513 9 0.035 1 0.067 5 0.001 5 421 113 421 24 421 9
      NM13-40-06 476.70 540.08 1.13 0.055 4 0.000 8 0.524 8 0.007 9 0.068 8 0.000 7 428 16 428 5 429 4
      NM13-40-07 476.56 533.62 1.12 0.069 0 0.004 3 0.679 7 0.040 8 0.071 4 0.001 2 899 132 527 25 445 7
      NM13-40-08 292.76 372.87 1.27 0.055 4 0.001 5 0.524 9 0.014 2 0.068 8 0.000 9 426 38 428 9 429 5
      NM13-40-09 93.10 200.33 2.15 0.055 5 0.001 9 0.530 6 0.018 1 0.069 4 0.001 0 431 51 432 12 433 6
      NM13-40-10 116.69 228.08 1.95 0.057 9 0.002 8 0.537 3 0.025 7 0.067 3 0.001 1 527 75 437 17 420 7
      NM13-40-11 202.24 312.71 1.55 0.055 5 0.001 3 0.533 9 0.012 0 0.069 8 0.000 8 433 29 434 8 435 5
      NM13-40-12 212.42 371.19 1.75 0.055 7 0.002 4 0.520 3 0.021 3 0.067 8 0.001 1 441 62 425 14 423 7
      NM13-40-13 102.09 208.07 2.04 0.055 5 0.001 8 0.529 5 0.016 3 0.069 2 0.001 0 432 44 431 11 432 6
      NM13-40-14 91.54 147.19 1.61 0.055 2 0.001 4 0.517 3 0.013 2 0.068 0 0.000 8 422 35 423 9 424 5
      NM13-40-15 334.81 372.52 1.11 0.055 7 0.001 1 0.540 6 0.010 4 0.070 4 0.000 8 441 23 439 7 439 5
      NM13-40-16 202.06 338.18 1.67 0.055 8 0.003 5 0.536 5 0.032 6 0.069 8 0.001 5 443 98 436 22 435 9
      NM13-40-17 169.36 344.15 2.03 0.055 6 0.001 2 0.540 2 0.011 2 0.070 5 0.000 8 438 26 439 7 439 5
      NM13-40-18 177.39 290.60 1.64 0.055 8 0.001 4 0.540 8 0.013 2 0.070 4 0.000 8 444 33 439 9 438 5
      NM13-40-19 357.77 490.17 1.37 0.055 8 0.001 1 0.545 0 0.010 8 0.070 8 0.000 8 446 24 442 7 441 5
      NM13-40-20 89.58 206.89 2.31 0.055 6 0.001 5 0.538 4 0.014 1 0.070 2 0.000 9 438 36 437 9 437 5
      NM13-40-21 163.76 309.68 1.89 0.055 8 0.001 3 0.544 6 0.012 4 0.070 8 0.000 9 444 30 441 8 441 5
      NM13-40-22 144.50 251.59 1.74 0.055 8 0.001 7 0.546 5 0.016 2 0.071 1 0.000 9 444 43 443 11 443 5
      NM13-40-23 176.65 273.63 1.55 0.057 1 0.001 8 0.538 5 0.017 1 0.068 5 0.000 9 494 47 437 11 427 5
      NM13-40-24 48.70 590.46 12.12 0.071 8 0.001 3 1.407 6 0.021 8 0.142 2 0.001 5 980 39 892 9 857 8
      NM13-40-25 222.67 364.94 1.64 0.055 3 0.001 2 0.516 8 0.011 0 0.067 8 0.0008 424 27 423 7 423 5
      NM13-40-26 204.20 367.67 1.80 0.055 7 0.001 8 0.525 0 0.016 3 0.068 4 0.001 0 440 44 428 11 427 6
      NM13-40-27 193.49 242.02 1.25 0.055 6 0.001 5 0.537 3 0.014 3 0.070 1 0.000 9 438 37 437 9 437 5
      NM13-40-28 700.63 688.99 0.98 0.067 4 0.010 4 0.611 9 0.092 0 0.065 9 0.002 1 849 341 485 58 411 13
      NM13-40-29 163.09 289.63 1.78 0.055 4 0.001 2 0.525 7 0.011 3 0.068 8 0.000 8 430 27 429 8 429 5
      NM13-40-30 223.09 355.68 1.59 0.057 8 0.006 5 0.547 8 0.059 4 0.068 7 0.002 5 523 175 444 39 429 15
      NM13-42-01 183.83 314.63 1.71 0.055 5 0.001 1 0.523 5 0.010 4 0.068 5 0.000 8 431 24 427 7 427 5
      NM13-42-02 394.82 508.09 1.29 0.058 1 0.001 9 0.558 4 0.017 3 0.069 7 0.001 0 534 43 450 11 435 6
      NM13-42-03 415.81 604.26 1.45 0.055 4 0.000 8 0.524 7 0.007 5 0.068 7 0.000 7 428 15 428 5 428 4
      NM13-42-04 186.49 331.71 1.78 0.055 6 0.001 0 0.523 6 0.008 8 0.068 4 0.000 8 435 19 428 6 426 5
      NM13-42-05 221.63 398.58 1.80 0.055 7 0.000 9 0.539 1 0.008 5 0.070 2 0.000 8 440 17 438 6 438 5
      NM13-42-06 205.17 463.21 2.26 0.055 5 0.002 1 0.531 8 0.020 0 0.069 6 0.001 1 431 57 433 13 434 6
      NM13-42-07 444.58 540.31 1.22 0.055 4 0.001 2 0.522 0 0.010 9 0.068 3 0.000 8 430 26 426 7 426 5
      NM13-42-08 332.65 705.00 2.12 0.059 8 0.002 7 0.559 1 0.024 0 0.067 9 0.001 2 596 63 451 16 423 7
      NM13-42-09 383.59 559.31 1.46 0.055 6 0.001 6 0.522 3 0.015 0 0.068 2 0.000 9 435 40 427 10 425 6
      NM13-42-10 288.06 541.6 1.88 0.055 5 0.001 1 0.529 4 0.010 0 0.069 2 0.000 8 433 23 431 7 431 5
      NM13-42-11 257.85 373.56 1.45 0.064 7 0.004 7 0.627 4 0.043 6 0.070 4 0.001 9 763 102 494 27 439 11
      NM13-42-12 326.16 480.13 1.47 0.055 5 0.001 7 0.527 3 0.015 5 0.069 0 0.000 9 430 41 430 10 430 6
      NM13-42-13 104.28 227.66 2.18 0.055 6 0.001 2 0.535 9 0.010 9 0.069 9 0.000 8 438 25 436 7 436 5
      NM13-42-14 200.01 322.69 1.61 0.055 4 0.003 1 0.526 1 0.028 4 0.069 0 0.001 3 427 86 429 19 430 8
      NM13-42-15 401.75 744.01 1.85 0.054 6 0.000 8 0.513 9 0.007 7 0.068 3 0.000 7 395 16 421 5 426 4
      NM13-42-16 442.36 597.69 1.35 0.055 2 0.000 8 0.514 1 0.007 4 0.067 6 0.000 7 420 15 421 5 422 4
      NM13-42-17 158.08 344.65 2.18 0.055 3 0.001 1 0.515 9 0.010 1 0.067 7 0.000 8 424 24 422 7 422 5
      NM13-42-18 249.40 402.20 1.61 0.055 5 0.001 0 0.531 9 0.009 0 0.069 5 0.000 8 434 19 433 6 433 5
      NM13-42-19 242.38 434.88 1.79 0.055 3 0.001 0 0.517 5 0.009 3 0.067 9 0.000 8 423 21 423 6 424 5
      NM13-42-20 551.54 667.74 1.21 0.055 0 0.002 1 0.509 5 0.019 1 0.067 2 0.001 0 414 56 418 13 419 6
      NM13-42-21 174.08 342.34 1.97 0.055 9 0.001 1 0.523 9 0.010 0 0.068 0 0.000 8 447 23 428 7 424 5
      NM13-42-22 491.13 725.89 1.48 0.055 1 0.000 8 0.529 3 0.007 9 0.069 8 0.000 8 414 16 431 5 435 5
      NM13-42-23 546.01 603.17 1.10 0.055 4 0.000 9 0.516 4 0.008 3 0.067 7 0.000 7 428 18 423 6 422 4
      NM13-42-24 137.42 294.14 2.14 0.055 5 0.001 6 0.520 9 0.014 4 0.068 1 0.000 9 434 38 426 10 424 5
      NM13-42-25 325.36 484.36 1.49 0.055 5 0.001 0 0.536 6 0.009 3 0.070 1 0.000 8 434 20 436 6 437 5
      NM13-42-26 309.96 496.88 1.60 0.055 4 0.000 9 0.526 2 0.008 0 0.069 0 0.000 7 427 16 429 5 430 4
      NM13-42-27 298.97 469.82 1.57 0.055 1 0.001 1 0.521 5 0.010 0 0.068 7 0.000 8 416 23 426 7 428 5
      NM13-42-28 227.26 313.07 1.38 0.055 5 0.001 0 0.522 4 0.009 3 0.068 4 0.000 8 430 21 427 6 426 5
      NM13-42-29 348.11 572.45 1.64 0.055 4 0.000 8 0.521 2 0.007 8 0.068 3 0.000 7 427 16 426 5 426 4
      NM13-42-30 185.23 339.65 1.83 0.055 6 0.001 0 0.538 1 0.009 7 0.070 2 0.000 8 437 21 437 6 437 5
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      表  3  额尔登地区英安岩(NM10-01) SHRIMP锆石U-Pb同位素分析结果

      Table  3.   SHRIMP U-Pb data for zircons of the dacite (simple NM10-01) from the Eerdeng area

      NM10-01-1.10.403912440.6423.80.052 53.70.070 51.40.514.0439.35.930984
      NM10-01-2.10.075373430.6631.90.054 82.70.069 21.40.523.1431.15.740361
      NM10-01-3.10.195723470.6334.80.055 42.90.070 81.30.543.1440.75.742964
      NM10-01-4.10.214774000.8728.80.056 12.80.070 21.40.543.1437.65.745662
      NM10-01-5.10.493741550.4323.00.054 14.00.071 21.40.534.2443.56.037390
      NM10-01-6.10.096434450.7138.60.054 42.00.069 81.40.522.5435.16.138846
      NM10-01-7.10.136625820.9139.10.056 32.10.068 71.30.532.5428.15.446347
      NM10-01-8.10.197525180.7144.80.055 32.20.069 21.30.532.6431.65.542549
      NM10-01-9.10.136205170.8635.90.055 02.30.067 21.50.512.7419.46.041450
      NM10-01-10.10.296665220.8140.00.055 83.40.069 81.50.543.8434.76.244677
      NM10-01-11.10.216235360.8937.30.054 42.40.069 61.30.522.7433.75.538753
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      表  4  额尔登地区岩浆岩锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS Lu-Hf同位素分析结果

      Table  4.   Hf isotope analyses of zircons of the intrusive rocks from the Eerdeng area

      NM13-20-10.046 1200.001 1980.282 1790.000 024412-12.250.861 520-0.962 17434
      NM13-20-20.045 2190.001 1500.282 2810.000 021412-8.620.761 375-0.971 94630
      NM13-20-30.040 3480.001 1270.282 3230.000 022412-7.110.781 315-0.971 85131
      NM13-20-40.051 5700.001 2470.282 2780.000 023412-8.740.801 383-0.961 95332
      NM13-20-50.034 6220.000 9850.282 2970.000 024412-8.010.861 347-0.971 90734
      NM13-20-60.049 2430.001 1930.282 2980.000 024412-8.030.861 353-0.961 90834
      NM13-20-80.051 4580.001 2860.282 2730.000 025412-8.950.891 392-0.961 96736
      NM13-20-90.044 5620.001 1260.282 3110.000 021412-7.570.731 333-0.971 87929
      NM13-20-100.051 6530.001 2540.282 3250.000 024412-7.070.841 317-0.961 84833
      NM13-20-120.039 5560.000 9760.282 2420.000 027412-9.940.971 423-0.972 02938
      NM13-20-150.074 2720.001 6340.282 1060.000 028412-14.951.011 641-0.952 34440
      NM13-40-10.048 3540.001 5040.282 7390.000 0264337.950.91736-0.9591137
      NM13-40-20.104 0640.003 0810.282 6130.000 0304333.011.06958-0.911 22544
      NM13-40-50.036 0950.001 0980.282 4780.000 038433-1.191.331 098-0.971 49353
      NM13-40-60.147 1710.003 7120.282 8580.000 02743311.510.97602-0.8968442
      NM13-40-80.117 0370.003 1800.282 7200.000 0294336.791.02800-0.9098543
      NM13-40-90.078 9450.002 2550.282 6230.000 0304333.611.06921-0.931 18744
      NM13-40-110.048 7030.001 3780.282 5000.000 018433-0.480.651 074-0.961 44726
      NM13-40-120.062 1870.002 1880.282 6000.000 0274332.810.97953-0.931 23840
      NM13-40-140.033 6280.000 9070.282 5150.000 0224330.170.771 040-0.971 40630
      NM13-40-160.078 0070.002 1460.282 7660.000 0334338.711.16710-0.9486348
      NM13-40-200.052 3050.001 4780.282 5520.000 0244331.310.861 004-0.961 33435
      NM13-42-10.114 6230.003 0210.282 7030.000 0304286.141.06821-0.911 02244
      NM13-42-30.099 9840.002 6470.282 6210.000 0294283.321.02935-0.921 20243
      NM13-42-40.125 7370.003 2850.282 8220.000 02842810.281.00648-0.9075943
      NM13-42-50.076 6730.002 0880.282 6500.000 0244284.500.86879-0.941 12735
      NM13-42-60.070 8290.002 1950.244 5790.000 453428-1 343.1516.0338 920-0.9359 984325
      NM13-42-70.039 0250.001 3520.204 7450.000 445428-2 752.9215.7660 928-0.9696 214207
      NM13-42-80.058 2630.001 8580.217 3550.000 901428-2 306.6931.9055 211-0.9485 978473
      NM13-42-100.086 6140.002 6390.231 3060.000 738428-1 813.0926.1148 052-0.9273 208452
      NM13-42-120.038 0160.001 2370.195 3170.000 454428-3 086.6016.0765 012-0.96102 997195
      NM13-42-130.049 1360.001 7890.193 6850.002 265428-3 144.5580.1866 273-0.95103 449970
      NM10-01-10.065 9560.002 5490.282 6860.000 0244345.780.85836-0.921 05035
      NM10-01-20.064 6520.002 6130.282 6280.000 0254343.700.88924-0.921 18337
      NM10-01-30.058 6490.002 2500.282 6670.000 0234345.180.80857-0.931 08833
      NM10-01-40.064 3500.002 4960.282 6670.000 0254345.140.87862-0.921 09136
      NM10-01-50.035 7750.001 4080.282 6770.000 0234345.790.82823-0.961 05033
      NM10-01-60.036 7030.001 5840.282 7200.000 0214347.250.74766-0.9595730
      NM10-01-70.075 4300.002 9220.282 7050.000 0194346.360.67816-0.911 01328
      NM10-01-80.074 0380.002 9320.282 6580.000 0244344.680.84887-0.911 12035
      NM10-01-90.055 5540.002 1630.282 7070.000 0224346.630.78797-0.9399632
      NM10-01-100.069 6260.002 7060.282 7480.000 0224347.940.79748-0.9291233
      NM10-01-110.080 3790.003 1610.282 7130.000 0234346.550.82810-0.901 00135
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      表  5  岩石主量元素(%)、微量元素(10-6)和稀土元素(10-6)分析结果

      Table  5.   Major (%), trace and rare elements (10-6) for the volcanic rocks and intrusive rocks

      Ti2 6072 1122 7862 6492 4708172 9222 296
      Ti2 5283 8982 0111 5942 2601 4071 2741 322
      Ba1411 447833755570874644833
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