Structural Properties and Kinematic Analysis of Lianshanguan Ductile Shear Zone in Northern Liao-Ji Rift Zone, Northeastern North China Craton
摘要: 韧性剪切带在岩石圈地壳中广泛存在,蕴含应力、应变和温压等环境参数,是构造解析、流变学和成因机制研究的重要对象.辽吉裂谷带位于辽宁东部-吉林南部,是华北克拉通重要的古元古代活动带之一.连山关岩体地处辽吉裂谷带北缘,经历复杂变质变形作用,岩体南缘发育NWW向右行走滑韧性剪切带.糜棱岩显微结构观测分析揭示,剪切带内糜棱岩以S、SL构造岩为主,总体呈压扁型应变.运动学涡度值为0.91~0.97,均大于0.75,指示简单剪切为主的变形特征.糜棱岩中云母显示塑性拉长,石英动态重结晶明显,以膨凸重结晶作用为主.EBSD分析结果表明,石英发育中低温菱面组构,对应变形温度450~550℃,暗示糜棱岩形成于低绿片岩相-低角闪岩相.结合前人研究成果,我们认为连山关韧性剪切带可能起源于早元古代晚期.连山关岩体先后经历早期隆起造成的伸展-滑脱作用和晚期与上覆辽河群共同经历的南北向挤压,从而在岩体南缘形成陡倾的右行韧性剪切带.Abstract: The ductile shear zone is widely discovered in the lithospheric crust, and it contains abundance environmental parameters such as stress, strain temperature and pressure, hence it is an important object for the study of structural analysis, rheology and genetic mechanism. The Liao-Ji rift zone is one of the ancient primitive activities of the North China craton, located in the east of Liaoning Province and North of Jilin Province. The Lianshanguan granitic body, exposed in the Northern margin of Liao-Ji rift zone, experienced complex metamorphic deformation. The mylonitic in the ductile shear zone have obvious dextral strike-slip characteristics with an NWW strike. The observation and analysis of the microstructure of mylonitic reveals that the taconite developed in shear zone is S-SL type, representing a flattening strain. Kinematics vorticity of 0.91-0.97, which are greater than 0.75, indicates that the shearing is formed in the general shear dominated simple shear. In addition, The quartz dynamic recrystallization is obvious, while the mica shows plastic elongation. The quartz c-axis EBSD analysis shows that the quartz fabric is characterized by the middle to low temperature rhomb slip system, corresponding deformation temperature of 450-550℃, consistent with a greenschist-low amphibolite facies condition. Based on the previous studies, the forming age of the ductile shear deformation is considered to be the late Early Proterozoic. In conclusion, the Lianshanguan granitic body suffered an initial uplift stage, resulting extension-stretching-decollement within the Liaohe Formation surrounding the granitic body. Subsequently, the studied area was suffered a S-N directing compression, and led to the dextral strike-slip ductile shearing.
Key words:
- Lianshanguan granitic body /
- ductile shear zone /
- finite strain analysis /
- fabric analysis /
- kinematic /
- Liao-Ji rift zone /
- tectonics
图 1 辽东连山关地区地质简图
角图根据Zhao et al.(2001, 2005)修改
Fig. 1. Regional geological map of The Lianshanguan area in East Liaoning with sample locations
图 3 连山关岩体南缘韧性剪切带内岩石变形特征
图e、c、d、g切面为XZ面,a、b、f、h切面为YZ面,图g中θ为下文的计算参数; 显微构造描述参见表 1
Fig. 3. Microphotographs ofrocks of the ductile shear zone of Southern Lianshanguan granitic body
表 1 韧性剪切带变形岩石测试样品宏观、显微构造变形特征
Table 1. Structure characteristics of samples of deformed rocks for test from the ductile shear zone
样品号 岩石类型 变形强度① 产状 矿物组成 宏观变形特征 显微变形特征 14LSG11-2 花岗质
糜棱岩弱 200°∠30° 残斑20%~25%:主要成分为中细粒石英集合体;基质75%~80%:主要成分为细粒云母和长石 残斑呈透镜体产出,S-C组构发育,基质弱定向排列 石英集合体呈透镜状产出,石英颗粒波状消光,动态重结晶现象明显,长石绢云母化严重(图 3a, 3b) 14LSG11-3 白云母
石英片岩较弱 202°∠35° 石英60%,中细粒;白云母30%,细粒;长石10%,细粒 片理发育,矿物颗粒定向排列明显,S-C组构发育 石英颗粒波状消光,动态重结晶主要方式为膨凸重结晶,部分发生细粒化现象(图 3c, 3d) 14LSG7-1 变形石英岩 强 190°∠88° 石英90%,细粒;云母5%,细粒 片麻理发育,石英颗粒分带明显 石英颗粒大部分被定向拉长,带状分布明显,动态重结晶以亚颗粒重结晶为主.云母定向排列(图 3h) 14LSG18-1 变形石英岩 较弱 225°∠55° 石英95%,中细粒 片麻理发育,石英颗粒存在较弱的粒度分带,原始层理可见 石英颗粒部分被定向拉长,动态重结晶以亚颗粒重结晶为主(图 3f) 14LSG21-1 变形石英岩 较强 150°∠30° 石英85%,细粒;云母约10%,细粒 片麻理发育,原始层理可见 石英颗粒定向排列,云母颗粒定向排列,整体带状分布明显(图 3g) 15LSG69-1 含石榴石
云母片岩强 190°∠65° 云母70%,细粒;石英约15%,中细粒;石榴子石约15%,中粒 石榴石及其周围石英颗粒和云母颗粒组成S-C组构 主要成分为石英,细小的石英颗粒定向排列,石榴子石生长线理与外界剪切线理斜交,具压力影构造,阴影部分为石英颗粒(图 3e) 注:①变形强度是相对的,主要依据宏观、显微变形强弱特征以及有限应变测量结果综合判断. 表 2 连山关地区样品有限应变测量数据
Table 2. Finite-strain measurement data of the sample from the Lianshanguan area
样品号 惯量椭圆法 Fry法 X/Z Y/Z X/Y ln(X/Y) ln(Y/Z) K X/Z Y/Z X/Y ln(X/Y) ln(Y/Z) K 14LSG7-1 1.49 1.28 1.16 0.15 0.25 0.62 1.56 1.30 1.20 0.18 0.26 0.69 14LSG18-1 1.43 1.25 1.15 0.14 0.22 0.60 1.82 1.45 1.26 0.23 0.37 0.61 14LSG21-1 1.53 1.46 1.05 0.05 0.38 0.12 2.00 1.70 1.18 0.16 0.53 0.31 15LSG69-1 2.31 1.96 1.18 0.16 0.67 0.24 1.75 1.60 1.09 0.09 0.47 0.19 注:K=ln(X/Y)/ln(Y/Z). 表 3 连山关岩体南缘韧性剪切带变形岩石运动学涡度
Table 3. Kinematic vorticity of the sample from the ductile shear zone in southern Lianshanguan rock
样品号 石英C轴组构法 斜交面理法 Rxz β Wk θ Wk 14LSG7-1 1.49 51 0.92 54 0.95 14LSG18-1 1.43 28 0.91 37 0.96 14LSG21-1 1.53 37 0.99 38 0.97 15LSG69-1 2.31 23 0.92 33 0.91 平均值 - - 0.94 - 0.95 -
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