Experimental on Numerical Simulation of the Impact of Lake Level Plane Fluctuation on Shallow Water Delta
摘要: 湖平面升降对三角洲沉积体的发育具有重要影响,前人对此做了相关研究,但对于其形成过程缺乏定量分析.利用水动力数值模拟的方法正演模拟了湖平面变化情况下浅水三角洲的形成过程并精确分析了其演化规律.根据现代河流三角洲的水动力特征,设计了水动力及泥沙条件,采用Delft3D模拟了湖平面上升和湖平面下降两种沉积过程.通过对浅水三角洲的模拟分析得到湖平面的升降对沉积体的形成与分布、河道的演化具有重要影响,结合平面和剖面分析发现沉积体的多期叠置现象.研究结果表明湖平面控制着沉积体的进退及其沉积特征,且利用水动力数值模拟方法可较好地揭示湖平面变化下浅水三角洲的演化过程.Abstract: Lake level fluctuation has an important influence on the development of delta sediments. However, previous studies have not included any quantitative analysis of the formation process. In this paper, the hydrodynamic numerical simulation method is used to simulate the formation process of the shallow water delta in the case of lake level fluctuation and to analyze its evolution law. According to the hydrodynamic characteristics of modern river delta, the hydrodynamic and sedimentary conditions were designed. Two sedementation processes of lake level fluctuation were simulated by Delft3D. The simulation analysis show that lake level fluctuation exerts great impact on the formation and distribution of the sediments, and the evolution of the river channel. Combined with plane and profile analysis, the multi-period superposition of sedimentary body was found. The results show that the lake level controls the advance and retreat of the sedimentary body and its sedimentary characteristics, and the hydrodynamic numerical simulation method can better reveal the evolution process of the shallow water delta in the case of lake levelfluctuation.
表 1 模型类别
Table 1. Model category
模型 流量
(°)S1 2 000 0.4 -2~(3~8) 600 0.002 S2 2 000 0.4 (8~3)~-2 600 0.002 表 2 模型参数
Table 2. Model parameters
基本参数 模拟设定值 网格分辨率 100 m×100 m 网格规模 30 000 模拟时长 360 d 时间步长 30 s 地貌演化系数 60 地貌演化间隔时间 720 min 泥沙输运方程 Van Rijn 沉积物组分 3 密度 2 650 kg/m3 河流长度 6.5 km 河流宽度 600 m 河流深度 3 m 河流流量 2 000 m3/s 沉积物类型(组分一)——粗砂 Non-Cohesive 中值粒径(组分一) 500 μm 干容重(组分一) 1 600 kg/m3 初始厚度(组分一) 15 m 沉积物类型(组分二)——细砂 Non-Cohesive 中值粒径(组分二) 200 μm 干容重(组分二) 1 600 kg/m3 初始厚度(组分二) 20 m 沉积物类型(组分三)——泥 Cohesive 干容重(组分三) 500 kg/m3 沉降速率(组分三) 0.25 mm/s 组分一的供给量(sand1) 0.15 kg/m3 组分二的供给量(sand2) 0.2 kg/m3 组分三的供给量(mud) 0.05 kg/m3 -
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