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    宋章强 杜晓峰 王启明 加东辉 李晓辉

    宋章强, 杜晓峰, 王启明, 加东辉, 李晓辉, 2017. 辽西低凸起北段源-汇系统精细描述与油气勘探实践. 地球科学, 42(11): 2069-2080. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.132
    引用本文: 宋章强, 杜晓峰, 王启明, 加东辉, 李晓辉, 2017. 辽西低凸起北段源-汇系统精细描述与油气勘探实践. 地球科学, 42(11): 2069-2080. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.132
    Song Zhangqiang, Du Xiaofeng, Wang Qiming, Jia Donghui, Li Xiaohui, 2017. Source-to-Sink System Fine Description and Petroleum Exploration Practice of the Northern Section of Liaoxi Low Uplift. Earth Science, 42(11): 2069-2080. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.132
    Citation: Song Zhangqiang, Du Xiaofeng, Wang Qiming, Jia Donghui, Li Xiaohui, 2017. Source-to-Sink System Fine Description and Petroleum Exploration Practice of the Northern Section of Liaoxi Low Uplift. Earth Science, 42(11): 2069-2080. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.132


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.132

    国家科技重大专项 2016ZX05024-003


      宋章强(1981-), 男, 高级工程师, 主要从事沉积储层研究

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Source-to-Sink System Fine Description and Petroleum Exploration Practice of the Northern Section of Liaoxi Low Uplift

    • 摘要: 辽西低凸起北段现存物源区范围小,长期被认为供源能力不足缺乏优质储层而成为勘探"禁区".为理清辽西低凸起北段物源面貌及沉积储层分布规律,综合利用钻井、测井和三维地震资料,对古物源区面貌、古沟谷与坡折体系等源-汇要素精细描述,预测了富砂沉积体平面分布,并探讨了砂体差异富集的控制因素.结果表明:研究区自南向北发育多个孤立的"链状岛"状隐性物源区,并发育半充填型和侵蚀型两类古沟谷及8种坡折带组合类型,多个近源沉积体环物源分布.源-汇耦合关系决定了砂体的富集程度,其中物源区大小及持续发育时间是影响砂体发育的决定性因素,断裂活动及坡折带类型进一步决定了不同位置砂体富集程度的差异性.上述新认识指导发现了锦州25-1、锦州20-2北两个油气田.


    • 图  1  辽西低凸起北段构造位置及地层柱状图

      Fig.  1.  Tectonic location and stratigraphic column of the northern of Liaoxi low uplift

      图  2  隐性物源区形成及边界分析示意

      Fig.  2.  Diagram of the origin and boundary analysis technique of recessive provenance

      图  3  辽西低凸起北段沙河街组沉积时期物源边界分析

      Fig.  3.  Provenance boundary analyze in the sedimentary period of Shahejie Formation of the northern section of Liaoxi low uplift

      图  4  母岩类型及典型地震反射特征

      Fig.  4.  Type of motherrock and its typical seismic reflection characteristics

      图  5  辽西低凸起北段古沟谷剖面特征及钻井证据

      Fig.  5.  The profile feature and drilling evidence of ancient gully in the northern section of Liaoxi low uplift

      图  6  辽西低凸起北段坡折带组合类型

      Fig.  6.  Slope breaks combination types of the northern section of Liaoxi low uplift

      图  7  辽西低凸起北段古隆起演化及其对沉积体系发育分布的控制作用

      Fig.  7.  The evolution of ancient uplift and its control action on the distribution of sedimentary system in the northern section of Liaoxi low uplift

      图  8  辽西低凸起北段典型沉积类型地震反射特征及富砂性

      Fig.  8.  Comprehensive chart of seismic reflection characteristics and sand rich property of typical sedimentary types in the northern section of Liaoxi low uplift

      图  9  辽西低凸起北段沙二时期源-汇体系

      Fig.  9.  The Source-to-Sink system diagram of Es2 period in the northern section of Liaoxi low uplift

      图  10  辽西低凸起北段沙二段富砂沉积体预测与勘探成效

      Fig.  10.  The sand sedimentary body prediction and exploration effect of Es2 period in the northern section of Lianxi low uplift

      表  1  辽西低凸起北段沙二时期源-汇系统及砂体差异特征

      Table  1.   Source-to-Sink system and feature table of sand body difference of Es2 period in the northern section of Liaoxi uplift

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