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    朱秀 朱红涛 曾洪流 杨香华

    朱秀, 朱红涛, 曾洪流, 杨香华, 2017. 云南洱海现代湖盆源-汇系统划分、特征及差异. 地球科学, 42(11): 2010-2024. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.128
    引用本文: 朱秀, 朱红涛, 曾洪流, 杨香华, 2017. 云南洱海现代湖盆源-汇系统划分、特征及差异. 地球科学, 42(11): 2010-2024. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.128
    Zhu Xiu, Zhu Hongtao, Zeng Hongliu, Yang Xianghua, 2017. Subdivision, Characteristics, and Varieties of the Source-to-Sink Systems of the Modern Lake Erhai Basin, Yunnan Province. Earth Science, 42(11): 2010-2024. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.128
    Citation: Zhu Xiu, Zhu Hongtao, Zeng Hongliu, Yang Xianghua, 2017. Subdivision, Characteristics, and Varieties of the Source-to-Sink Systems of the Modern Lake Erhai Basin, Yunnan Province. Earth Science, 42(11): 2010-2024. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.128


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.128

    国家科技重大专项 2016ZX05024-003-007

    国家自然科学基金项目 41572084


      朱秀(1992-), 女, 硕士研究生, 层序地层学与沉积学



    • 中图分类号: P618.13

    Subdivision, Characteristics, and Varieties of the Source-to-Sink Systems of the Modern Lake Erhai Basin, Yunnan Province

    • 摘要: 现代湖盆源-汇系统分析,可为古代源-汇系统研究提供参考依据.将云南洱海现代湖盆源-汇系统划分为西(S2S-W)、东(S2S-E)、北岸(S2S-N)3个独立的源-汇系统,S2S-E物源区母岩主要为碳酸盐岩,沉积体数量少、规模小( < 10 km2);S2S-W物源区母岩主要为变质岩及少量花岗岩、碳酸盐岩,沉积体数量多、规模大(> 40 km2),相互叠置、连片分布;S2S-N为轴向物源型源-汇系统,母岩主要为碎屑岩,沉积物供应充足,形成大型沉积体.研究表明,同一盆地(洼陷)内可存在多个源-汇系统,由于母岩类型、构造活动、古地貌等因素的影响,可造成不同源-汇系统的流域面积、沉积区面积及沉积响应存在差异,在古代源-汇系统研究中需重视不同源-汇系统之间的差异性研究.


    • 图  1  云南洱海现代湖盆区域位置

      Fig.  1.  Location of the modern Lake Erhai basin in Yunnan Province

      图  2  洱海现代湖盆西岸(S2S-W)、东岸(S2S-E)和北岸(S2S-N)地层特征


      Fig.  2.  Strata characteristics of the S2S-W, S2S-E, and S2S-N for the western, eastern, and northern parts of the modern Lake Erhai basin

      图  3  洱海现代湖盆西岸(S2S-W)、东岸(S2S-E)和北岸(S2S-N)源-汇系统特征

      Fig.  3.  Characteristics of the S2S-W, S2S-E, and S2S-N for the western, eastern, and northern parts of the modern Lake Erhai basin

      图  4  洱海现代湖盆源-汇系统参数

      Fig.  4.  Parameters of S2S of the modern Lake Erhai basin

      图  5  洱海现代湖盆东、西两岸源-汇系统剖面

      剖面位置见图 3

      Fig.  5.  Sections of S2S-W and S2S-E for the western and eastern parts of the modern Lake Erhai basin

      图  7  洱海现代湖盆北岸源-汇系统(S2S-N)特征

      Fig.  7.  Characteristics of S2S-N for the northern part of the modern Lake Erhai Basin

      图  6  洱海现代湖盆西岸(S2S-W)、东岸(S2S-E)和北岸(S2S-N)源-汇系统要素及控制因素差异对比

      Fig.  6.  Correlation of the S2S-W, S2S-E, and S2S-N for the western, eastern, and northern parts of the modern Lake Erhai basin

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