Restoration of the Paleo-Provenance of the Es12 in the Eastern of Shijiutuo Uplift and Its Control on Reservoir
摘要: 物源区原始剥蚀地貌的恢复以及与砂体、优质储层之间的关系是源-汇系统分析中非常重要的部分.利用钻井、三维地震以及分析化验等资料,恢复了石臼坨凸起东段围区沙一二段储层的古物源分布,并探讨了古物源对储层的影响.结果表明:(1)研究区沙一二段发育近源扇三角洲砂砾岩储层,东部古物源的母岩类型为白垩系中酸性火成岩,西部古物源的母岩类型为中生界碎屑岩夹薄层中酸性火成岩,均非现今残留的基岩分布.(2)受母岩差异的影响,东部火成岩的母岩剥蚀后更容易形成规模较大的砂砾岩体.(3)受物源区母岩和沉积区储层成岩作用差异的共同影响,东部储层中中酸性火成岩岩屑和砾石等易溶组分含量高,粒度较粗,以碳酸盐胶结为主,在成岩过程中,中酸性火成岩砾石、岩屑易遭受强烈溶蚀作用,次生孔隙发育,但受碳酸盐矿物进一步强烈的胶结,储层物性呈低孔低渗特点;西部储层中变质岩岩屑和石英等难溶组分含量高,填隙物以粘土类为主,原生孔隙发育,储层物性呈中高孔高渗的特点.Abstract: The restoration of the original eroded landforms of the source area and its association with sand bodies and high quality reservoirs are very important parts of the Source-to-Sink system analysis.Based on the drilling data, 3-D seismic data and other experimental analysis, the distribution of the paleo-provenance of the reservoirs of the Es12 in the eastern of Shijiutuo uplift was restoredin this study, using statistical method. The paleo-provenance's control on the reservoir was discussed as well. The results suggest:(1) The near-source fan-delta sandstone and conglomerate reservoirs in the study area received sediments. The parent rocks of the paleo-provenance in the eastern sub-uplift were Cretaceous acidic igneous rocks while the parent rocks of the paleo-provenance in western sub-uplift were Mesozoic clastic rocks with thin interlayers of intermediate-acidic igneous rocks, which were totally different from the residual bedrock. (2) Due to differences of the mother rock, the igneous rocks of the eastern sub-uplift were more likely to be eroded and formed large-scale sandstone and conglomerate. (3) The reservoir physical properties of the study area were affected by the source rock lithology and reservoir diagenesis. The eastern reservoirs were characterized by high content of the acid igneous rocks, gravels and other soluble components and coarse grain size. The interstitial substance was carbonate cements. In the process of diagenesis, the intermediate-acid igneous rocks and gravels were susceptible to the strong dissolution of organic acids, leading to the development of secondary pores. However, the reservoir featured low porosity and low permeability due to the further cementing of strong carbonate minerals. The western reservoirs were characterized by high content of refractory components such as metamorphic rocks and quartz, with clay as the interstitial substance. The primary porosity was preserved to be the dominant porosity, the reservoir featured medium-high porosity and high permeability.The results of this study are useful for sandstone and conglomerate reservoir prediction.
Key words:
- Es12 /
- paleo-provenance /
- sandstone and conglomerate /
- reservoir /
- Shijiutuo uplift /
- Bohai Sea /
- petroleum geology
图 2 研究区沙一二段沉积相(a)及砂岩厚度(b)
Fig. 2. Sedimentary facies and sandstone thickness of Es12 in the study area
图 4 石臼坨凸起东部物源区地层地震反射特征
剖面位置见图 5
Fig. 4. Stratum seismic reflection features of west provenance on Shijiutuo uplift
图 10 研究区沙一二段储层镜下特征
a.原生孔隙为主,中酸性火成岩发生部分溶蚀,Q-9井,3 339.50 m,铸体薄片,单偏光;b.次生溶蚀孔为主,中酸性火成岩发生强烈溶蚀,呈蜂窝状或铸模孔出现,Q-12井,3 406.00 m,铸体薄片,单偏光;c.颗粒溶蚀形成的高岭石充填于孔隙,Q-13井,3 445 m,扫描电镜;d.小米粒状高岭石胶结物发育,Q-12井,3 344.08 m,铸体薄片,正交光;e.酸性火成岩强烈溶蚀呈蜂窝状,颗粒表面发育泥晶白云石包壳,Q-12井,3 344.08 m,铸体薄片,正交光;f.铁白云石胶结或交代长石、中酸性火成岩,Q-12井,3 455.00 m
Fig. 10. Characteristics of the reservoir under microscope in the Es12 of the study area
表 1 研究区沙一二段岩芯中砾石成分(%)和镜下岩石成分(%)统计
Table 1. Statistical table of gravel composition(%) in the core and rock composition(%) in the microscope of Es12 in the study area
位置 砾石成分 镜下岩石成分 岩性特征 火成岩 变质岩 沉积岩 石英 长石 岩屑 填细物特征 总含量 火成岩 变质岩 沉积岩 东部 Q-12井区 94.5 3.2 2.3 17 15 74.1 83.7 10.5 1.9 以(含铁)白云石胶结物为主,少量方解石、高岭石等胶结 砾岩、砂质砾岩夹砂岩为主,砾石砾径大,粒度粗 Q-16井区 81.2 16.1 2.7 33.2 31.2 39.6 61.5 35.1 3.0 平均 87.9 9.7 2.5 25.1 23.1 51.8 77.4 17.6 2.3 西部 Q-9井区 27.5 70 2.5 27.1 34.5 37.9 34.8 63.1 0.8 以黏土矿物为主,局部见白云石、方解石等胶结 砂岩夹砾岩、砾质砂岩为主,砾径小,粒度细 Q-8井区 46.5 51.8 1.7 29.1 36.6 34.1 48.1 50.7 1.5 平均 37 60.9 2.1 28.1 35.6 36 41.1 57.2 1.1 表 2 不同位置锆石测年结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of zircon dating results at different positions
位置 锆石总数n(个) 锆石年龄分布特征 锆石加权平均值 代表的物源年代 示踪的物源岩性 东部 Q-16井 41 主要分布在116~393 Ma(n=28);少量分布在2 452~2 676 Ma(n=13) 主要分布在128.1 Ma;少量分布在2 380 Ma 白垩纪 火成岩 Q-12井 39 主要分布在98.9~310.0 Ma(n=18);2 476~2 552 Ma(n=15)次之;少量分布在1 702~1 894 Ma(n=6) 主要分布在122 Ma;2 509 Ma次之;少量分布在1 834 Ma 白垩纪 火成岩 西部 Q-9井 25 主要分布在2 380~2 783 Ma(n=21);少量分布在118~258 Ma(n=4) 主要分布在2 520 Ma;少量分布在126 Ma 太古代 碎屑岩 Q-6井 23 主要分布在2 398~2 540 Ma(n=19);少量分布在112~115 Ma(n=4) 主要分布在2 488 Ma;少量分布在113.8 Ma 元古代 碎屑岩 表 3 研究区沙一二段储层物性统计表
Table 3. Reservoir physical statistics of the Es12 in the study area
位置 孔隙度(%) 渗透率(μm2) 东部 0.23~37.20/16.10 0.01×10-3~340.00×10-3/18.90×10-3 西部 6.30~40.00/22.50 1.60×10-3~6 088.00×10-3/817.00×10-3 -
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