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    刘强虎 朱筱敏 李顺利 徐长贵 杜晓峰 李慧勇 石文龙

    刘强虎, 朱筱敏, 李顺利, 徐长贵, 杜晓峰, 李慧勇, 石文龙, 2017. 沙垒田凸起西部断裂陡坡型源-汇系统. 地球科学, 42(11): 1883-1896. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.119
    引用本文: 刘强虎, 朱筱敏, 李顺利, 徐长贵, 杜晓峰, 李慧勇, 石文龙, 2017. 沙垒田凸起西部断裂陡坡型源-汇系统. 地球科学, 42(11): 1883-1896. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.119
    Liu Qianghu, Zhu Xiaomi, Li Shunli, Xu Changui, Du Xiaofeng, Li Huiyong, Shi Wenlong, 2017. Source-to-Sink System of the Steep Slope Fault in the Western Shaleitian Uplift. Earth Science, 42(11): 1883-1896. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.119
    Citation: Liu Qianghu, Zhu Xiaomi, Li Shunli, Xu Changui, Du Xiaofeng, Li Huiyong, Shi Wenlong, 2017. Source-to-Sink System of the Steep Slope Fault in the Western Shaleitian Uplift. Earth Science, 42(11): 1883-1896. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.119


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.119

    中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目 CUG170653


      刘强虎(1988-), 副教授, 从事层序地层学及地震沉积学教学工作及研究



    • 中图分类号: P618.130

    Source-to-Sink System of the Steep Slope Fault in the Western Shaleitian Uplift

    • 摘要: 沙垒田凸起西部发育完整的受断裂陡坡带控制的源-汇系统.基于最新的钻井、薄片资料及高分辨率三维地震资料,精细刻画沙垒田凸起西部源-汇三要素(即物源体系、搬运体系及沉积体系),探讨要素间相关性并建立耦合模式.通过岩石学分析,物源区以混合花岗岩为主,结合古地貌恢复,划分4个三级汇水单元并定量拾取垂向高差与汇水面积参数,明确古沟谷与断槽物源通道的分布及尺度,应用地震沉积学精细刻画沙三段内部3个亚段扇三角洲沉积时空展布及演化.定量探讨源-汇各要素间的相关性,明确汇水单元面积与垂向高差是沉积扇体发育规模的主控因素,构建断裂陡坡带控制下的混合花岗岩-古沟谷或断槽与断面组合的物源通道-近源粗粒扇三角洲-浊积扇-湖泊体系耦合模式.


    • 图  1  渤海湾盆地沙垒田凸起区域构造及钻井位置

      Fig.  1.  Regional tectonic and drilling location map of Shaleitian uplift in Bohai bay basin

      图  2  沙垒田西部沙河街组沉积充填序列与构造沉降关系

      Fig.  2.  Generalised stratigraphic column and tectonic subsidence relationship of the Eocene, western Shaleitian uplift

      图  3  沙垒田凸起西部基岩岩性及其微观组成特征

      Fig.  3.  Bedrock lithologic and its micro characteristics in the western of Shaleitian uplift

      图  4  沙垒田凸起西部沙三段古地理格局(a)与汇水单元分区(b)

      Fig.  4.  Paleogeomorphology showing bedrock distribution characteristics of Pre-Palaeogene (a) and catchment units division (b) in the third member of Eocene Shahejie Formation, western Shaleitian uplift

      图  5  沙垒田凸起区沙三段(Es3)物源通道剖面指示及参数统计

      地震剖面位置见图 4

      Fig.  5.  The section indicator of sediment transport pathways and parametric statistics of the third member of Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es3) in the western Shaleitian uplift

      图  6  沙垒田凸起西部典型地震相特征(a, b, c, d)及GR曲线-波阻抗关系(e)

      地震剖面位置见图 4b;红色数值表示切片位置

      Fig.  6.  Seismic facies characteristics of the fan deltas (a, b, c, d) and a cross-plot of GR and wave impedance extracted from wireline-logs (e) in the western Shaleitian uplift

      图  7  沙垒田凸起西部沙三段地层切片精细解释

      地层切片位置见图 6a~6d

      Fig.  7.  Typical slices interpretation of the third member of Eocene Shahejie Formation in the western Shaleitian uplift

      图  8  沙垒田凸起西部沙三段断裂陡坡带源-汇配置关系及耦合模式

      Fig.  8.  Temporal relationship and coupling mode of the Source-to-Sink systems of steep slope fault in the third member of Eocene Shahejie Formation, western Shaleitian uplift

      表  1  沙垒田凸起西部沙三段断裂陡坡带源-汇系统主要要素单元

      Table  1.   Quantitative main parameter of the Source-to-Sink systems of steep slope fault in the third member of Eocene Shahejie Formation, western Shaleitian uplift

      物源区 基岩组成 混合花岗岩或花岗岩 碳酸盐岩
      汇水单元 b1 b2 b3 b4 c
      汇水面积(km2) 56 47 28 36 104
      垂向高差(km) 1.726 1.470 1.150 0.850 0.720
      水系长度(km) 14.7 13.6 10.4 8.7 12.5
      搬运区 通道类型 古沟谷 断槽
      通道编号 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2
      宽深比 23.81 25.96 19.72 22.96 21.80
      截面积(km2) 0.009 0.041 0.044 0.108 0.052
      沉积区 沉积单元 A B C D
      断裂倾角(°) 22.9 28.2 30.9 26.1
      平均沉降速率(m/Ma) 485 300 220 220 260
      最大扇体面积(km2) 30.5 17.8 10.1 11.0 16.0
      平均厚度(km) 0.65 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.35
      最大扇体体积(km3) 24.40 7.12 3.03 3.30 5.60
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