Aquifer Parameter Estimation of Transient Pumping Test Based on Analytical and Numerical Methods
摘要: 含水层的水文地质参数是进行地下水资源计算、地下水污染防控等所必需的基础数据,结合数值模拟技术进行含水层参数反演很有必要.按照1:5万水文地质调查规范在江汉平原仙桃市杨林尾镇复兴水厂不同含水层位开展抽水试验,包括深层含水层单孔抽水试验以及浅层含水层中群孔(2孔)抽水试验.对于单孔抽水试验,应用第1类越流系统井流理论进行参数反演;对于群孔抽水试验,推导了特定综合井函数,并利用特定标准曲线匹配法和直线图解法求解了含水层参数.随后利用FEFLOW软件建立了相应数值模型,拟合了含水层参数.结果表明:浅层含水层的渗透系数变化范围为21.66~54.00 m/d,贮水率变化范围为1.28×10-5~8.00×10-4 m-1;深层含水层渗透系数变化范围为1.27~7.00 m/d,贮水率变化范围为3.90×10-6~5.00×10-6 m-1.对于深层承压含水层而言,越流补给量较大.采用数值模拟方法结合抽水试验数据求参,综合考虑了含水层结构,拟合效果好,所得结果更加可靠.Abstract: The aquifer parameters are the necessary basis data for calculation of groundwater resources and prevention of groundwater pollution, therefore it is necessary to invert the parameters with numerical method. According to the standard of 1:50 000 hydrogeological survey, two pumping tests with single pumping well in deep aquifer and two pumping wells in shallow aquifer were conducted at Fuxing Water Works at Yanglinwei Town of Xiantao City in Jianghan plain. The theory of first kind of leakage system was adopted to estimate the parameters in deep aquifer. For the shallow aquifer, a comprehensive well function was derived and the parameters were obtained by using the special type curve matching method and straight line method. In addition, the FEFLOW software has also been used to develop a numerical model for the pumping tests. The parameters were also estimated by the numerical model associated with the pumping test data. The results indicate that the hydraulic conductivity and the specific storage coefficient of the shallow confined aquifer are 21.66-54.00 m/d and 1.28×10-5 to 8.00×10-4 m-1, respectively. The hydraulic conductivity and the specific storage coefficient for the deep confined aquifer are 1.27-7.00 m/d and 3.90×10-6 to 5.00×10-6 m-1, respectively. The leakage from the third aquitard layer is significant, which should be taken into account for the analysis of the pumping test. In this paper, the numerical model is developed to estimate the aquifer parameters associated with the pumping test data, the structure of the aquifer was considered in detail in the numerical model. The good agreement between the simulated results and the measured data indicate that the results obtained from the numerical simulation are reliable.
Key words:
- Jianghan plain /
- pumping test /
- analytical method /
- numerical simulation /
- aquifer parameter /
- hydrogeology
表 1 研究区钻孔岩性及含水层划分
Table 1. The borehole lithology and aquifer division of the study area
分层 底板标高(m) 层厚(m) 岩性 含水层划分 第1层 -40 40 粉质粘土 孔隙潜水含水层 第2层 -100 60 细砂、中砂、卵砾石 浅层孔隙承压含水层 第3层 -138 38 粉质粘土夹细砂 弱透水层 第4层 -160 22 细砂、中砂、粗砂夹少量粉质粘土 深层孔隙承压含水层 注:以地面为基准面. 表 2 解析法求取浅层孔隙承压含水层参数结果
Table 2. The estimated results of aquifer parameters in the shallow confined aquifer with analytical method
方法 K(m/d) 贮水系数 贮水率(m-1) 标准曲线配比法 31.51 3.70×10-3 6.17×10-5 直线图解法 21.66 7.70×10-4 1.28×10-5 表 3 各主要含水层拟合后水文地质参数
Table 3. The estimated aquifer parameters with the numerical simulation
含水层 Kx(m/d) Ky(m/d) Kz(m/d) 贮水系数 贮水率Ss(m-1) 浅层孔隙承压含层 54.00 54.00 5.40 3.20×10-2 8.00×10-4 深层孔隙承压含层 7.00 7.00 0.70 1.10×10-4 5.00×10-6 弱透水层 1.00×10-3 1.00×10-3 0.80 7.60×10-4 2.00×10-5 表 4 浅层孔隙承压含水层抽水试验水均衡
Table 4. The corresponding period budget for shallow confined aquifer pumping test
层 流出量(m3) 流入量(m3) 自身弹性释放量(m3) 浅层孔隙承压含水层 0.03 228.10 227.99 表 5 深层孔隙承压含水层抽水试验各主要含水层水均衡
Table 5. The corresponding period budget for main aquifer of deep confined aquifer pumping test
层 流出量(m3) 流入量(m3) 自身弹性释放量(m3) 弱透水层 720.77 492.83 228.01 深层孔隙承压含水层 665.19 629.10 36.09 表 6 解析法与数值法参数结果汇总
Table 6. The summarization of aquifer parameters estimated by analytical and numerical methods
含水层 方法 K(m/d) 贮水率(m-1) 浅层孔隙承压含水层 特定标准曲线配比法 31.51 6.17×10-5 浅层孔隙承压含水层 特定直线图解法 21.66 1.28×10-5 浅层孔隙承压含水层 数值模拟法 54.00 8.00×10-4 深层孔隙承压含水层 Hantush-Jacob法 1.27 3.90×10-6 深层孔隙承压含水层 数值模拟法 7.00 5.00×10-6 -
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