Geochemistry and Implications of Rare Earth Elements in Arsenic-Affected Shallow Aquifer from Jianghan Plain, Central China
摘要: 江汉平原被确认为我国南方新的饮水型砷中毒病区,目前对于江汉平原高砷地下水的成因机理研究还有待完善.综合运用水文地球化学分析与PHREEQC地球化学模拟计算,分析了地下水和沉积物中REE分异特征及其沿地下水流向形态变化规律.江汉平原地下水REE含量为0.032~0.843 μg/L,富集LREE,具显著Eu正异常,且地下水中Eu异常与As含量呈正相关关系.地下水中REE形态主要以LnCO3+及Ln(CO3)2-为主,沿地下水流向LnCO3+降低、Ln(CO3)22-升高.地下水REE浓度分布受到HCO3-的络合作用及Fe氧化物矿物的还原性解吸附过程控制,径流途径中继承沉积物矿物的REE配分模式及Fe氧化物矿物对LREE的优先解吸附可能是地下水富集LREE的原因,并且沿流向上REE形态分布受到pH控制.研究区中Eu含量及Eu正异常对地下水As富集程度具有一定的指示意义.Abstract: Jianghan plain has been determined as a new endemic arsenic-poisoning area in the southern China. In order to understand the role of rare earth elements (REE)on arsenic mobilization in groundwater from the Jianghan plain, REE concentrations were measured in 114 groundwater samples and 9 sediment samples from the shallow arsenic-affected aquifer system and the REE speciations along the groundwater flow path were caculated by the hydrogeochemical PHREEQC simulation. The results indicate that the REE concentrations range from 0.032 to 0.843 μg/L. The groundwater exhibite the enrichment of LREE and dramatically positive Eu anomalies, and the Eu anomalies are positively correlated with As concentration. The REE speciation mainly existes as LnCO3+ and Ln(CO3)2-, meanwhile the LnCO3+ concentrations decrease and Ln(CO3)22- concentrations increased along the regional groundwater flow path. The distribution of REE concentrations was mainly affected by the complexation with HCO3- and the reductive dissolution of iron oxide minerals. The enrichment of LREE in the groundwater was affected by the REE distribution patterns of minerals in the aquifer and the preferential desorption with LREE of iron oxide minerals, and the REE speciation was controlled by the pH along the groundwater flow path. The Eu concentrations and positive Eu anomalies could indicate the enrichment of arsenic in the groundwater.
Key words:
- arsenic /
- groundwater /
- REE speciation /
- Eu anomaly /
- REE distribution pattern /
- Jianghan plain /
- hydrogeology
表 1 江汉平原高砷地下水水化学及微量元素含量特征
Table 1. Water chemistry and concentrations of trace elements of high arsenic groundwater from Jianghan plain
采样点编号 经度 纬度 pH Cl-
(mg/L)JH001 113°40′39.37″ 30°09′24.70″ 7.15 6.15 0.00 1.00 0.80 1.55 2.51 4.034 592 JH002 113° 40′40.76″ 30°09′24.39″ 7.12 4.38 0.03 155 5.76 2.28 2.43 0.028 581 JH003 113° 40′41.41″ 30°09′24.01″ 7.09 4.28 0.09 108 5.68 2.45 2.29 0.006 567 JH004 113° 40′38.41″ 30°09′24.13″ 7.13 3.59 0.00 532 9.65 4.60 2.55 0.004 543 JH005 113° 40′40.22″ 30°09′23.80″ 7.22 4.13 0.00 18.6 0.02 2.35 2.56 1.177 597 JH006 113° 40′36.39″ 30°09′24.24″ 7.03 3.58 0.11 64.2 7.41 0.83 2.33 0.006 510 JH007 113° 40′37.66″ 30°09′24.21″ 7.05 3.69 0.02 75.1 9.16 1.25 2.43 0.003 509 JH012 113° 40′53.73″ 30°08′40.38″ 7.07 3.69 0.11 54.1 7.64 1.06 2.44 0.001 516 JH014 113° 41′07.89″ 30°08′20.89″ 7.11 0.46 0.14 6.40 3.96 0.31 2.30 0.008 472 JH016 113° 39′17.79″ 30°08′17.84″ 6.91 7.66 0.09 83.8 9.04 0.69 2.59 0.003 563 JH018 113°36′40.87″ 30°10′51.08″ 7.03 3.16 0.04 632 11.76 2.32 0.03 0.003 675 JH021 113°37′26.65″ 30°10′25.08″ 6.97 5.52 0.00 110 4.57 2.00 0.16 0.005 631 JH024 113°36′25.87″ 30°23′19.85″ 6.56 40.7 57.8 1.10 ND 2.56 7.71 4.654 415 JH031 113°24′45.79″ 30°10′49.19″ 6.77 9.73 2.45 44.8 9.01 0.24 0.03 0.005 435 JH038 113°29′38.80″ 30°04′02.70″ 7.48 4.80 0.06 2320 1.34 1.54 6.83 0.006 553 JH044 113°29′38.45″ 30°04′00.60″ 7.51 1.20 0.05 1510 4.82 0.91 4.05 0.002 439 JH045 113°29′41.40″ 30°04′00.58″ 7.06 1.16 0.02 323 0.75 1.47 0.08 0.005 517 JH047 113°29′50.84″ 30°03′58.42″ 7.24 1.60 0.08 24.9 3.31 1.19 0.22 0.004 462 JH051 113°30′28.89″ 30°03′33.40″ 7.25 0.97 0.06 8.43 1.81 0.12 0.20 0.002 486 JH056 113°22′28.04″ 30°11′17.01″ 6.87 7.70 0.07 51.3 12.95 0.12 0.26 0.006 469 JH057 113°45′35.10″ 30°07′05.95″ 7.15 4.94 0.09 387 1.08 0.35 0.13 0.004 532 JH058 113°45′33.65″ 30°07′06.40″ 7.27 6.25 0.08 188 2.39 0.07 0.08 0.007 530 JH061 113°45′29.86″ 30°07′04.41″ 7.25 0.48 0.05 111 3.40 0.08 0.02 0.012 530 JH067 113°45′33.67″ 30°07′02.92″ 7.33 4.45 0.06 95.8 3.96 0.08 0.10 0.005 531 JH068 113°45′33.00″ 30°07′02.42″ 7.33 4.90 0.07 122 4.17 0.10 0.18 0.009 519 JH072 113°27′05.38″ 30°04′46.52″ 6.95 71.7 0.02 9.80 8.46 0.30 0.24 0.002 521 JH076 113°50′08.88″ 30°03′43.47″ 7.24 1.45 0.03 180 2.45 0.09 0.22 0.002 613 JH080 113°47′14.32″ 30°07′47.75″ 7.34 10.9 0.11 47.5 1.85 0.08 0.39 0.002 552 JH088 112°51′47.54″ 30°28′8.42″ 6.70 39.3 101 8.55 0.64 0.80 0.06 4.920 769 JH089 112°57′10.89″ 30°25′18.19″ 6.64 70.8 34.2 0.57 0.34 0.47 0.01 0.851 799 JH091 112°45′14″ 30°30′44.3″ 6.75 6.29 2.45 22.1 12.3 0.18 0.07 0.096 783 JH111 113°36′38.39″ 30°10′50.71″ 6.99 4.51 0.04 21.6 3.09 2.68 0.03 0.012 638 JH113 113°37′26.65″ 30°10′25.08″ 6.97 5.52 0.00 1.28 6.87 8.45 0.09 5.795 631 JH114 113°39′10.18″ 30°10′11.83″ 7.11 3.95 0.07 71.6 12.4 11.39 0.01 0.149 511 注:“ND”表示not detected,即未测出结果. 表 2 江汉平原高砷地下水稀土元素含量(μg/L)特征
Table 2. Concentrations of REEs (μg/L) in high arsenic groundwater from Jianghan plain
采样点编号 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu ∑REE [La/Yb]N [Er/Nd]N Eu/Eu* Ce/Ce* JH001 0.033 6 0.072 8 0.007 2 0.023 2 0.008 9 0.007 7 0.005 9 0.001 3 0.008 9 0.001 7 0.014 1 0.001 2 0.007 5 0.001 9 0.195 9 3.04 0.61 3.24 1.10 JH002 0.016 2 0.033 8 0.003 2 0.011 2 0.001 8 0.024 6 0.002 9 0.000 7 0.002 5 0.000 6 0.003 6 0.000 2 0.002 1 0.000 4 0.103 8 5.19 0.32 33.21 1.09 JH003 0.008 4 0.010 6 0.000 7 0.003 4 0.003 3 0.022 0 0.000 9 0.000 4 0.000 9 0.000 4 0.001 7 0.000 3 0.001 5 0.000 2 0.054 7 3.84 0.49 39.07 1.01 JH004 0.005 8 0.007 9 0.001 5 0.003 9 0.001 8 0.017 9 0.000 5 0.000 3 0.002 0 0.000 4 0.001 1 0.000 1 0.001 6 0.000 4 0.045 2 2.37 0.29 56.81 0.63 JH005 0.010 4 0.018 0 0.001 7 0.009 5 0.005 3 0.005 9 0.003 8 0.000 5 0.003 4 0.000 6 0.002 1 0.0004 0.0021 0.000 5 0.064 2 3.36 0.22 4.02 1.02 JH006 0.014 5 0.023 4 0.002 4 0.009 3 0.010 1 0.018 4 0.003 3 0.000 7 0.001 9 0.001 0 0.001 9 0.001 1 0.003 1 0.000 3 0.091 4 3.17 0.20 9.65 0.93 JH007 0.004 9 0.008 8 0.000 4 0.000 7 0.001 8 0.014 0 0.000 5 0.000 2 0.000 5 0.000 2 0.001 1 0.000 4 0.002 1 0.000 1 0.035 7 1.59 1.46 46.27 1.49 JH012 0.005 8 0.010 0 0.000 6 0.001 5 0.001 8 0.019 1 0.001 0 0.000 4 0.001 0 0.000 1 0.000 7 0.000 2 0.000 5 0.000 2 0.042 9 7.54 0.48 44.94 1.21 JH014 0.007 3 0.017 0 0.001 2 0.002 3 0.001 8 0.010 4 0.001 5 0.000 3 0.002 0 0.000 7 0.000 4 0.000 2 0.001 6 0.000 2 0.046 9 3.09 0.16 19.49 1.36 JH016 0.187 6 0.336 6 0.032 2 0.135 8 0.032 5 0.019 8 0.030 9 0.005 0 0.026 3 0.005 7 0.011 3 0.003 3 0.013 6 0.002 0 0.842 6 13.05 0.08 24.41 1.33 JH018 0.014 5 0.031 3 0.001 6 0.012 9 0.001 0 0.034 4 0.002 2 0.000 1 0.001 1 0.001 1 0.001 6 0.000 3 0.001 2 0.000 6 0.103 9 8.27 0.13 69.88 1.50 JH021 0.026 3 0.063 9 0.005 8 0.016 7 0.005 8 0.017 6 0.005 1 0.000 9 0.007 0 0.001 2 0.002 8 0.000 6 0.003 4 0.000 3 0.157 4 5.18 0.17 9.93 1.21 JH024 0.075 7 0.106 8 0.019 6 0.060 7 0.018 4 0.010 4 0.014 4 0.001 9 0.008 4 0.003 2 0.011 2 0.001 6 0.009 0 0.000 8 0.342 1 5.68 0.18 1.96 0.65 JH031 0.009 5 0.029 1 0.001 9 0.006 6 0.001 3 0.013 9 0.002 8 0.000 3 0.001 4 0.000 9 0.004 7 0.000 4 0.002 3 0.000 2 0.075 3 2.85 0.71 22.30 1.61 JH038 0.014 6 0.021 1 0.001 1 0.004 9 0.002 9 0.072 5 0.001 6 0.000 5 0.000 8 0.000 2 0.003 5 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 4 0.124 5 49.17 0.70 103.52 1.26 JH044 0.007 7 0.009 6 0.001 0 0.007 7 0.005 8 0.057 6 0.000 5 0.000 4 0.000 6 0.000 9 0.002 7 0.000 3 0.001 3 0.000 5 0.096 6 3.88 0.35 103.40 0.79 JH045 0.006 0 0.020 3 0.002 0 0.007 9 0.004 8 0.016 6 0.002 5 0.000 5 0.001 3 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 5 0.000 7 0.000 2 0.063 7 5.79 0.07 14.46 1.54 JH047 0.002 9 0.007 7 0.001 0 0.002 9 0.004 6 0.018 0 0.002 4 0.000 4 0.001 3 0.000 5 0.003 2 0.000 1 0.002 0 0.000 5 0.047 3 0.96 3.17 16.48 1.49 JH051 0.005 0 0.020 9 0.001 0 0.005 1 0.006 0 0.013 9 0.004 6 0.000 3 0.005 3 0.000 8 0.002 3 0.000 6 0.002 1 0.000 6 0.068 6 1.63 1.31 8.13 1.82 JH056 0.006 6 0.011 5 0.001 7 0.002 1 0.001 2 0.023 0 0.002 7 0.000 5 0.001 4 0.000 5 0.001 0 0.000 6 0.002 8 0.000 3 0.055 8 1.56 1.33 38.57 0.81 JH057 0.007 9 0.029 9 0.002 7 0.011 3 0.003 7 0.005 9 0.004 6 0.000 5 0.004 0 0.001 0 0.000 5 0.001 1 0.002 8 0.001 5 0.077 3 1.90 0.12 4.38 1.51 JH058 0.005 5 0.020 7 0.001 5 0.006 3 0.002 5 0.008 6 0.000 7 0.000 4 0.002 7 0.001 3 0.001 5 0.000 6 0.005 0 0.000 8 0.058 1 0.75 0.23 20.21 1.69 JH061 0.003 8 0.013 7 0.001 3 0.008 5 0.002 6 0.008 2 0.004 0 0.000 5 0.001 4 0.001 2 0.002 9 0.000 8 0.000 7 0.001 5 0.051 3 3.49 0.99 7.77 1.43 JH067 0.007 1 0.013 7 0.001 4 0.010 9 0.002 6 0.014 2 0.006 3 0.000 8 0.002 1 0.000 7 0.001 0 0.000 6 0.0008 0.000 7 0.062 9 6.36 0.09 10.74 1.04 JH068 0.004 2 0.015 4 0.001 4 0.008 9 0.005 3 0.009 6 0.003 6 0.000 8 0.004 3 0.000 3 0.000 5 0.000 5 0.0031 0.000 7 0.058 6 0.91 0.06 6.79 1.50 JH072 0.007 4 0.018 6 0.002 3 0.005 8 0.006 9 0.020 7 0.002 2 0.000 5 0.001 5 0.000 4 0.001 1 0.000 5 0.0040 0.001 3 0.073 2 1.24 0.18 16.10 1.06 JH076 0.003 8 0.010 9 0.000 7 0.012 3 0.005 9 0.024 6 0.002 3 0.000 9 0.001 6 0.000 4 0.003 9 0.000 6 0.0042 0.000 4 0.072 5 0.62 0.32 20.53 1.61 JH080 0.006 2 0.011 2 0.001 6 0.011 3 0.003 0 0.006 5 0.001 6 0.000 9 0.003 3 0.000 6 0.003 4 0.001 1 0.004 3 0.000 6 0.055 6 0.97 0.31 9.17 0.84 JH088 0.036 7 0.073 1 0.010 3 0.040 3 0.011 9 0.010 5 0.008 0 0.001 6 0.008 0 0.002 2 0.006 4 0.001 1 0.006 8 0.001 5 0.2183 3.67 0.45 3.29 0.88 JH089 0.029 8 0.060 9 0.005 6 0.029 9 0.008 7 0.006 1 0.007 2 0.001 5 0.007 5 0.002 1 0.003 3 0.001 0 0.004 7 0.001 0 0.169 2 4.30 0.32 2.35 1.11 JH091 0.183 5 0.315 3 0.033 0 0.128 1 0.030 5 0.018 3 0.024 0 0.003 8 0.022 7 0.004 4 0.014 1 0.002 6 0.013 5 0.002 2 0.796 0 9.15 0.31 2.07 0.95 JH111 0.026 5 0.054 1 0.005 9 0.026 1 0.008 3 0.010 7 0.005 4 0.001 5 0.005 1 0.001 2 0.005 3 0.001 1 0.004 1 0.001 2 0.1566 4.36 0.58 4.88 1.01 JH113 0.028 5 0.050 3 0.006 5 0.029 8 0.011 8 0.010 1 0.006 9 0.001 4 0.006 6 0.001 9 0.004 4 0.001 7 0.003 6 0.001 2 0.164 7 5.40 0.42 3.41 0.87 JH114 0.048 4 0.089 8 0.009 3 0.038 0 0.015 6 0.013 5 0.010 2 0.001 6 0.011 6 0.002 1 0.007 9 0.001 4 0.006 4 0.000 9 0.256 8 5.09 0.59 3.28 0.99 注:下标N表示北美页岩标准化值:(La/Yb)N=(LaN/YbN);Eu/Eu*=EuNASC/([Sm]NASC*[Gd]NASC)0.5;(Ce/Ce*)NASC=CeNASC/([La]NASC*[Pr]NASC)0.5. 表 3 江汉平原典型高砷钻孔沉积物岩性、砷及稀土元素含量特征
Table 3. Lithology, arsenic and REEs contents in high arsenic sediments from borehole SY03 in Jianghan plain
样品编号 深度(m) 岩性 As
(%)稀土元素含量(mg/kg) La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu SY03-01 1.5 淤泥质粘土 12.2 7.03 46.48 87.93 11.08 40.64 8.14 1.67 7.53 1.31 7.58 1.50 4.22 0.70 4.40 0.59 SY03-02 2.5 粘土 19.2 8.75 44.16 84.81 10.36 37.38 7.29 1.59 6.41 1.04 5.90 1.19 3.17 0.52 3.19 0.46 SY03-03 7.1 粘质粉土 11.3 6.67 42.63 82.51 10.07 36.40 7.07 1.47 6.27 1.18 6.23 1.24 3.45 0.55 3.33 0.48 SY03-04 17.9 粘土 20.0 7.91 46.00 88.52 10.94 39.47 7.86 1.63 6.89 1.18 6.91 1.39 3.82 0.63 3.88 0.54 SY03-05 18.7 粉砂 88.2 6.16 41.33 79.26 9.82 35.59 7.03 1.47 6.31 1.06 6.08 1.21 3.37 0.53 3.19 0.44 SY03-06 20.1 细砂 107.5 5.08 35.68 67.92 8.49 30.87 5.89 1.28 5.27 0.87 4.94 1.00 2.74 0.43 2.50 0.35 SY03-07 23.3 中-粗砂 24.2 5.42 31.39 59.81 7.40 26.72 5.14 1.17 4.41 0.73 3.96 0.80 2.17 0.35 2.03 0.28 SY03-08 30.9 中-细砂 25.6 4.44 26.94 50.56 6.17 22.86 4.47 1.03 3.84 0.62 3.43 0.67 1.81 0.29 1.65 0.23 SY03-09 43.5 粘土 15.5 7.72 36.02 68.23 8.34 30.32 5.90 1.25 5.18 0.85 4.92 0.98 2.72 0.44 2.61 0.39 -
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