A Method for Improving Detecting Accuracy of Locating Deeply Buried Refined Oil Pipelines
摘要: 为满足工程建设的需要,如何提高深埋地下管线的探测精度是探测工作中的难点.在地铁盾构土建施工的工地,采用FDEM (frequency domain electromagnetic method) 法对埋深约16 m的成品油管道进行探测,第一步是经过地面测线X方向的探测工作,确定了目标管道的走向Y并缩小了范围,因为受干扰物体的影响,所以两种工作频率探测结果之间的定深误差很大,尚未满足工程实际的需要;第二步是在经过距目标管道5.0 m处的两个孔内的Z方向进行探测,获得了离开目标管道较近“测线”上的Hz实测曲线;第三步是用Hz理论曲线与Hz实测曲线进行拟合反演,最终获得了定位、定深误差分别为20 cm、10 cm以内的探测精度,为地铁施工建设提供了精准的基础性技术资料.孔内Z方向的探测工作表明,“测线”离目标管道更近,又可以避开地面X方向测线上的干扰物的影响,可以提高探测精度.孔内探测是对地面X方向探测成果的检验,值得推广到对地面探测成果质量的验收中;采用拟合软件进行推断解释,是对探测数据的信息处理技术,将在FDEM法探测地下管线中得到广泛的应用.Abstract: The highly accurate detecting technology of deeply refined oil pipelines has been used FDEM (frequency domain electromagnetic method) method in the subway shield construction site. We summary that how to improve detecting accuracy of refined oil pipelines for about 16 m buried depth. First step, we determine the direction Y of the target pipeline and narrow the searching area through detecting working of X direction on ground. With background interfere the error of pipeline's location is not acceptable and depth error is large when using two different working frequencies on ground detection. Second step, we need detect the direction Z of two boreholes with the distance at 5.0 m from target pipeline. And we can acquire Hz measured curve of the target pipeline nearby. Last step, measured and theoretical Hz curves is inverted and acquired high accurate results with location and depth is 20 cm and 10 cm. It can provide accurate and basic technical data for subway construction. The way of detecting Z direction of borehole can avoid the inference of X direction on ground and also provide a way to test the result of ground detecting. The method is worth popularizing to the acceptance of the quality of ground detection. The signal processing technology of detection dates will be widely used in detecting underground pipeline base on FDEM method with its powerful advance and superiority.
Key words:
- railway shield construction /
- FDEM /
- geophysics /
- fitting inversion /
- detection quality.
表 1 两种频率用“80%法”定位、定深结果
Table 1. The result of depth and location with "80% method"
1 kHz (m) 3 kHz (m) 两频率之间的解释误差 (m) 定位 -1.90 -0.74 1.16 定深 15.40 22.60 7.20 注:减去探测线圈的高度40 cm. 表 2 两个孔内实测与理论Hz拟合反演结果
Table 2. The fitting result of Measured and theoretical Hz for two boreholes
ZK1Y孔 (m) 误差 (cm) ZK2Z孔 (m) 误差 (cm) 管心埋深 15.70 ≤|±10| 16.25 ≤|±10| 管心与钻孔间距 5.50 ±20 5.50 ±20 -
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