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    刘一茗 叶加仁 曹强 刘中戎 杨宝林

    刘一茗, 叶加仁, 曹强, 刘中戎, 杨宝林, 2017. 西藏伦坡拉盆地古近系牛堡组烃源岩预测与评价. 地球科学, 42(4): 601-612. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.047
    引用本文: 刘一茗, 叶加仁, 曹强, 刘中戎, 杨宝林, 2017. 西藏伦坡拉盆地古近系牛堡组烃源岩预测与评价. 地球科学, 42(4): 601-612. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.047
    Liu Yiming, Ye Jiaren, Cao Qiang, Liu Zhongrong, Yang Baolin, 2017. Preliminary Prediction and Evaluation of Source Rocks in the Lunpola Basin, Tibet, China. Earth Science, 42(4): 601-612. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.047
    Citation: Liu Yiming, Ye Jiaren, Cao Qiang, Liu Zhongrong, Yang Baolin, 2017. Preliminary Prediction and Evaluation of Source Rocks in the Lunpola Basin, Tibet, China. Earth Science, 42(4): 601-612. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.047


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.047

    国家科技重大专项 2016ZX05024002-003

    中国石化勘探分公司项目 G0800-14-KK-169


      刘一茗 (1989-),男,博士研究生,主要从事含油气盆地分析和油气成藏动力学研究.ORCID:0000-0003-8424-7718.E-mail: skirose1207@hotmail.com


      曹强,ORCID:0000-0002-4086-532X.E-mail: qcao@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Preliminary Prediction and Evaluation of Source Rocks in the Lunpola Basin, Tibet, China

    • 摘要: 伦坡拉盆地是西藏地区唯一获工业性油气流的盆地,油气勘探前景广阔,但其勘探和研究程度均较低,对古近系牛堡组烃源岩的发育状况认识不清,制约了盆地油气资源潜力评价和勘探选区.通过研究钻井、测井及相关化验测试等资料,利用测井多参数回归和盆地数值模拟等方法技术,分析了牛堡组主要亚段有机质丰度、类型及其展布等特征,模拟重建了烃源岩的热成熟演化历史,实现了对伦坡拉盆地牛堡组烃源岩的早期综合评价.研究表明:伦坡拉盆地古近系牛堡组烃源岩发育,并以牛二段中亚段分布最广、厚度最大,在蒋日阿错凹陷最厚在400 m以上,其中优质烃源岩 (TOC>1.0%) 最厚可达170 m;牛堡组总体上属较好级别的烃源岩,其中牛二段上亚段较好-优质烃源岩所占比例最高,牛二段中亚段次之;牛堡组烃源岩有机质类型以Ⅰ型和Ⅱ1为主;有机质成熟度总体呈中西部高、东部低的趋势,牛二段中亚段烃源岩现今多处于中-晚期生油阶段,牛二段上亚段和牛三段下亚段烃源岩现今多处于早期生油阶段.牛二段中亚段烃源岩为伦坡拉盆地主力烃源岩,蒋日阿错凹陷为最重要的生烃凹陷.


    • 图  1  伦坡拉盆地地理位置及构造单元划分


      Fig.  1.  Position and division of tectonic units of Lunpola basin

      图  2  伦坡拉盆地古近系地层综合柱状图

      Fig.  2.  Generalized stratigraphic column for the Lunpola basin

      图  3  伦坡拉盆地牛堡组不同层位烃源岩有机质丰度对比


      Fig.  3.  Organic matter abundance contrast figure in different member of Niubao Formation of Lunpola basin

      图  4  伦坡拉盆地不同凹陷牛堡组烃源岩有机质丰度 (TOC) 对比


      Fig.  4.  Organic matter abundance (TOC) contrast figure Niubao Formation in different sag of Lunpola basin

      图  5  伦坡拉盆地牛堡组优质烃源岩平面分布


      Fig.  5.  Predicted thickness of high quality source rock of Niubao Formation in Lunpola basin

      图  6  伦坡拉盆地烃源岩有机质类型判别

      Fig.  6.  Type of organic matter of the source rocks in the Lunpola basin

      图  7  伦坡拉盆地W1井烃源岩成熟度模拟


      Fig.  7.  The maturity modeling of Well W1 in Lunpola basin

      图  8  伦坡拉盆地牛堡组烃源岩 (底界) 有机质现今成熟度平面分布


      Fig.  8.  The maturity predicition on major source rocks in Lunpola basin

      表  1  烃源岩丰度评价标准

      Table  1.   Evaluation criterion of hydrocarbon source rock organic matter abundance

      总有机碳TOC (%)氯仿沥青“A”(%)总烃“HC”(%)
      据黄第藩 (1992) 修改.
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      表  2  伦坡拉盆地W1井牛堡组烃源岩TOC测井预测模型优选

      Table  2.   TOC predication models with Well-W1 logging for mudstones in Lunpola basin

      测井参数总有机碳 (TOC) 定量预测模型相关系数回归标准
      单参数模型自然伽马 (GR)TOC=0.011 7GR-0.460 40.408 41.294 6
      声波时差 (AC)TOC=0.075 8AC-4.273 00.513 21.266 7
      电阻率 (RD)TOC=0.152 47RD+0.526 50.583 91.246 5
      密度 (DEN)TOC=37.134 0/DEN-12.870 00.61841.236 1
      中子 (CNL)TOC=0.118 8/CNL-1.476 40.483 01.274 8
      多参数模型Δ logRD法TOC=0.049logRD+0.764AC-2.7930595 61.251 0
      lx指数法TOC=0.0001lx其中lx=(ΔAC-ΔAC1)*GR-ΔGR1)0.487 41.273 6
      CARBOLOG法TOC=-0.74AC+0.058RD-l/2-2.6380.548 01.286 2
      多参数回归法 $\text{TOC=}\frac{\left( 0.003AC+0.010GR+0.172RT+0.088CNL+15.001 \right)}{DEN}-6.201$ 0.851 71.136 0
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      表  3  伦坡拉盆地W1井牛堡组烃源岩TOC预测精度分析

      Table  3.   The analysis on precision of TOC predication of the Niubao Formation of Well-W1 in Lunpola basin

      深度 (m)TOC实测值TOC预测值绝对误差相对误差 (%)
      1 848.20.991.020.033.0
      1 848.71.571.640.074.5
      1 849.20.981.010.033.1
      1 849.
      1 850.11.551.640.095.8
      1 850.
      1 851.20.890.940.055.6
      1 851.70.940.960.022.1
      1 852.73.183.520.3410.7
      1 853.11.151.12-0.032.6
      1 853.71.301.420.129.2
      1 854.30.780.910.1316.7
      1 854.80.770.880.1114.3
      1 855.10.720.810.0912.5
      1 855.70.640.710.0710.9
      1 856.20.740.760.022.7
      1 856.70.540.560.023.7
      1 857.10.880.79-0.0910.2
      1 948.20.740.69-0.056.8
      1 948.
      1 949.10.760.780.022.6
      1 950.
      1 951.
      1 952.10.330.350.026.1
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      表  4  伦坡拉盆地代表性单井牛堡组烃源岩厚度预测结果

      Table  4.   Prediction thickness of the source rocks of Niubao Formation in representative wells in Lunpola basin

      凹陷井名层位泥岩厚度 (m)非烃源岩较差烃源岩较好烃源岩优质烃源岩
      厚度 (m)比例 (%)厚度 (m)比例 (%)厚度 (m)比例 (%)厚度 (m)比例 (%)
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      表  5  伦坡拉盆地牛堡组烃源岩显微组分及有机质类型

      Table  5.   Microcomponents and kerogen types of the Niubao Formation in the Lunpola basin

      凹陷井名样品深度 (m)层位干酪根显微组分相对质量分数 (%)类型指数 (TI)类型
      江加错W11 749.90E2n3-185.700.000.0014.3074.981
      1 751.00E2n3-
      1 752.10E2n3-184.300.000.0015.7072.531
      1 752.80E2n3-
      1 753.80E2n3-182.700.000.0017.3069.731
      1 755.00E2n3-184.300.300.0015.4072.901
      1 756.00E2n3-180.300.000.0019.7065.531
      1 756.90E2n3-185.300.300.0014.4074.651
      1 305.00E2n3-295.890.560.752.8093.32
      爬错Z11 780.00E2n2-393.631.031.034.3189.89
      1 994.00E2n2-289.960.402.826.8282.23
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