Comparison of Permian Petroleum Accumulation Conditions between the Zaysan Basin and the Northwestern Margin of Junggar Basin
摘要: 斋桑盆地位于“一带一路”重要的沿线国—哈萨克斯坦国东北部,二叠系成藏研究相对较少.基于斋桑盆地构造演化背景,通过与邻区准噶尔盆地西北缘在构造沉积演化、烃源岩、储盖组合以及运聚模式的对比,揭示其二叠系勘探潜力.结果表明:斋桑盆地和准噶尔盆地均为板块碰撞的产物,沉积体系受断裂控制;与风城组烃源岩类型相似,麦恰特组烃源岩有机质类型以Ⅰ和Ⅱ型为主,源岩发育于高盐度、强还原性水体环境,为一套好-很好的烃源岩;但斋桑盆地二叠系储层中孔低渗,物性相对较好,且二叠系内部发育大套地层圈闭,可形成规模地层油气藏.综合对比分析表明斋桑盆地二叠系具有良好的勘探潜力.Abstract: The Zaysan basin is located in northeastern Kazakhstan, one important country along "the Belt and Road". However, Permian petroleum accumulation research in Zaysan basin is relatively few. In this paper, Permian exploration potentials of the Zaysan basin are explored by a comparative study with adjacent northwestern margin of Junggar basin in tectonic and sedimentary evolution, hydrocarbon source rocks, reservoir cap assemblages, migration and accumulation patterns on the basis of background of tectonic evolution of the Zaysan basin. The results show both of them are the products of plate collisions and the sedimentary systems are all controlled by faults; similar to the Fengcheng Formation, the types of Maichat Formation source rocks are type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ; sources rocks deposited in high salinity, reducing environment and they are good source rocks; the reservoirs in the Zaysan basin are of medium porosity and low permeability reservoirs which indicates that the reservoir quality is relatively better. In Permian strata of the Zaysan basin there exists a large set of stratigraphic traps where the oil and gas can be directly accumulated so as to form oil and gas reservoirs. It is suggested that the oil and gas of the Permian strata in the Zaysan basin is characterized by huge potentials for exploration.
图 1 斋桑盆地与准噶尔盆地西北缘地缘关系
图 1b改自韩宝福等 (2010)、刘宜文等 (2013)和Li et al.(2014)
Fig. 1. Relationship between the Zaysan basin and the northwestern margin of the Junggar basin
图 3 斋桑盆地形成演化示意
图 3a,3c据Li et al.(2014);图 3b据朱宝清和冯益民 (1994),成守德等 (2009),Li et al.(2014),徐学义等 (2014)修编
Fig. 3. The formation sketch of the Zaysan basin
图 5 斋桑盆地和准噶尔盆地西北缘推覆体剖面示意
Fig. 5. Sketch of the thrust body section between the Zaysan basin and the northwest margin of Junggar basin
图 9 原油规则甾烷成熟度参数关系
原油A和原油B均来源于准噶尔盆地西北缘二叠系风城组烃源岩,原油A主要经过次生变化 (据王旭龙等,2008),斋桑原油为斋桑盆地二叠系麦恰特组原油,图中出现处于未成熟区域点可能与其次生变化相关
Fig. 9. Relation of normal sterane maturity parameters in crude oil
图 11 斋桑盆地与准噶尔盆地西北缘油气运聚模式
a.斋桑盆地;b.准噶尔盆地西北缘,据黄凯等 (1999)
Fig. 11. Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation models in the Zaysan basin and the northwestern Junggar basin
表 1 斋桑盆地与准噶尔盆地车排子原油及烃源岩地球化学特征
Table 1. Geochemical characters of oil and source rock from Zaysan basin and Chepaizi swell of Junggar basin
指标 斋桑麦恰特组原油 车排子风城组原油 车排子风城组烃源岩 有机质类型 未知 - Ⅰ,Ⅱ Pr/Ph <1.0 <1.0 <0.8 β-胡萝卜烷 含量高 - 含量高 规则甾烷 C27<C28<C29 C27<C28<C29 C27<C28<C29 重排甾烷 含量很低 - 含量很低 伽马蜡烷及伽马蜡烷指数 含量高,0.24~0.36 含量高,0.27~0.30 含量高 Ts/Tm 0.10~0.13,Ts相对较低 Ts相对较低 Ts不含或微含 δ13C (‰) -32.05~-30.96 < -30 -31.948~-28.719 Ro(%) - - 0.85~1.16 注:车排子地区风城组烃源岩数据源自胡宗全 (2004);车排子地区风城组原油数据源自刘洛夫等 (2011). 表 2 准噶尔盆地西北缘二叠纪充填序列及沉积特征
Table 2. Permian filling sequences and sedimentary characteristics in the northwestern margin of Junggar basin
地层 代号 组名 沉积体系 二
系上统 P3w 上乌尔禾组 大型水下扇、冲积扇、辫状河、湖泊沉积体系
中统P2w 下乌尔禾组 大型水下扇三角洲、湖泊沉积体系 P2x 夏子街组 扇三角洲平原、前缘或水下扇、湖泊沉积体系组合
下统P1f 风城组 陆源近海滨浅湖、扇三角洲、冲积扇及湖底扇体系 P1j 佳木河组 水下扇、扇三角洲相碎屑与火山岩相、滨浅湖相混合沉积体系 表 3 斋桑盆地与准噶尔盆地西北缘二叠系主要储集层段物性对比
Table 3. Comparison of the main Permian reservoirs between the Zaysan basin and the northwestern Junggar basin
地区 层名 代号 孔隙度 (%) 渗透率 (10-3 μm2) 储层评价 斋桑盆地 麦恰特组 P12 7.6%~29.7%,平均为16.0% 0.08~269.00,平均为12.14 中孔低渗 塔朗钦组 P21 7.6%~29.7%,平均为16.0% 0.08~269.00,平均为12.14 中孔低渗 克百地区 风城组 P1f 0.2%~17.1%,平均为7.73% 0.01~1 160.00,平均为0.07 低孔低渗 夏子街组 P2x 0.10%~22.74%,平均为8.69% 0.01~2 050.85,平均为0.78 低孔低渗 下乌尔禾组 P2w 1.11%~16.14%,平均为7.57% 0.01~475.30,平均0.59 低孔低渗 上乌尔禾组 P3w 0.50%~24.60%,平均为8.07% 0.01~3 009.73,平均7.02 低孔低渗 -
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