Comparison of Hydraulic Tomography and Kriging for Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity of a Heterogeneous Aquifer
摘要: 含水层非均质性空间分布特征的识别,是准确模拟地下水流和污染物运移的前提.基于室内非均质含水层砂箱实验,分别利用水力层析法和克立金插值法刻画了非均质含水层渗透系数场.研究结果表明:(1) 水力层析法与克立金法相比,不仅可以更好地刻画非均质含水层渗透系数场,还可以更高精度地预测地下水流过程;(2) 水力层析抽水实验中,通过增加抽水实验组数可以有效地提高水力层析参数反演的精度,但是抽水实验组数增加到一定程度以后,再增加抽水组数不会显著提升参数反演的效果.后续需要进一步研究水力层析抽水实验合适的组数,进一步对抽水井进行优化布设.Abstract: Characterization of the spatial distributions of aquifer heterogeneity is the premise of accurately simulating groundwater flow and contaminant migration. Based on the laboratory sandbox test of a synthetic heterogeneous aquifer, hydraulic tomography and kriging are used to characterize hydraulic conductivity (K) of the heterogeneous aquifer in this study. The results show that:(1) Compared with kriging, hydraulic tomography can get higher precision to characterize the K field and predict groundwater flow process of the heterogeneous aquifer; (2) in the pumping tests of hydraulic tomography, increasing the number of pumping tests can effectively improve accuracy of inversion of hydraulic tomography, however, after reaching a certain degree, increasing the number of pumping test can not significantly improve the effect of the parameter inversion. Subsequently, it is necessary to further research the appropriate number of pumping tests of hydraulic tomography for further optimizing pumping wells.
Key words:
- hydraulic tomography /
- kriging /
- heterogeneity /
- hydraulic conductivity /
- hydrogeology
表 1 非稳定流达西实验渗透系数计算结果
Table 1. Results of hydraulic conductivity by Darcy experiments of transient flow
非均质含水层 1 2、11 3、9 4 5、8 6、10 7、12 砂粒粒径(mm) 0.40~0.60 <0.17 0.60~0.90 0.15~0.25 <0.15 0.20~0.30 0.30~0.45 K(cm/s) 0.101 0.013 0.351 0.021 0.001 0.041 0.082 表 2 水力层析法和克立金插值法评价结果
Table 2. Evaluation results of hydraulic tomography and kriging
方法 L1 L2 R2 HT-4组抽水实验反演 0.095 0.029 0.980 HT-8组抽水实验反演 0.085 0.023 0.983 克立金插值 0.247 0.153 0.876 -
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