Estimating Unconfined Aquifer Parameters Based on Groundwater Tidal Effect
摘要: 目前对潜水含水层地下水潮汐效应和水文地质参数求解方法的研究相对较少.通过对福建古雷半岛滨海潜水含水层地下水潮汐效应和海水潮汐动态的观测, 运用Fourier频谱分析方法确定了研究区海水潮汐波动方程(波动特征参数), 并以此作为地下水的边界条件, 推导了潜水含水层地下水潮汐效应的波动方程, 利用最小二乘法以地下水水位波动观测值为目标函数对潜水含水层的渗透系数与重力给水度的比值进行了反演识别, 为类似地区水文地质参数的确定提供了借鉴, 也为该区后续地下水中溶质迁移规律的研究奠定了基础.Abstract: Studies on the groundwater tidal effect in unconfined aquifer and the method of calculating unconfined aquifer hydrogeological parameters are relatively inefficient. In this study, spectral analysis is used to obtain an analytical formula for tidal level description by firstly observing groundwater table in a well of a coastal unconfined aquifer and tidal level in Gulei peninsula. Then the formula is used as the boundary condition of groundwater flow to deduce the solution of groundwater table in the unconfined aquifer. At last the least square method is used to calculate the hydrogeological parameters in the unconfined aquifer, which provides a reference to similar areas and gives basic information for the study on the groundwater solute transport in this area.
Key words:
- unconfined aquifer /
- parameter-calculation method /
- groundwater /
- tidal effect
表 1 海潮数据的谱分析及拟合结果
Table 1. The tide data of spectrum analysis and the fitting results
j 1 2 3 4 ωi(r/h) 0.132 7 0.221 2 0.265 5 0.510 5 Ai(m) 0.050 0 0.620 0 0.950 0 1.320 0 φi(r) 0.157 1 1.099 6 5.654 9 5.906 2 -
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