Overpressure Formation Mechanism in Xihu Depression of the East China Sea Shelf Basin
摘要: 西湖凹陷超压普遍发育,成因机制复杂,目前研究未见深入.从产生超压的主要因素入手,采用定性分析与定量计算相结合的方法,基于超压层段的测井响应特征、速度与垂直有效应力、沉积速率与孔隙度演化史、压力演化史与生烃强度史耦合的初步判断,再通过定量的计算综合分析了西湖凹陷超压的成因机制.研究表明:不均衡压实作用和生烃作用是西湖凹陷超压形成的主要机制,但在不同的区带有一定的差异.其中保俶斜坡带以不均衡压实作用为主,经过估算生烃作用贡献率为23%~57%,平均达到41%;而在中央背斜带超压形成机制有两种模式,大部分是以生烃作用为主的增压模式,贡献率为51%~78%;个别井位研究显示以不均衡压实作用为主的增压模式.在三潭深凹超压的形成中,不均衡压实作用与生烃作用相当,生烃作用增压稍强于不均衡压实作用增压,生烃作用的平均贡献率为60%左右.Abstract: Overpressure is widely developed in Xihu depression, which has complicated formation mechanism. However, there is no in-depth study on this topic at present. In this paper, starting from the main factors that produce overpressure, we use both the micro analysis and macro evidence to comprehensively analyze the mudstone overpressure formation mechanism in the Xihu depression of the East China sea shelf basin, based on the logging response characteristics of overpressure formation, as well as the relationship between speed and vertical effective stress, the relationship between the evolution history of deposition and porosity, the coupling of pressure evolution history and that of hydrocarbon-generated rate. It is concluded that overpressure formation in Baochu slope belt is mainly attributed to under-compaction, and its hydrocarbon generation contribution rate is estimated at 23%-57% with an average of 41%. In the central anticlinal belt, overpressure formation mainly has the following two models: one is the model of hydrocarbon generation with a contribution rate of 51%-78%, and the other is the model of under-compaction interaction. Both the hydrocarbon generation and under-compaction have played an important role in the overpressure formation in Santan sag and the average contribution rate of hydrocarbon generation is about 60%.
Key words:
- formation mechanism /
- mudstone overpressure /
- Xihu depression /
- petroleum geology.
表 1 西湖凹陷钻井泥岩超压成因分析统计
Table 1. Statistics of the drilling mudstone overpressure formation in Xihu depression
构造单元 井号 超压带顶(m) 层位 推测成因 保俶斜坡带 I井 3200 平上段 不均衡压实+生烃作用 G井 3000 花上段 不均衡压实+生烃作用 A井 3300 平上段 不均衡压实+生烃作用 D井 3800 平中段 不均衡压实 三潭深凹 M井 3750 花下段 不均衡压实+生烃作用 中央背斜带 T井 3450 平上段 生烃作用 S井 3100 花下段 生烃作用 R井 3100 平下段 不均衡压实+生烃作用 P井 2850 花下段 生烃作用+不均衡压实 Q井 3100 花下段 不均衡压实+生烃作用 N井 2950 花下段 不均衡压实+生烃作用 表 2 西湖凹陷代表井增压机制估算结果
Table 2. The estimation of overpressure mechanisms of typical wells in Xihu depression
井号 测点深度(m) 地层压力(MPa) 压力系数 剩余压力(MPa) 垂直有效应力(MPa) 声波速度(km/s) 有效应力减小量(MPa) 泥岩剩余压力(MPa) 生烃作用贡献率(%) 增压之和与实测剩余压力间的误差(MPa) 保俶斜坡带 A井 4280.50 73.53 1.72 30.72 22.15 3.88 12.60 19.70 41.01 1.58 A井 4148.50 73.82 1.78 32.34 18.91 3.82 15.97 19.40 49.38 3.03 B井 3620.75 55.58 1.53 19.37 25.40 3.68 5.84 13.90 30.14 0.37 B井 3575.75 52.6 1.47 16.84 27.05 3.23 4.04 12.70 23.99 -0.10 C井 3855.23 51.73 1.34 13.18 34.92 3.77 4.24 9.17 32.17 0.23 C井 4184.00 57.82 1.38 15.98 36.21 3.68 4.75 9.50 29.72 -1.73 E井 3804.00 53.38 1.40 15.34 30.17 3.02 3.62 11.40 23.59 -0.32 H井 3802.89 45.72 1.20 7.67 38.43 3.29 4.40 3.99 57.36 0.72 中央背斜带 O井 4182.00 51.44 1.23 9.62 42.82 4.48 4.91 2.33 51.03 -2.37 O井 4287.79 52.55 1.22 9.67 44.10 4.31 7.54 2.48 77.97 0.35 O井 4390.00 53.75 1.22 9.85 45.20 4.78 5.11 2.96 51.87 -1.78 P井 3359.70 49.49 1.47 15.89 27.45 3.64 3.25 12.10 20.44 -0.54 J井 3971.70 58.27 14.70 18.55 27.07 4.45 10.56 4.47 56.92 -3.52 三潭 L井 4619.50 72.67 1.57 26.48 36.91 2.23 15.58 10.50 58.83 -0.40 K井 4144.76 62.54 1.51 21.09 33.74 2.52 14.79 8.85 65.12 2.55 -
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