Coupling Relationship between NE Strike-Slip Faults and Hypogenic Karstification in Middle-Lower Ordovician of Shunnan Area, Tarim Basin, Northwest China
摘要: SN4井获高产天然气流揭示塔里木盆地深层-超深层具有巨大油气勘探潜力,然而目的层段埋藏深、勘探程度低,其储层发育机理和分布规律仍备受争议.从宏观和微观上着手,运用三维地震精细解释技术分析了顺南地区断裂构造发育以及碳酸盐岩储层空间展布特征,并结合岩相岩石学和流体包裹体分析技术判定了碳酸盐岩成岩作用类型,从而总结出顺南地区中-下奥陶统断控型深成岩溶储层形成机制.研究结果表明,顺南地区主要经历4期构造运动:加里东早期、加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期和海西晚期;NE向走滑断裂的形成和改造主要与加里东中期和加里东晚期-海西早期两期构造活动有关.深成岩溶作用在顺南地区大规模发育,并与 NE向走滑断裂具有很好的耦合关系:平面上,深成岩溶主要沿SN4断裂带发育,具有明显的分段性;剖面上,深部流体在垂向上的运移主要受张性走滑断裂的控制,其在横向上的运移则主要受先存渗流带的控制.深成岩溶主要顺着张性走滑断裂发育,侧向上受鹰山组上段砂屑灰岩相带的约束.Abstract: The discovery of high yielding SN4 well of natural gas reveals great potential for oil and gas exploration of the deep-super deep reservoirs in Tarim basin, where the mechanism and distribution of reservoirs remain controversial due to the great burial-depth and low exploration maturity. This paper presents a study from both the macro and micro perspective on this issue. A 3-D seismic fine interpretation is employed to analyze the development of fault structures and the spatial distribution of carbonate reservoirs in Shunnan area of Tarim basin. Combined with the analysis of lithofacies and fluid inclusion, it is concluded that Shunnan area in Tarim basin experienced four major tectonic movements, which happened during early Caledonian, middle Caledonian, late Caledonian-early Hercynian and late Hercynian. The formation and transformation of the NE strike-slip faults were controlled by the tectonic movement of middle Caledonian and Caledonian-early Hercynian. The hypogenic karstification developed in Shunnan area on a large scale, which has a coupling relationship with the NE strike-slip faults. In the plane, the hypogenic karst mainly developed along the SN4 strike-slip faults zones with distinct segmentation. In the section, the hypogenic karstification is developed along the extensional strike-slip faults, and the migration in the transverse direction was mainly controlled by the pre-existing permeable zones which mostly comprised upper Yingshan calcarenite layer.
图 4 SN4断裂带分段剖面形态特征
剖面位置见图 1
Fig. 4. Seismic section at different parts along the SN4 strike-slip fault
图 6 顺南地区SN4井中下奥陶统岩芯及扫描电镜照片
Fig. 6. Typical pictures of core samples and scanning electron micrograph of SN4 well in Shunnan area
图 8 串珠状剖面上分布特征及其在SN4井中与测录井数据对应关系
剖面位置见图 5
Fig. 8. Profile distribution of the bead-like seismic reflection and the relation between hypogenic karst and in SN4 well
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