Eocene Source Rock Determination in Qiongdongnan Basin, the South China Sea:A Hydrocarbon Detection Perspective
摘要: 目前普遍认为琼东南盆地天然气来源于渐新统和中新统海相煤型烃源岩,对于始新统偏Ⅰ型干酪根烃源岩的存在尚不明确,因此确定始新统烃源岩生烃可能性及其分布将为下一步勘探提供重要依据.琼东南盆地东部45块样品的流体包裹体系统测试分析以及天然气和轻烃地球化学特征分析结果表明,盆地东部气藏以油型气及油型-煤型混合气为特征,至少有4期天然气充注,其中第1期天然气充注与始新统烃源岩生排烃有关.由此认为,琼东南盆地东部可能发育始新统偏Ⅰ型干酪根烃源岩,主要分布于松南-宝岛-长昌凹陷以及北礁凹陷.Abstract: It is generally held that most gas in Qiongdongnan basin, the South China Sea, is coal type gas and comes from the Oligocene and Miocene marine source rocks, while the existence of Eocene source rocks is uncertain. Determining Eocene source rocks will provide significant foundation for oil and gas exploration. The systematical analysis of fluid inclusions of 45 samples and geochemical characteristics of gas and light hydrocarbons indicate that most of the gas is oil type gas and oil-coal gas with 4 gas charging episodes. The first gas charging episode probably comes from Eocene source rocks in eastern of Qiongdongnan basin, the South China Sea. The results indicate that it probably develops kerogen type Ⅰ of Eocene source, distributed in Songnan-Baodao-Changchang depression and Beijiao depression of Qiongdongnan basin, the South China Sea, which can be regarded as advantage exploration targets.
Key words:
- Eocene /
- source rock /
- fluid inclusion /
- natural gas /
- Qiongdongnan basin /
- hydrocarbons /
- geochemistry
图 1 琼东南盆地构造区划与始新统沉积中心分布
Fig. 1. Structural units division and depocenters distribution plan of Eocene (left) and geological column (right) in Qiongdongnan basin, South China Sea
图 8 琼东南盆地始新统沉积时期古地貌恢复
Fig. 8. Palaeogeomorphology recovery map in Eocene of Qiongdongnan basin
图 9 琼东南盆地松南凹陷、北礁凹陷地震层序地层划分及沉积相解释剖面
剖面AA′位置见图 1
Fig. 9. Seismic stratigraphic sequences classification and lateral section explanation of precipitation facies in Songnan sag and Beijiao sag of Qiongdongnan basin
表 1 与纯气相包裹体共的生盐水包裹体平均均一温度
Table 1. Homogenous temperatures of oil inclusions and their coeval aqueous inclusions in east of Qiongdongnan basin
井号 样品编号 深度(m) 层位 与气同期盐水/含烃盐水包裹体均一温度(℃) Th1 Th2 Th3 Th4 Th5 Th6 BD13-1-1 B127 1 578.55 N1m2 82.2 BD13-1-1 B126 1 700.06 N1s1 87.2 BD13-3-1 B165 1 751.00 N1m2 87.9 BD13-3-1 B166 1 920.00 N1s1 98.5 BD13-3s-1 B135 1 884.00 N1m2 113.7~114.7 BD13-3s-1 B124 1 968.70 N1s1 116.3~118.7 BD13-3s-1 B123 1 977.66 N1s1 90.9 ST24-1-1 B082 1 870.00 N1m1 89.6 ST24-1-1 B081 2 280.00 N1s1 119.2 ST24-1-1 B079 2 662.00 N1s2 119.7 146.2 ST24-1-1 B080 2 770.00 E3l1 122.2 ST24-1-1 B085 3 210.00 E3l2 118.6 139.1 ST24-1-1 B083 3 760.00 E3y1 133.5 BD19-2-1 B162 2 330.00 N1m1 147.4 BD19-2-1 B160 2 680.00 N1s1 116.6 BD19-2-2 B045 2 826.00 N1s1 123.1 BD19-2-2 B046 2 986.00 N1s2 126.6 BD19-2-3 B167 2 378.00 N1m2 115.9 133.2 BD19-2-3 B138 2 422.00 N1s1 119.8 133.8 BD19-2-3 B141 2 429.68 N1s1 111.7 137.6 BD19-2-3 B168 2 600.00 N1s1 116.0 BD19-2-3 B169 2 898.00 N1s2 125.6 BD19-2-3 B170 3 150.00 N1s2 146.7 BD19-2-3 B172 3 610.00 E3l1 147.1 BD19-2-3 B173 3 770.00 E3l2 129.9 164.9 BD19-2-3 B142 3 937.00 E3l2 117.3 172.4 BD19-2-3 B145 5 040.00 E3l3 167.6 199.1 BD19-4-1 B186 2 824.00 N1s1 121.9 BD19-4-1 B187 3 198.00 N1s2 136.2 164.3~166.0 BD20-1-1 B184 2 430.00 N1s1 116.8 148.9 BD20-1-1 B183 2 940.00 N1s2 115.8~118.7 146.7~156.3 BD20-1-1 B181 3 132.00 E3l1 133.9 158.0 BD20-1-1 B180 3 490.00 E3l2 154.4 BD20-1-1 B176 3 964.00 E3l3 120.5 132.2 153.3 BD20-1-1 B175 4 258.00 E3y1 170.3 182.8 ST29-2-1 B117 3 125.00 N1s2 127.6 139.5 ST29-2-1 B119 3 714.00 E3l1 136.2 149.5 161.0 ST29-2-1 B121 4 214.00 E3l2 156.7 ST36-1-1 B071 4 378.00 N1s2 152.8~157.6 ST31-2-1 B057 1 025.00 N1s1 93.4 ST31-2-1 B054 2 045.00 E3l2 103.6 ST31-2-1 B052 2 804.00 E3l3 117.5~117.7 ST31-2-1 B051 3 380.00 E3y1 107.2 121.7 YIN9 B037 2 221.97 E3l1 105.7~108.1 126.9 YIN9 B040 2 455.00 E3l2 118.5 138.7 YIN9 B038 2 690.90 E3l3 116.6 -
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