3D Geological Model Intersection Algorithm Based on Triangular Mesh
摘要: 三维地质体模型相交元素之间构成的奇异空间关系与复杂的模型要素形态极大影响了切割算法稳健性及切割结果可靠性.提出一种几何运算与关系表达相统一的地质体三维模型切割算法.算法首先构建交点对象拓扑结构,存储交点与所在三角形单元及空间邻近要素的相对位置关系;然后结合精确谓词法设计完整的边-三角形相交类型分类图,记录27种相交情况与交点位置的对应关系,并在重三角化过程中建立交点调整机制,利用交点对象拓扑结构中关联的空间关系作为上下文约束,有效控制投影降维浮点误差带来的交点位置偏差的不良影响.实验结果表明,算法能够有效处理地质体模型中的三角网退化/近似退化、自相交及共面/近似共面等奇异空间关系,同时具有良好的运算效率.Abstract: The complexity of 3D geological model and the singular spatial relationship among geological intersection objects greatly influenced the robustness and the reliability of intersection algorithm. An efficient and reliable intersection algorithm of complex geological model is proposed in this paper. Firstly, an intersection point topological structure is built to store the relative position between intersection point and adjacent elements. Then combining the exact predicates method, a complete edge/triangle intersection classification figure is designed which records 27 kinds of intersection cases and corresponding intersection point positions; in the process of re-triangulation, the designed adjustment mechanisms make full use of associated spatial relationship as the constraints, adding an additional level of reliability to the algorithm. The experimental results show that our algorithm efficiently handled the degenerate/self-intersection cases in triangular mesh and the tangency/co-planar/near co-planar triangles special cases in intersection process, and could provide a reference for 3D complex geological model intersection analysis.
Key words:
- geological model /
- 3D GIS /
- 3D space analysis /
- remote sensing /
- cutting analysis /
- reliability
表 1 边-三角形基本拓扑关系分类
Table 1. Edge-triangle detailed topological relationship
基本关系 边-三角形基本拓扑关系 Touch TouchVertex(TV)/TouchEdge(TE)/ TouchFace(TF) Share ShareVertex(SV)/ ShareEdge(SE)/ ShareFace(SF) Across AcrossVertex(AV)/ AcrossEdge(AE)/ AcrossFace(AF) Disjoint Disjoint(DJ) 表 2 网格特殊情况处理对比分析
Table 2. Special cases comparison with prior arts
特殊情况 算法 本文算法 OCCT GOCAD TRICUT 共面 是 是 是 否 近似共面 是 是 是 否 自相交 是 否 否 否 退化 是 是 是 否 表 3 地质模型数据
Table 3. Detailed information of geological model
数据编号 数据名称 三角形数(个) 相交情况(个) 运算时间(ms) 被切割面 切割面 被切割面 切割面 三角形对 交点 本文 GOCAD OCCT 1 0 S 158 30 40 41 12 32 10 187 2 2 4 604 21 75 76 29 540 26 348 3 T4 2 22 830 604 189 190 585 2 900 48 141 4 K18 4 62 061 23 488 496 2 097 4 600 66 300 5 T2 0 86 887 158 506 508 2 786 3 500 69 420 6 T2 0-1 86 887 32 993 1 019 4 308 9 400 165 641 -
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