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    尹得余 刘启方

    尹得余, 刘启方, 2016. 基于包络的汶川大地震高频地震波辐射区域反演及近场加速度合成. 地球科学, 41(10): 1781-1793. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.125
    引用本文: 尹得余, 刘启方, 2016. 基于包络的汶川大地震高频地震波辐射区域反演及近场加速度合成. 地球科学, 41(10): 1781-1793. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.125
    Yin Deyu, Liu Qifang, 2016. Estimation of High-Frequency Wave Radiation Areas of Wenchuan Earthquake by the Envelope Inversion of Acceleration Seismograms and Synthesis of Near-Field Accelerograms. Earth Science, 41(10): 1781-1793. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.125
    Citation: Yin Deyu, Liu Qifang, 2016. Estimation of High-Frequency Wave Radiation Areas of Wenchuan Earthquake by the Envelope Inversion of Acceleration Seismograms and Synthesis of Near-Field Accelerograms. Earth Science, 41(10): 1781-1793. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.125


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2016.125

    国家自然科学基金项目 Nos.51378479

    黑龙江省留学归国科学基金项目 No.LC201403

    国家自然科学基金项目 Nos.91315301-10


      尹得余 (1987-),男,博士研究生,主要从事震源破裂过程反演研究


      刘启方, Email:qifang_liu@126.com

    • 中图分类号: P315

    Estimation of High-Frequency Wave Radiation Areas of Wenchuan Earthquake by the Envelope Inversion of Acceleration Seismograms and Synthesis of Near-Field Accelerograms

    • 摘要: 合理地估计汶川破坏区域的地震动有助于地震灾害的研究.通过利用芦山地震记录建立的加速度包络衰减关系和汶川地震近场30个台站的加速度包络,基于线源模型,采用差分进化方法反演了汶川地震断层面上高频 (>1 Hz) 辐射区域分布.结果表明:断层面上高频辐射分布很不均匀,辐射较强的区域主要位于:(1) 产生较大地表破裂的映秀、北川和南坝区域;(2) 映秀和北川等凹凸体的周边区域,包括震中东北侧60~90 km区域、北川和南坝东北侧30 km处;(3) 断层破裂停止的东北端约30 km长的区域.其中,破裂贯穿到地表的映秀、北川和南坝是低频和高频辐射都很强的区域.对于无观测记录场点,选择其临近且场地条件类似的台站加速度提取平稳随机过程,结合高频辐射分布和衰减关系得到的包络,合成了加速度时程,可为汶川地震结构震害分析提供地震动输入.


    • 图  1  (a) 线源模型示意图;(b)51AXT台的东西向加速度包络


      Fig.  1.  (a) Schematic diagram of the line source model. (b) Acceleration envelope of EW component at the station 51AXT

      图  2  包络函数模型示意图

      Fig.  2.  Schematic diagram of the envelope function model

      图  3  本文震中距与包络参数t1tsC的关系与霍俊荣 (1989)肖亮 (2011)相应结果的对比


      Fig.  3.  Comparison about the relation of envelope parameters t1, ts and C to epicentral distance in the article, Huo (1989) and Xiao (2011)

      图  4  汶川地震线源模型及所用30个近场台站分布

      Fig.  4.  Line source model of Wenchuan earthquake and the distribution of 30 near-filed stations

      图  5  子断层间隔为10 km, 15 km和20 km时,不加噪声与加10%噪声反演得到的子震个数与输入模型对比

      Fig.  5.  Comparison about subsource number between input model and the inversion result under the condition of noiseless or 10% noise for the subfault interval 10 km, 15 km and 20 km

      图  8  子断层包含子震的分布


      Fig.  8.  The distributions of the subsources in the fault plane

      图  6  合成包络与观测包络残差对应迭代次数的变化

      Fig.  6.  The variation of the residue between synthetic and observed envelopes versus iterations

      图  7  观测包络与合成包络对比


      Fig.  7.  Comparison of the observed and the synthetic envelopes

      图  9  51AXT台、映秀和北川合成加速度记录及反应谱

      Fig.  9.  The synthetic accelerations and their response spectra at 51AXT station, Yingxiu and Bei chuan

      表  1  芦山地震43个台站位置及震中距

      Table  1.   Locations and epicentral distance of the 43 stations of Lushan earthquake

      台站代码 经度 (E) 纬度 (N) 震中距 (km)
      51BXD 102.81° 30.37° 16.5
      51BXZ 102.89° 30.47° 21.8
      51BXM 102.71° 30.38° 25.7
      51BXY 102.90° 30.53° 27.8
      51YAM 103.11° 30.07° 28.1
      51LSF 102.90° 30.02° 29.8
      51QLY 103.27° 30.41° 32.9
      51YAD 103.01° 29.98° 34.2
      51HYT 103.37° 29.91° 58.1
      51PJW 103.65° 30.30° 67.1
      51KDZ 102.18° 30.12° 77.1
      51XJW 102.64° 30.96° 81.4
      51HYQ 102.62° 29.58° 84.8
      51HYY 102.45° 29.65° 86.0
      51XJD 102.36° 31.00° 97.6
      51LDJ 102.21° 29.69° 98.1
      51KDT 101.96° 30.05° 99.1
      51DJZ 103.59° 31.02° 102.3
      51PXZ 103.76° 30.91° 103.7
      51CDZ 104.09° 30.56° 113.4
      51HYW 102.90° 29.22° 118.2
      51KDG 101.57° 29.96° 137.7
      51DFB 101.48° 30.48° 142.9
      51KDX 101.50° 30.04° 143.1
      51GLQ 102.77° 28.97° 147.8
      51SFB 104.00° 31.28° 149.1
      51MNW 102.28° 28.81° 177.1
      51HSS 103.42° 31.94° 190.0
      51MNC 102.24° 28.64° 195.3
      51MNA 102.17° 28.61° 201.2
      51MNJ 102.18° 28.55° 207.2
      51MNT 102.16° 28.55° 208.3
      51MNH 102.07° 28.46° 220.7
      51LBH 103.79° 28.44° 220.9
      51JYH 104.61° 31.77° 228.6
      51LBD 103.57° 28.26° 232.8
      51MNL 102.19° 28.29° 233.9
      51JYT 104.75° 31.78° 238.4
      51MNM 102.17° 28.20° 243.8
      51MNZ 102.07° 28.20° 246.8
      51JYW 104.78° 31.88° 248.8
      51XCY 102.16° 27.74° 293.8
      51YYJ 101.96° 27.72° 301.9
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      表  2  包络衰减关系的回归系数

      Table  2.   Regression coefficient of attenuation relationship of envelope

      方向 参数 C1 C2 C3 R0(km) ε
      东西 t1 -1.836 0.234 0.674 10 0.176
      I0 -0.257 0.752 -1.721 10 0.247
      ts -2.036 0.295 0.573 10 0.137
      C 1.361 -0.221 -0.488 10 0.107
      南北 t1 -1.303 0.145 0.730 10 0.101
      I0 -0.396 0.716 -1.523 10 0.211
      ts -2.073 0.334 0.439 10 0.129
      C 1.321 -0.242 -0.405 10 0.104
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      表  3  汶川地震30个台站位置及震中距、断层距

      Table  3.   The locations of 30 stations and their epicenter and fault distance

      代码 经度 (E) 纬度 (N) 震中距 (km) 断层距 (km) 上盘 下盘
      51WCW 103.18° 31.04° 18.0 16.1
      51DXY 103.52° 30.59° 46.9 43.9
      51LXT 103.45° 31.56° 64.0 43.6
      51LXM 103.34° 31.57° 64.5 51.4
      51QLY 103.27° 30.41° 65.1 43.4 \ \
      51BXY 102.91° 30.53° 66.4 10.8 \ \
      51SFB 103.99° 31.28° 68.1 14.0
      51XJD 102.64° 30.97° 68.7 44.0
      51LXS 102.91° 31.53° 73.7 74.9
      51MXN 103.73° 31.58° 74.4 27.8
      51PJW 103.63° 30.29° 82.0 76.2
      51PJD 103.41° 30.25° 82.4 65.9 \ \
      51MZQ 104.09° 31.52° 91.0 0.2
      51LSJ 102.93° 30.16° 101.1 49.3 \ \
      51AXT 104.30° 31.54° 108.3 11.2
      51DYB 104.46° 31.29° 109.9 42.5
      51HSL 103.26° 32.06° 119.4 98.1
      51MXD 103.68° 32.04° 120.6 70.2
      51JYH 104.63° 31.78° 149.2 11.3
      51JYD 104.74° 31.78° 157.7 18.2
      51SPA 103.64° 32.51° 171.1 112.6
      51JYC 104.99° 31.90° 184.8 23.6
      51SPC 103.62° 32.78° 200.5 136.8
      51PWM 104.52° 32.62° 211.8 67.1
      51JZW 104.21° 33.03° 240.6 121.2
      51JZG 104.32° 33.12° 253.5 122.0
      51CXQ 105.93° 31.74° 257.9 95.8
      51GYS 105.84° 32.15° 268.0 55.2
      62WUD 104.99° 33.35° 304.0 99.7
      51GYZ 106.11° 32.62° 316.8 31.9 \ \
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      表  4  采用4种不同破裂速度和5种不同时间间隔得到的合成包络与观测包络的残差

      Table  4.   Residue of synthetic and observed envelopes at 4 different rupture velocity and 5 time interva

      vr(km/s) Δt(s)
      0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
      2.6 257.7 258.1 258.4 257.2 257.8
      2.8 243.5 241.9 240.8 241.1 240.2
      3.0 239.9 234.4 232.5 229.2 230.2
      3.2 239.8 233.1 229.0 224.5 227.3
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