Evaluation for Deposit Areas of Rock Avalanche Based on Features of Rock Mass Structure
摘要: 高速远程滑坡的演化机制与运动过程受控于岩体结构.以重庆市武隆县鸡尾山滑坡为例,采用地面激光扫描技术,获取岩体结构面几何信息,基于离散元数值模拟方法,考虑岩体结构特征,分析高速远程滑坡演化过程及其致灾范围.研究结果表明:(1) 岩体结构特征由岩体内部发育的结构面所决定,针对点云数据开展空间几何计算与聚类分析,可以快速精细地获取岩体结构面产状信息,从而进行岩体结构面识别与组别划分;(2) 将岩体结构特征评价结果导入离散元模型中,能够实现高速远程滑坡致灾范围的快速评价目的,并且取得了与实际滑动距离较为吻合的结果.Abstract: Evolution mechanism and movement process of rock avalanche are dominated by rock mass structure. The geometric information on rock discontinuities in Jiweishan landslide area was collected using terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). In addition, discrete element method (DEM), which takes into account the rock mass structure, was employed to investigate the evolution process and deposit areas of Jiweishan landslide. Results show that: (1) the features of rock mass structure were determined by rock discontinuities whose orientation was obtained by geometric calculations and cluster analysis on point cloud in a short time, and the identification and clustering of rock discontinuities were completed based on the distribution of orientation; (2) DEM and features of rock mass structure were combined to assess the deposit areas of rock avalanche, and simulation results have a good agreement with the actual situations.
图 1 武隆鸡尾山高速远程滑坡地理位置示意
Fig. 1. Location of Jiweishan rock avalanche in Wulong County, Chongqing City, China
图 7 武隆鸡尾山高速远程滑坡3DEC离散元地质模型及其滑动面、T0、T1、T2裂缝滑体边界示意
Fig. 7. The numerical model for Jiweishan landslide and location of sliding plane, crack T0, crack T1, and crack T2
表 1 三维激光扫描参数
Table 1. The information about the scanning
参数 描述 脉冲模式 第一脉冲 扫描模式 步进式扫描 扫描起始位置 左下角 扫描方向 水平 扫描距离(m) 8.39 X方向扫描间距(mm) 1 Y方向扫描间距(mm) 1 表 2 各岩体结构面几何参数统计
Table 2. Summary of 3 types of discontinuities orientation, spacing and trace length statistics
组号 几何参数 分布形式 区间 均值 标准差 类型 1 倾向(°) 正态分布 291~16 343 15.73 层面 倾角(°) 正态分布 13~50 28 6.72 2 倾向(°) 正态分布 160~190 177 7.05 节理一 倾角(°) 对数分布 51~79 59 4.70 3 倾向(°) 正态分布 93~305 110 6.94 节理二 倾角(°) 正态分布 70~90 87 5.65 -
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