Restoration of Fluid Pressure during Hydrocarbon Accumulation Period and Fluid Inclusion Feature in the Bonan Sag
摘要: 渤南洼陷油气资源丰富,成藏过程复杂,但其油气成藏时期的动力条件尚不明确.利用流体包裹体显微荧光、均一温度和冰点测试技术,恢复了渤南洼陷主力储层油气成藏期次及其对应的地层压力.研究区沙三段烃类包裹体发黄白色和黄绿色荧光,均一温度为80~130 ℃,为明化镇中后期至今一期成藏;沙四段烃类包裹体灰黄色、黄绿、蓝绿色3种荧光,存在70~80 ℃和90~130 ℃两个温度区间,对应着东营期、明化镇初期至今两期油气充注,且以晚期充注为主.油气运聚时期普遍发育异常高压,第一期成藏时压力系数相对较低;第二期随着烃源岩生烃量的增加,异常压力持续增大、超压范围不断扩展,压力系数高达1.80,为大规模的油气运移提供了充足的动力条件,并控制了洼陷区油气的聚集与宏观分布.Abstract: Bonan sag is rich in oil and gas resources, yet its complicated accumulation process results in a poor understanding of its dynamic conditions during hydrocarbon accumulation. In this study, the fluid pressure in the hydrocarbon accumulation period was recovered in the Bonan sag using such fluid inclusion analysis techniques as microscopic fluorescence, homogenization temperature and freezing point. The results show that the fluorescence of hydrocarbon inclusions in Es3 Member reservoir is yellow-white, and yellow-green, and the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are 80-130 ℃, indicating that hydrocarbons were accumulated during the period from the middle and late stage of Minghuazhen Formation deposition to present. Whereas the fluorescence of hydrocarbon inclusions in the Es4 Member reservoirs is yellow, yellow-green and blue-green, and the homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are 70-80 ℃ and 90-130 ℃, corresponding to the two stages of hydrocarbon accumulation, namely the Dongying stage and the early stage of Minghuazhen to present, of which the latter is dominant. Meanwhile, reservoirs were generally with abnormal pressure in the period of hydrocarbon accumulation on a large scale. In the first period of hydrocarbon charging, the hydrocarbon generation was limited with the weak pressure coefficient, but in the second period of hydrocarbon charging, due to a large amount of hydrocarbons generated by the matured source rocks, the abnormal pressure gradually increased, the overpressure area enlarged, and the formation pressure coefficient reached 1.80. The overpressure could have provided sufficient driving force, and affected the directions of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
图 3 渤南洼陷沙四段储层流体包裹体镜下特征
a.石英内部裂缝中的烃类包裹体,黄色荧光,义171井,3 523.8 m,Es4;b.穿石英裂缝中的烃类包裹体,黄绿色荧光,义170井,3 807.3 m,Es4;c.穿石英裂缝中的烃类包裹体,蓝绿色荧光,义171井,3 533.4 m,Es4;d.石英内部裂缝中的烃类包裹体,透射光下浅褐色,义171井,3 523.8 m,Es4;e.穿石英裂缝中的烃类包裹体,透射光下无色,义170井,3 807.3 m,Es4;f.穿石英裂缝中的烃类包裹体,透射光下无色,义171井,3 533.4 m,Es4
Fig. 3. The microscopic characteristics of fluid inclusions in Es4 reservoirs in the Bonan sag
表 1 渤南洼陷部分流体包裹体测试数据及古压力
Table 1. Paleopressure and the test data of fluid inclusions in some reservoirs, Bonan sag
构造位置 井号 现今埋深(m) 层位 均一温度(℃) 冰点(℃) 含盐度(%) 古压力(MPa) 古埋深(m) 古压力系数 北部陡坡带 渤深3 3 544.65 沙三段 118.8 -2.1 3.55 32.39 2 678.95 1.17 渤深3 3 544.65 沙三段 119.2 -0.6 1.06 32.23 2 689.47 1.16 义117 3 395.93 沙三段 117.9 -1.4 2.47 32.42 2 655.26 1.19 义117 3 387.56 沙三段 113.8 -3.0 4.96 32.92 2 547.37 1.26 南部深洼带 义120 3 356.30 沙三段 105.9 -5.4 8.41 33.79 2 540.00 1.41 义120 3 362.24 沙三段 114.3 -1.1 1.91 32.74 2 780.00 1.18 义120 3 347.54 沙三段 105.7 -5.4 8.41 33.81 2 534.29 1.33 新渤深1 3 126.06 沙三段 104.8 -1.1 1.91 33.64 2 508.57 1.34 新渤深1 3 126.06 沙三段 95.3 -1.0 1.74 34.55 2 237.14 1.19 新渤深1 3 752.96 沙四段 114.6 -9.0 12.85 33.25 2 788.57 1.55 义170 3 245.30 沙三段 111.5 -1.1 1.91 33.00 2 486.84 1.29 义170 3 809.50 沙四段 107.5 -2.3 3.87 33.46 2 381.58 1.37 义171 3 518.00 沙四段 108.6 -4.8 7.59 33.51 2 617.14 1.28 义171 3 483.20 沙四段 102.1 -6.1 9.34 34.17 2 431.43 1.41 义171 3 483.20 沙四段 103.8 -6.0 9.21 34.01 2 480.00 1.37 义100 2 706.80 沙三段 103.5 -3.2 5.26 33.89 2 276.32 1.45 义32 2 970.67 沙三段 108.7 -3.2 5.26 33.40 2 620.00 1.28 义32 2 970.67 沙三段 110.4 -3.4 5.56 33.26 2 668.57 1.25 义46 2 915.78 沙三段 102.3 -11.2 15.17 34.39 2 437.14 1.41 南部缓坡带 义113 3 014.70 沙三段 100.5 -1.2 2.07 34.06 2 385.71 1.43 义126 3 174.55 沙四段 95.4 -0.8 1.40 34.53 2 240.00 1.51 义129 2 510.50 沙四段 96.5 -4.8 7.59 34.61 2 271.43 1.52 罗65 2 396.70 沙四段 112.6 -2.4 4.03 32.99 2 515.79 1.27 罗651 2 243.50 沙四段 125.7 -4.5 7.17 31.96 2 860.53 1.09 罗9 2 213.90 沙四段 118.0 -7.0 10.49 32.83 2 657.89 1.20 -
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