Sediment Magnetism Characteristics and Its Climatic Environment Significance of Northeast Margin of Jianghan Plain
摘要: 为了探讨和揭示江汉平原晚更新世以来沉积物磁学特征和该区的气候环境演变规律,对新近发现的位于江汉平原东北缘的麻城剖面进行了磁化率样品的采集和测试与对应年代学分析,结果表明:(1) 麻城剖面沉积物质量磁化率值偏低,平均值为10.85×10-8 m3·kg-1,全剖面变化不大,为5.76×10-8~23.39×10-8 m3·kg-1,但频率磁化率波动较大,分布于5.35%~50.35%,平均值为24.71%,显示具有较高的超顺磁性颗粒(super paramagnetism,SP)含量;(2) 根据磁化率和频率磁化率曲线的旋回波动特点,结合年代学测试结果,将该区的古气候环境划分为7个不同的演化阶段.初步认为该区晚更新世以来沉积环境经历了由湖沼相沉积-湖相沉积-泛滥平原中的沼泽沉积环境的变化.气候经历了温湿-干冷-暖湿-干凉-干冷-温湿-干(旱)偏冷的阶段性变化过程,与晚更新世晚期以来全球气候变化特点具有较好的一致性.Abstract: In order to reveal the sediment magnetism characteristics and its climatic environment evolution since Late Pleistocene of the Jianghan plain, we collected magnetic susceptibility samples from Macheng, the northeast margin of the Jianghan plain, for analysis. The results show that the mass susceptibility of magnetic materials in Macheng profile is relatively low(10.85×10-8 m3·kg-1 on average), and the variation range of mass susceptibility is narrow (5.76×10-8-23.39×10-8 m3·kg-1). However, the variation range of frequency susceptibility is relatively wide (5.35%-50.35% and 24.71% on average), which shows that the content of SP (super paramagnetism) particulate is high. The cyclic wave characteristics of magnetic susceptibility and frequency magnetic susceptibility data suggest that the paleoclimate environment of this region could be divided into 7 evolution phases. According to the chronological data, it is concluded that the sedimentary environment of this region has undergone limnetic facies sedimentary stage, lacustrine sedimentary stage, swamp sedimentary stage in flood plain since Late Pleistocene, whereas the climate has undergone the phased variation of humid-dry-cold-warm-wet-dry-cool-dry-cold-humid-dry (drought) and cool, which is consistent with the global climate change characteristics since Late Pleistocene.
Key words:
- Macheng profile /
- magnetice susceptibility /
- climate change /
- sediment
表 1 麻城剖面不同阶段磁化率和频率磁化率统计
Table 1. Statistics on magnetic susceptibility and frequency susceptibility in different phases in Macheng profile
阶段 深度(cm) 年龄(a BP) 质量磁化率(10-8 m3·kg-1) 频率磁化率(%) 气候环境 最小值 最大值 平均值 标准差 最小值 最大值 平均值 标准差 Ⅶ 30.0~95.0 8 604~10 043 5.76 8.14 7.15 0.66 9.93 41.49 30.11 9.99 气候干冷,降水减少 Ⅵ 100.0~157.5 10 153~ 11 426 8.71 11.88 10.05 1.07 7.50 31.82 18.77 8.70 气候有所转暖,降水有所增多 Ⅴ 160.0~210.0 11 481~ 12 588 8.6 10.11 9.27 0.43 7.94 46.83 29.23 14.01 气候寒冷,降水减少 Ⅳ 212.5~295.0 12 643~ 14 469 8.74 9.77 9.89 0.75 10.00 46.47 23.97 9.12 气候温暖,降水减少 Ⅲ 297.5~350.0 14 525~ 15 687 14.17 23.39 18.33 2.33 6.75 39.97 18.73 8.23 气候温暖,降水增多,环境不稳定,频发洪水 Ⅱ 352.5~410.0 15 742~ 17 015 7.46 12.00 9.38 1.19 10.02 50.35 25.50 11.92 气候偏冷,降水减少,但环境不稳定,洪水频发 Ⅰ 412.5~450.0 17 070~ 17 900 10.05 13.57 11.60 1.073 5.35 33.03 17.09 8.49 气候比较温湿,降水较多 -
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