Application of Integrated Prospecting Method on Shanzhuang BIF Deposit in Dong'e County
摘要: 高精度磁测和井中三分量磁测是行之有效的磁法勘探手段,对于隐伏区BIF型铁矿床勘查更具意义.单庄铁矿是山东省在黄河以北覆盖区发现的一处大-中型条带状磁铁石英岩矿床(banded iron formation,简称BIF),矿体赋存于晚太古代泰山岩群山草峪组,目前已发现矿体20余个,矿体倾向南西,倾角为56°~70°,TFe平均品位为28%,mFe平均品位为22%.以单庄铁矿勘查为例,介绍了在覆盖区BIF型铁矿床勘查中的综合找矿方法.在充分了解区域地质概况和航磁异常等物探成果的基础上,在成矿有利地段实施高精度磁测和磁测剖面测量,选取最优位置进行钻孔验证.本项目的实施结果表明,在钻探过程中或终孔结束前,要重视井中三分量磁测的重要性,因为它对于井下盲矿体的圈定和井中旁侧异常的指示将会起到至关重要的作用.Abstract: High resolution magnetic survey and borehole triple-component magnetometry are the effective magetic prospecting methods, especially much more significative for the exploration of banded iron formation (BIF) type iron deposits around coverage region. The Shanzhuang iron deposit, located in the covered regions of north of the Yellow River in Shandong Province, is a medium-to large-scale magnetite-quartzite type iron deposit. The deposit includes more than 20 iron bodies, which occur in the Shancaoyu Formation of the Neoproterozoic Taishan Group. The iron bodies dip to the southwest at 56°-70°. Average grade is about 28% for the total iron, and 22% for the magnetic iron. Taking the prospecting of the Shanzhuang iron deposit as an example, it aims to introduce an integrated prospecting method for BIF iron deposits in covered regions. Based on regional geological and geophysical characteristics, such as aeromagnetic anomaly, a high-resolution magnetic survey and profile measurement in favorable prospecting places were carried out, and the best drilling spot is chosen. It is found in the study that the borehole triple-component magnetometry during drilling and right before ending of drilling should be paid special attention, which could not only help find blind ore bodies, but also indicate abnormity around the borehole.
Key words:
- magnetic prospecting /
- iron deposit /
- Shanzhuang /
- Dong'e County /
- Shandong Province /
- ore deposit geology
表 1 区域岩(矿)石磁性参数统计
Table 1. Statistics of the regional (ore) rock magnetic parameters
类别 标本名称 块数 κ(10-64πSI) Jr(10-3·A/m) 变化范围 平均值 变化范围 平均值 铁矿石 条带状角闪石英磁铁岩 56 1210~215000 73200 542~500000 22900 条带状磁铁角闪石英岩 17 3100~107200 25200 262~14900 3020 变质岩 黑云变粒岩 292 0~1797 127 0~668 97 含石榴石黑云变粒岩 7 951~46000 16700 271~7800 2020 斜长角闪片麻岩 22 235~4600 1700 140~6400 4000 岩浆岩 辉绿岩 45 1150~6760 3690 261~3938 1019 二长花岗岩 85 0~1650 726 0~205 110 花岗岩 67 506 214 沉积岩 石灰岩 95 微 微 微 微 注:κ为磁化率;Jr为剩余磁化强度;“微”代表数值在检测限以下. -
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