Evolution of Palaeo-Uplift and Its Controlling on Sedimentation of Kapushaliang Group of Early Cretaceous in Western Tabei Uplift
摘要: 古隆起是含油气盆地重要的构造单元,研究古隆起的分布及演化,并阐明其对沉积的控制作用,对于油气勘探具有重要的研究意义.通过岩心、测井资料、地震资料和野外露头的综合研究,建立了塔北西部层序地层格架,卡普沙良群内部划分为4个三级层序,在此基础上再造了卡普沙良群各层序发育时期古隆起的分布及其演化,SQ1沉积时期古隆起呈近东西向展布,横跨整个工区,由中部向东、西两侧加宽,隆起剥蚀面积为1 946 km2,SQ2时期隆起范围缩小,中部隆起被淹没,东部残余2个小的剥蚀区,西部剥蚀区范围较大,总面积约为1 365 km2,SQ3时期隆起范围进一步缩小,东部整体被淹没,西北部残余古隆起面积为899 km2,至SQ4时期古隆起消失.立足于岩心观察,结合岩矿组合、测井等资料,识别出辫状河三角洲、氧化型浅水三角洲、滨浅湖滩坝和滨浅湖4种主要的沉积体系类型.最终充分运用地震、测井、岩心及分析化验等资料,采用盆地分析的思想,综合研究了构造、古隆起、沉积古地理等要素,揭示了古隆起及源-汇体系的配置关系,研究区发育自古隆起向南北两侧供源及南部远源供源两套物源体系,北部临近隆起剥蚀区的两侧发育短物源形成的辫状河三角洲沉积,随着隆起面积的减小,辫状河三角洲分布范围逐渐减小,而南部长轴物源形成氧化型浅水三角洲沉积体系,呈现由SE向NW向逐步进积的趋势,范围逐步扩大.古隆起的发育除为区域提供物源外,还有利于岩性圈闭和地层圈闭的发育,南部的滨浅湖滩坝砂体也具有作为岩性圈闭的良好潜力.Abstract: Palaeo-uplift is an important tectonic unit in the petroleum basin. The Research of palaeo-uplift distribution, its evolution and statement its influence on the development of sediment have important study significance for oil and gas exploration. Based on the comprehensive research of core, logging data, seismic data and outcrop, the sequence stratigraphy framework of Kapushaliang Group was established, which was divided into four third-order sequences internally. Then the palaeo-uplift distribution and its evolution in each sequence developmental stages of Kapushaliang Group were reconstructed. In SQ1 period, palaeo-uplift was EW trending, across the entire work area, widening from the middle to east and west, with an erosion area of 1 946 km2. In SQ2 period, the palaeo-uplift area was decreased and submerged in the central uplift, 2 small eroded areas remained in the east and bigger eroded area in the west, with a total area of approximately 1 365 km2. In SQ3 period, the palaeo-uplift area was further decreased, the east was submerged overall and the northwest residual palaeo-uplift was 899 km2, and the palaeo-uplift disappeared to SQ4. According to the core observation, combined with rock combination and logging data, four kinds of sedimentary system types are identified: the brainded river delta, oxidized shallow delta, beach-and-bar facies and shore-shallow lake. Finally the configuration relationship between palaeo-uplift and source-to-sink system is revealed, based on seismic data, logging, core and other analysis data, using the idea of basin analysis, and studying the factors of structure, palaeo-uplift, facies comprehensively. It is found that there are two source systems developed in the research area: the source from the palaeo-uplift to the north and south sides and source from distant southern source. The northern side near the erosion uplift area developed short provenance, which formed braided river delta deposition. With the decrease of erosion area, the braided river delta distribution decreases, while the long axis provenance in the south formed the oxidized delta sedimentary system, with a trend gradually from northeast to northwest direction, and the scope expanded. In addition to supply sediment, the development of palaeo-uplift also conducive to the development of lithological and stratigraphic traps, and the sand beach-and-bar of shore-shallow lake in the south also had good potential as a lithological trap.
Key words:
- palaeo-uplift /
- sedimentary system /
- source-to-sink system /
- sequence stratigraphy /
- Kapushaliang Group /
- Tarim basin /
- sedimentology
图 6 卡普沙良群典型沉积构造类型
a.杂色砾岩,块状构造,辫状河道,yt10井, 5 774.0 m;b.含砾细砂岩,递变层理,辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道,yt10井,5 773.0 m;c.砂砾岩,高角度交错层理,辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道,yt11井,5 955.6 m;d.细砂岩,定向排列椭圆形泥砾,分流河道,ym31井,4 226.0 m;e.粉砂岩夹泥岩,脉状层理,水下天然堤,ym101井,4 362 m;f.粉砂岩,顶部生物扰动构造,水下分流河道,ym101井,4 356.8 m;g.粉砂岩,板状交错构造,水下分流河道,ym101井,4 355.5 m;h.细砂岩,槽状层理,水下分流河道,ym463井,5 098.0 m;i.粉砂岩,小型交错层理,砂质坝,ym1井,4 367.0 m;j.平行层理、低角度斜层理,砂质坝,ym1井,4 359.0 m;图a~f比例尺同图g中硬币参照物
Fig. 6. Typical sedimentary structure types of Kapushaliang Group
图 8 卡普沙良群层序沉积相连井对比剖面
剖面位置见图 3b的B-B′;图中岩性刻度从左到右依次代表颗粒最细的泥岩、泥质粉砂岩、粉砂质泥岩、粉砂岩、颗粒最粗的砂岩,向右依次变粗
Fig. 8. Sequence stratigraphy and deposition comparison profile of Kapushaliang Group
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