Quantitative Fluorescence Techniques and Their Applications in Hydrocarbon Accumulation Studies
摘要: 储层定量荧光技术,包括储层颗粒定量荧光(QGF)、储层萃取液定量荧光(QGF-E)、储层颗粒内部油包裹体定量荧光(QGF+)、全息扫描荧光(TSF)和油包裹体萃取液全息扫描荧光(iTSF)等系列技术,已广泛应用于现今油层(含残留油层)和古油层识别、油气成藏历史恢复、油气运移路径追踪以及原油性质测定等.与其他岩矿和有机地化方法相比,储层定量荧光技术具有快速、低成本、分辨率高和易操作等优势.详细介绍了储层定量荧光技术的原理、处理流程、参数意义及其在油气成藏研究中的具体应用实例:(1) 利用QGF和QGF-E技术可有效识别古油层和残留油层,重建油气藏演化历史;(2) 利用QGF-E技术可有效识别测井资料难以识别的致密油层,指导致密油勘探开发;(3) TSF、iTSF、QGF+光谱参数与地化参数之间有一定的内在联系,可以用来检测原油、储层萃取烃和烃类包裹体的地化特征,建立烃类包裹体之间及与原油的联系.还指出了储层定量荧光技术在应用中需要注意的问题以及在其他方面的应用前景.Abstract: Quantitative fluorescence techniques, including a suite of techniques, such as quantitative grain fluorescence (QGF), quantitative grain fluorescence on extract (QGF-E), QGF plus (QGF+), total scanning fluorescence (TSF), and TSF on crushed inclusion extracts (iTSF), have been widely applied in studying hydrocarbon charge history and accumulations. The techniques can be used to delineate the current (residual) oil zone and palaeo oil zone, reconstruct hydrocarbon accumulation history, identify oil migration pathways, and determine oil properties. Compared with the petrographic and organic geochemical methods, the fluorescence techniques have the advantages of extremely sensitive, easy to use and fast turn-around. In this paper, we present the principles, sample preparation procedures, key parameters and some field application examples in hydrocarbon accumulation studies, including (1) the palaeo and residual oil zone delineation and reservoir evolution history reconstruction using the QGF and QGF-E techniques; (2) evaluating tight oil reservoir zones, which are difficult to be detected by well logging data using the QGF-E technique; (3) cross-correlation between TSF, iTSF, QGF+ spectral signatures and other geochemical parameters to detect geochemical characteristics of crude oils, core and oil inclusion extracts. Some pitfalls and other potential application of the techniques are also discussed.
表 1 储层定量荧光分析仪器参数设置
Table 1. Instrument parameters in reservoir quantitative fluorescence analysis
参数设置 QGF分析 QGF+分析 QGF-E分析 TSF/iTSF分析 采集类型 荧光 荧光 荧光 荧光 扫描模式 发射波长 发射波长 发射波长 同步扫描 X模式 波长(nm) 波长(nm) 波长(nm) 波长(nm) 激发波长(nm) 254/228 254/228 260 220~340 开始(nm) 295 300 300 250 停止(nm) 605 600 600 540 Delta波长(nm) / / / 30 激发狭缝(nm) 10 10 5 10 发射狭缝(nm) 20 10 10 10 扫描速度(nm/min) 1 200 600 600 1200 数据间隔(nm) 2 1 1 2 平均时间(s) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 激发滤光片 Open Open 250~395 nm Auto 发射滤光片 295~1 100 nm 295~1 100 nm 295~1 100 nm Auto PMT检测器电压(V) High High Medium Medium 校正图谱 OFF OFF OFF OFF 三维模式 OFF OFF OFF ON 激发停止(nm) / / / 200 激发增量(nm) / / / 5 分析附件 well plate:96 wells well plate:96 wells 石英比色皿 石英比色皿 -
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