The Seismo-Geological Hazards and Seismogenic Structure of the 2013 Deqing-Derong 5.9 Earthquake
摘要: 2013年8月28日、31日, 云南迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉县、德钦县、四川省甘孜藏族自治州得荣县交界地区连续发生5.1级、5.9级地震.为了查明此次地震的影响破坏程度, 进行了地震现场建筑物震害考察并对震中附近断裂进行了野外构造地质剖面调查.两次地震在短时间内并在相近位置连续发生, 造成了此次云南香格里拉、德钦-四川得荣交界地震比以往同级地震的破坏程度要高, 地震烈度最高为Ⅷ级, 有感范围大, 5.9级地震宏观震中大致处在整个灾区破坏最严重的奔子栏镇争古村一带(28.20°N, 99.36°E), 距离地震微观震中约5.1km.等震线沿德钦-中甸断裂呈北西向分布, 近似为椭球状, 结合此次地震震中附近区域现场断裂调查、震源机制解数据以及地震余震空间分布特征, 初步推断此次地震的发震构造为德钦-中甸断层, 其主要表现为一次以正断为主兼有左旋走滑错动的地震事件.
- 云南香格里拉、德钦-四川得荣交界地震 /
- 地震灾害 /
- 德钦-中甸断裂 /
- 发震构造 /
- 天然地震.
Abstract: On August 28st and 31st, 2013, two earthquakes with magnitude of 5.1 and 5.9 occurred on the boundary between Deqing County, Yunnan Province, and Derong County, Sichuan Province. In order to evaluate the damage of the earthquake, we investigated on lots of seismo-geological hazards induced by the earthquakes and conducted the field investigation of geological structural section about the fractures near the epicenter. Those two earthquakes successively occurring at the adjacent position led to the intensity of this earthquake higher than that of the same magnitude. The maximum intensity of the 5.9 earthquake is Ⅷ degree and the perceptible area is relatively large. The macroseismic epicenter is about 5.1km from the 5.1 microseismic epicenter is roughly located at the middle of the two microseismic epicenter (28.20°N, 99.36°E). The isoseismic line is shaped as an anomalous ellipse and the orientation of its long axis is NW-SE orientation along the Deqin-Zhongdian fault. According to the field investigation of geological structural section about the fractures near the epicenter, the focal mechanism solution data and the special distribution characteristics of the aftershocks, we preliminary infer that the seismogenic structure is Deqin-Zhongdian fault and the Deqing-Derong 5.9 earthquake is a normal fault type earthquake characterized by strike-slip. -
表 1 极震区主要建筑物震损特征调查
Table 1. The seismic damage characteristics of main buildings in the Deqing-Derong 5.9 earthquake
点号 地点 地理坐标 烈度(度) 建筑物破坏特征 x y DZ01 达旺加油站上游 530091 3124921 Ⅷ 房屋开裂严重、墙体见贯通型裂缝 DZ02 达旺加油站江边 530109 3124835 Ⅷ 院墙及墙外挡墙倒塌、民房屋顶倒塌 DZ03 汽车修理厂 530166 3124670 Ⅷ 房后挡墙垮塌、偏房墙体开裂 DZ04 木拥卡 530183 3124610 Ⅷ 挡墙倒塌、地基下沉、平台地面裂缝 DZ05 益西多吉家民房 530215 3124612 Ⅷ 房屋四角全裂、房屋内部地面坍塌 DZ06 四川信合南处 530261 3124699 Ⅷ 浆砌空心砖围墙倒塌 DZ07 奔子栏镇民房 529342 3125407 Ⅷ 砖木结构屋角房基挡墙倒塌 DZ08 梅里雪山藏香厂 529742 3125261 Ⅷ 后墙开裂严重、屋檐瓦片梭落 DZ09 也寻也若 529600 3125033 Ⅷ 围墙倾倒、门窗受损、挡墙下错 DZ10 萨玛村三主隆布 531446 3120413 Ⅷ 房屋开裂严重屋顶梭落局部山体垮塌 DZ11 萨玛村村用公路 532609 3121105 Ⅷ 河流右岸浆砌块石挡墙垮塌 DZ12 哈充村民房 532756 3121282 Ⅷ 房屋整体开裂、墙体局部倒塌 DZ13 哈充村民房 532849 3121340 Ⅷ 屋顶瓦片整体梭落、围墙局部垮塌 DZ14 哈充村民房 532722 3121356 Ⅷ 四角窗户被甩落、土质边坡垮塌 DZ15 国道214公路旁 533342 3121763 Ⅷ 公路挡墙被山体垮塌冲毁 DZ16 争古村木材厂 534074 3120936 Ⅷ 石棉瓦屋顶整体开裂、浆砌砖墙开裂 DZ17 争古村民房 533826 3120723 Ⅷ 土木结构民房墙体严重垮塌 DZ18 争古村转经房旁 533853 3120430 Ⅷ 屋顶整体下错、窗户掉落、墙体裂缝 -
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