Evidences of Multi-Episodically Paleo-Fluid Flow and Its Significance in Ordovician of Guchengxu Uplift, Tarim Basin
摘要: 深部热流体活动与碳酸盐岩储层改造及油气成藏具有密切的关系.通过对塔里木盆地古城墟隆起奥陶系的11块样品的成岩观测和流体包裹体系统分析, 识别出3期古流体活动.结合埋藏史, 确定这3期流体活动的发生时间分别为: 第1期以第1世代高角度裂缝及网状裂缝充填方解石为代表, 推测与加里东晚期构造运动有关; 第2期为构造-热液白云岩化流体, 可能与塔里木盆地经历二叠纪末大规模的火山活动有关; 第3期以充填于孔、缝中央的晚期方解石为代表, 记录了晚期天然气充注事件, 发生于喜山期.第1期流体活动伴随的构造运动导致了早期充注的油气沥青化; 第2期流体活动对该区域的储层有建设性改造作用, 所形成的鹰山组内幕储层成为了区内重要的勘探目的层; 第3期流体活动记录了晚期天然气充注事件.因此, 工区应以寻找喜山晚期天然气藏为主要勘探目标.Abstract: There is significant relationship among deep paleo-fluid flows and modification of carbonate reservoirs and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. In this study, 11 samples of the Ordovician in Guchengxu uplift have been employed to make diagenetic observation and fluid inclusion measurement. The analyzed results indicate that there are three events of paleo-fluid flows in the Middle and Lower Ordovician of Guchengxu uplift. (1) The first event of paleo-fluid flows is represented by the first generation of calcite cement filling in high angle and meshy fractures. It is estimated that the calcite cement precipitated during late Caledonian tectonic movement. (2) The second event of paleo-fluid flows is represented by the second generation of hydrothermal dolomites. It is estimated that the saddle dolomite precipitated during the Permian volcanic activities. (3) The third event of paleo-fluid flows is represented by the third generation of calcite cement filling in the central residual spaces of the fractures and vugs. It records the gas accumulation during the later Himalayan. The bitumen distributed along the side of first generation calcite cement implies that the early charging oil accompanied with the first event of paleo-fluid flow had been damaged. The second event of paleo-fluid flow played a role of dolomitization which was in favor of the Ordovician reservoir improvement. The third event of paleo-fluid flow is associated with natural gas filling. It is concluded that the later Himalayan charging natural gases are the favorable exploration target in this area.
Key words:
- Tarim basin /
- Guchengxu uplift /
- Ordovician /
- paleo-fluid flow /
- fluid inclusion /
- petroleum geology /
- stratigraphy
图 1 塔里木盆地古城墟隆起构造位置(a, b)及GL1井奥陶系岩性柱状图(c)
Fig. 1. The locations of Guchengxu structural unit in Tarim basin (a, b) and the lithological column of the Ordovician in well GL1 (c)
图 2 古城墟隆起奥陶系典型成岩现象照片
a.GL2井,一间房组岩心照片,GL2-1,5 787.00 m,可见高角度裂缝切割近平行地层的高幅缝合线,一侧分布近垂直地层的低幅缝合线;b.GL2井,GL2-1,5 787.00 m,一间房组阴极发光照片,方解石CC1;c.GL2井,单偏光照片,GL2-1,5 787.00 m,一间房组,高角度裂缝充填方解石一侧有沥青发育;d.GL1井,GL1-3,6 456.83 m,鹰山组岩心照片,被白云石充填的裂缝(红色箭头);e.GL3井,单偏光照片,GL3-5,6 237.67 m,鹰山组灰云岩段,可见泥微晶白云岩围岩(MD)、中细晶直面自形白云石(D,黄色箭头)、方解石CC2及埋藏溶蚀现象(红色箭头);f.GL3井,单偏光照片,GL3-5,6 237.67 m,鹰山组灰云岩段,可见中细晶直面自形白云石(D)和鞍形白云石(SD);g.GL1井,阴极发光照片,GL1-5,6 536.02 m,鹰山组,溶孔充填鞍形白云石,残余空间充填方解石CC2(黄色点为电子探针测点);h.GL2井,阴极发光照片,GL2-1,5 787.00 m,一间房组,晚期埋藏溶蚀形成的溶孔充填方解石(CC2,黄色箭头);i.GL1井,阴极发光照片,GL1-5,6 536.02 m,鹰山组,裂缝充填鞍形白云石,残余空间充填方解石CC2(黄色点为电子探针测点)
Fig. 2. The photos showing the typical diagenetic processes in the Ordovician of Guchengxu uplift
表 1 本研究测试样品清单
Table 1. The measuring sample list in this research
井号 层位 样品深度(m) 样品编号 GL1井 恰尔巴克组 5 864.00 GL1-2 鹰山组 6 456.83 GL1-3 蓬莱坝组 6 533.19 GL1-4 6 536.02 GL1-5 GL2井 一间房组 5 787.00 GL2-1 5 789.79 GL2-2 GL3井 一间房组 5 908.80 GL3-1 鹰山组 灰岩段 6 062.37 GL3-2 6 063.92 GL3-3 灰云岩段 6 236.27 GL3-4 6 237.67 GL3-5 表 2 GL1井蓬莱坝组(6 536.02 m)样品电子探针分析数据
Table 2. The data of electronic probe analysis of the sample of Penglaiba Formation (6 536.02 m) in well GL1
点位 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 Na2O 0.039 0.042 0.028 - 0.077 0.028 MgO 0.342 18.914 20.775 1.040 18.178 17.914 Al2O3 0.031 0.050 0.030 0.024 0.038 0.020 SiO2 0.057 0.036 0.053 0.031 0.056 0.034 K2O 0.030 - 0.017 0.009 0.007 - CaO 54.890 28.689 30.361 54.628 30.763 30.886 TiO2 - 0.028 0.035 0.038 0.055 0.017 Cr2O3 - - - - - - MnO - - - - - - FeO - 0.021 - - - - 总量 55.389 47.780 51.299 55.770 49.174 48.899 注:表中所列数据为质量百分比;“-”表示元素含量低于检测精度. -
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