Moonquake Relocation
摘要: 由于前人的月震定位结果主要是基于20世纪70、80年代的月球速度模型, 定位结果误差较大, 无法为月震层析成像等研究提供精确的月震参数.随着对月球内部结构研究的不断深入, 月球速度模型及分层结构的精细程度已经有了很大提高.通过对Apollo月震数据解码及分析, 重新拾取了月震初至数据, 在总结前人震源定位的基础上, 利用月球新近速度模型, 采用Geiger震源定位方法进行了月震震源定位, 给出了较为全面的月震参数目录, 并对月震和地震的分布及形成机制进行了对比, 可为以后月震及月球内部结构的深入研究提供更多的依据.Abstract: Existing parameters for tomography and relevant research about the moonquakes are not necessarily accurate due to he low precision of moonquake location resulted from outdated velocity models published during last century. However, the accuracy of lunar velocity model and stratigraphic structure has been improved greatly thanks to latest studies on lunar internal structure. This paper selects new arrival times from Apollo moonquake data, and relocates the moonquakes using Geiger method based on the latest lunar velocity model. In addition, the differences of distribution and mechanism between moonquakes and earthquakes are analyzed. This study can offer more information for further research of moonquakes and lunar internal structure.
Key words:
- moonquake relocation /
- velocity model /
- location accuracy /
- earthquake /
- geophysics
图 3 本文采用的月球内部速度模型
据Garcia et al.(2011)、Weber et al.(2011)和Wieczorek et al.(2013)
Fig. 3. The velocity model of the moon applied in this paper
图 7 Nakamura (2005)106个震源的定位结果及定位误差
Fig. 7. The moonquake location results and errors of Nakamura(2005)
图 8 Garcia et al.(2011)56个震源的定位结果及定位误差
Fig. 8. The moonquake location results and errors of Garcia et al.(2011)
表 1 Apollo月震台站位置及工作日期
Table 1. The position and work time of Apollo seismic stations
台站 纬度(°) 经度(°) 高程(km) 工作日期 S12 -3.04 -23.42 1.424 1969-11-19~1977-09-30 S14 -3.65 -17.84 1.063 1971-02-05~1977-09-30 S15 26.08 3.66 1.926 1971-07-31~1977-09-30 S16 -8.97 15.51 0.007 1972-04-21~1977-09-30 注:据 Nakamura et al.(1982) .表 2 数值实验模型及反演结果
Table 2. The synthetic model and inversion results
模型 纬度(°) 经度(°) 深度(km) 发震时刻 真实模型 -17.400 -38.400 917.00 1973-09-30T04-10-59 初始模型 -10.000 -20.000 500.00 1973-09-30T04-10-00 反演结果 -17.247 -38.505 915.11 1973-09-30T04-10-59 反演结果与真实模型的差 0.153 0.105 1.89 0.156s 表 3 人工月震及其反演结果
Table 3. The artificial impacts and the inversion results
纬度(°) 经度(°) 深度(km) 发震时刻 16S4实际参数 1.300 -23.800 0 1972-04-19T21-02-04 初始模型 0 0 0 1972-04-19T21-02-00 反演结果 2.181 -24.105 0 1972-04-19T21-01-60 反演结果与实际参数的差 0.881 0.305 0 4.24s 17S4实际参数 -4.210 -12.310 0 1972-12-10T20-32-42 初始模型 0 0 0 1972-12-10T20-32-45 反演结果 -4.668 -12.261 0 1972-12-10T20-32-44 反演结果与实际参数的差 0.458 0.049 0 1.57s 表 4 月震震源定位结果
Table 4. The results of the moonquake location
月震事件 纬度(°) 纬度误差 经度(°) 经度误差 深度(km) 深度误差(km) 发震时刻 发震时刻误差(s) 12LM -3.940 -21.200 0 1969-11-20T22-17-18 13S4 -2.750 -27.860 0 1970-04-15T02-09-41 14S4 -8.090 -26.020 0 1971-02-04T07-40-55 14LM -3.420 -16.670 0 1971-02-07T00-45-26 15S4 -1.510 -11.810 0 1971-07-29T20-58-43 15LM 26.360 0.250 0 1971-08-03T03-03-37 16S4 1.300 -23.800 0 1972-04-19T21-02-04 17S4 -4.210 -12.310 0 1972-12-10T20-32-42 M01 71.016 1.040 5.218 1.120 0 0 1972-01-04T06-31-29 2.830 M02 1.326 0.400 -16.152 0.370 0 0 1972-05-13T08-46-39 0.974 M03 33.481 1.610 136.308 1.980 0 0 1972-07-17T21-50-57 2.590 M04 23.016 0.435 9.327 0.349 0 0 1972-07-31T18-08-16 1.660 M05 15.150 0.500 20.943 0.260 0 0 1972-08-29T22-58-37 0.921 M06 28.767 3.130 39.891 0.990 0 0 1973-09-26T20-46-16 4.390 M07 20.042 0.370 6.330 0.403 0 0 1974-07-17T12-05-01 0.453 M08 -5.123 0.440 20.825 0.450 0 0 1974-11-21T13-15-32 1.531 M09 2.247 0.363 -7.913 0.490 0 0 1974-12-15T09-07-13 0.718 M10 -50.578 0.391 0.351 3.509 0 0 1975-03-05T21-49-58 1.433 M11 -35.701 1.620 -122.400 1.401 0 0 1975-05-04T09-59-25 3.054 M12 -14.125 0.446 -8.843 0.372 0 0 1976-05-28T06-02-01 1.093 M13 23.219 3.885 -74.421 0.693 0 0 1976-11-14T23-13-05 1.642 M14 -13.643 2.173 -72.931 0.776 0 0 1977-06-28T22-22-35 2.553 M15 0.246 1.291 -17.075 0.657 0 0 1971-05-23T22-19-38 3.126 M16 32.164 0.030 -29.327 0.100 0 0 1971-06-12T10-49-21 0.100 M17 28.961 3.667 -42.897 1.064 0 0 1971-10-20T18-05-52 3.526 M18 -6.553 2.467 -70.439 1.478 0 0 1976-01-25T16-06-39 2.867 SH01 13.097 2.019 49.391 2.656 15.90 49.20 1972-09-17T14-35-07 5.316 SH02 46.046 5.900 36.945 6.995 6.03 0.70 1972-12-06T23-08-40 5.876 SH03 25.324 4.438 84.352 4.178 2.10 13.90 1974-07-11T00-46-16 7.697 SH04 26.443 4.036 -95.456 4.481 0 7.60 1975-01-03T01-41-52 5.699 SH05 64.693 4.254 49.934 5.930 20.30 13.30 1975-01-12T03-13-45 4.853 SH06 16.922 0.365 -25.294 0.540 111.97 93.14 1975-02-13T22-03-50 5.266 SH07 42.438 0.368 32.257 0.262 90.99 14.61 1976-01-04T11-18-58 0.918 SH08 48.673 2.379 -24.715 2.202 28.16 94.40 1976-03-06T10-12-28 3.823 SH09 52.670 4.328 41.720 4.542 91.03 37.48 1971-04-17T07-00-30 6.490 SH10 42.134 1.053 -24.012 0.230 99.95 1.47 1971-05-20T17-26-01 5.148 SH11 -81.092 2.749 -144.360 7.421 61.49 59.13 1973-03-13T07-56-15 7.568 A01 -17.177 1.170 -38.519 1.330 923.80 23.80 1973-09-30T04-10-57 1.132 A06 46.684 1.740 55.773 1.850 858.49 13.30 1976-07-02T10-52-23 0.644 A07 24.984 1.580 53.082 1.800 899.74 38.15 1976-07-02T03-11-23 1.876 A09 -36.116 1.390 -30.876 2.540 975.00 1.70 1977-04-16T19-58-05 2.877 A14 -28.388 1.390 -34.314 1.660 888.97 30.99 1973-05-28T18-53-11 3.873 A17 24.135 0.370 -19.320 0.430 849.45 14.63 1972-11-07T08-52-07 2.760 A18 19.426 2.220 32.877 1.820 882.00 15.30 1973-01-05T22-50-33 0.660 A24 -35.526 2.670 -38.817 3.850 980.10 10.50 1977-06-12T18-17-39 0.650 A25 35.333 1.620 59.664 1.550 943.62 1.20 1977-06-09T20-15-05 3.650 A30 11.931 3.000 -34.044 3.360 922.00 1.80 1972-05-17T00-42-44 1.460 A34 7.682 0.460 -9.631 0.310 928.00 13.40 1972-06-14T18-34-28 2.780 A40 -1.135 0.390 -11.070 0.460 886.30 23.70 1973-06-27T23-48-34 0.966 A41 14.998 2.190 -26.559 2.620 960.50 5.40 1972-06-08T16-16-24 0.689 A42 22.885 2.880 -54.186 1.940 1004.00 7.20 1973-05-03T01-52-33 3.318 A44 52.792 1.960 57.926 1.870 956.85 9.20 1974-05-19T03-09-01 5.830 A51 9.481 0.530 16.229 0.610 900.33 9.90 1974-02-18T08-35-24 1.910 A03 -1.757 1.475 -49.678 6.105 926.46 97.31 1972-01-01T00-59-33 4.379 A10 -34.139 1.962 -37.210 1.979 1072.41 6.12 1972-01-01T00-59-15 0.758 A15 1.442 0.610 -3.412 0.394 710.22 17.31 1972-01-01T01-01-34 2.371 A19 27.492 1.926 33.354 1.909 942.70 1.30 1972-01-01T00-59-47 2.624 A21 -17.258 1.736 -51.055 1.366 1038.81 16.93 1972-01-01T00-59-14 2.244 A22 22.113 3.530 43.518 1.882 799.09 42.15 1972-01-01T00-59-45 3.971 A26 17.500 0.423 17.500 0.401 1037.32 1.67 1972-01-01T00-59-49 2.204 A32 26.200 1.774 41.303 1.376 944.00 1.56 1972-01-01T00-59-41 0.790 A35 7.847 1.638 34.495 1.414 933.00 0 1972-01-01T00-59-58 0.824 A54 -23.618 5.225 -55.318 1.456 805.12 41.75 1972-01-01T00-58-58 2.152 A59 22.120 2.814 -44.058 1.947 674.01 10.80 1972-01-01T00-59-48 3.013 A60 23.585 3.282 -49.035 1.058 750.00 0 1972-01-01T00-59-26 2.495 A65 47.292 3.560 42.676 5.806 870.00 72.02 1972-01-01T00-59-23 0.740 A70 33.295 1.967 69.382 3.543 1065.79 0.97 1972-01-01T00-58-37 0.660 A71 -33.666 1.329 -17.968 0.967 696.38 0.45 1972-01-01T01-00-09 2.024 A73 21.338 1.511 -43.481 3.040 901.18 34.62 1972-01-01T00-59-22 3.700 A74 36.630 2.037 64.495 3.554 1043.00 0 1972-01-01T00-58-44 1.396 A82 29.011 1.173 36.976 1.073 931.56 0.19 1972-01-01T00-59-48 0.076 A86 -46.669 1.003 -36.628 4.874 680.60 21.60 1972-01-01T00-59-04 1.658 A96 6.567 0.336 11.789 0.326 803.30 72.07 1972-01-01T01-00-17 1.081 A99 8.325 0.723 20.221 0.781 1000.92 39.21 1972-01-01T00-59-58 2.582 A100 -4.113 2.536 32.351 2.039 941.81 32.54 1972-01-01T00-59-40 1.068 A107 41.359 3.809 52.562 3.761 901.35 91.23 1972-01-01T00-59-14 4.203 A114 15.922 1.649 55.444 2.539 774.67 124.91 1972-01-01T00-58-57 4.932 A201 -40.600 1.722 -4.218 1.026 877.69 21.75 1972-01-01T00-59-27 1.683 A202 -1.078 0.389 -0.087 0.384 940.16 1.60 1972-01-01T01-00-17 0.146 A204 -28.691 2.986 -68.368 5.436 955.36 1.92 1972-01-01T00-58-35 3.097 A212 20.767 0.385 -31.295 0.447 963.02 1.02 1972-01-01T00-59-40 0.210 A216 -13.328 0.728 -21.825 0.581 770.54 25.00 1972-01-01T01-00-27 5.593 A223 35.726 3.27 -1.651 0.375 872.98 9.66 1972-01-01T01-00-15 3.243 A224 -52.615 1.084 -20.153 1.444 756.39 0.96 1972-01-01T00-58-46 1.674 A230 7.004 0.782 22.589 0.834 875.95 45.94 1972-01-01T01-00-02 1.036 A231 39.38 2.602 58.840 3.399 969.10 3.45 1972-01-01T00-58-46 3.550 A234 39.484 1.058 18.769 1.345 1015.75 16.47 1972-01-01T00-59-59 2.932 A237 11.293 0.367 5.947 0.314 1066.07 10.02 1972-01-01T00-59-43 0.200 A238 27.324 0.279 20.311 0.469 848.24 39.92 1972-01-01T01-00-16 1.137 A242 58.980 2.007 52.416 2.677 1023.06 22.89 1972-01-01T00-58-58 1.524 A243 10.197 0.379 6.696 0.398 1050.85 51.53 1972-01-01T00-59-47 1.056 A251 -48.511 1.567 39.754 1.154 909.27 52.06 1972-01-01T00-59-10 0.587 A258 -3.687 0.799 19.656 0.756 1006.60 14.84 1972-01-01T00-59-33 0.324 A259 3.537 0.473 1.928 0.417 558.69 68.25 1972-01-01T01-01-07 7.236 A271 53.500 4.163 34.194 1.754 929.44 86.60 1972-01-01T00-59-39 3.226 A272 -50.413 1.802 52.036 1.478 938.69 103.23 1972-01-01T00-58-51 0.923 A276 -7.568 1.247 -51.497 1.759 1036.29 35.66 1972-01-01T00-58-32 3.841 A279 7.962 0.386 -2.501 0.970 1020.78 30.07 1972-01-01T00-59-44 0.247 A280 -4.729 1.961 49.799 2.194 963.00 1.55 1972-01-01 T00-58-48 2.416 A283 4.285 0.257 24.223 0.415 998.41 17.65 1972-01-01T01-00-13 2.301 A286 54.479 1.235 55.045 1.197 935.96 11.71 1972-01-01T00-59-05 0.916 A290 9.276 0.475 4.566 0.203 1083.44 12.22 1972-01-01T00-59-47 0.597 A29 54.360 6.959 62.156 12.202 1073.6 99.31 1972-01-01T00-58-41 6.705 A33 6.225 2.960 118.990 3.180 886.09 57.73 1972-10-11T19-35-42 3.739 A218 2.208 14.526 -41.089 5.312 829.72 32.33 1972-01-01T00-59-19 7.336 A241 -69.972 3.699 73.892 8.062 934.36 54.61 1972-01-01T00-57-37 6.904 A244 32.946 3.577 73.355 2.088 797.04 77.82 1972-01-01T00-58-07 0.325 A245 8.964 4.812 70.329 11.787 898.28 76.40 1972-01-01T00-57-56 4.847 A282 17.221 2.243 96.787 2.013 1145.16 32.49 1972-01-01T00-58-00 2.983 A285 37.448 3.401 95.713 13.103 933.00 0 1972-01-01T00-58-01 5.238 注:M.陨石撞击;SH.浅源月震;A.深源月震;前8个为人工月震;深度误差为0表示在反演过程中深度固定,只反演经纬度和发震时刻;最后标记为粗体的震源表示前人定位结果中可能位于月球背面的震源. -
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