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    苏奥 陈红汉

    苏奥, 陈红汉, 2015. 东海盆地西湖凹陷油岩地球化学特征及原油成因来源. 地球科学, 40(6): 1072-1082. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.089
    引用本文: 苏奥, 陈红汉, 2015. 东海盆地西湖凹陷油岩地球化学特征及原油成因来源. 地球科学, 40(6): 1072-1082. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.089
    Su Ao, Chen Honghan, 2015. Geochemical Characteristics of Oil and Source Rock, Origin and Genesis of Oil in Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin. Earth Science, 40(6): 1072-1082. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.089
    Citation: Su Ao, Chen Honghan, 2015. Geochemical Characteristics of Oil and Source Rock, Origin and Genesis of Oil in Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin. Earth Science, 40(6): 1072-1082. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.089


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2015.089

    国家油气重大科技专项 2011ZX05023-004-010


      苏奥(1989-),男,助理工程师,主要从事盆地流体地质与油气成藏及地球化学研究.E-mail: suao446@163.com


      陈红汉(1962-),E-mail: hhchen@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: P618

    Geochemical Characteristics of Oil and Source Rock, Origin and Genesis of Oil in Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin

    • 摘要: 东海盆地西湖凹陷具有大量的原油资源,但对于原油成因讨论较少.采集西湖凹陷多个油样和岩样,利用气相色谱和傅里叶红外光谱等手段,全面分析了该区烃源岩和原油的地球化学特征,综合讨论了原油来源以及凝析油和高蜡轻质油的成因.研究结果表明,平湖组煤系源岩均处于热演化的成熟阶段,其中碳质泥岩和煤岩以陆源生物为主要生源,其干酪根类型为Ⅲ型,暗色泥岩则具有陆源生物和水生生物双重生源贡献,其干酪根类型Ⅱ-Ⅲ型,同时碳质泥岩和煤的生油潜力远高于泥岩.原油主要为凝析油和轻质油,凝析油具有低密度、低蜡等“六低一高”的特点,轻质油具有高蜡特质,而且轻烃组分有明显差异.生标参数显示大部分原油为腐殖型,少部分原油表现出具有腐殖和腐泥母质的特点,同时该区原油均处于中等成熟阶段.油油对比和油岩对比表明大部分油来自平湖组碳质泥岩和煤岩,具有典型Ⅲ型腐殖油的特征;少部分油来自暗色泥岩,具有Ⅱ-Ⅲ型油的特征(总体上仍偏腐殖型).凝析油和轻质油的物性及轻烃组分的差异与源岩母质无关.凝析油是干酪根在成熟演化阶段生成的原油遭受蒸发分馏作用的结果,高蜡轻质油除了是“蒸发分馏作用”的残余油外,还有部分是“混合作用”的结果.


    • 图  1  西湖凹陷构造分带、油气田分布及地层

      Fig.  1.  Various structural belts and oil-gas fields and simplifed chart of strata in Xihu depression

      图  2  西湖凹陷典型暗色泥岩(a)和煤岩的饱和烃气相色谱(b)

      a.NB25-3-1井泥岩3 226~3 228 m,平湖组;b.NB25-3-1井煤3 438~3 446 m,平湖组

      Fig.  2.  Gas chromatogram of saturated hydrocarbon of typical dark mudstone (a) and coal (b) in Xihu depression

      图  3  西湖凹陷平湖组相近深度泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤的红外光谱谱形

      Fig.  3.  Infrared spectroscopy spectrum chart of mudstone, carbonaceous mudstone and coal in similar depth in Pinghu Formation, Xihu depression

      图  4  西湖凹陷平湖组泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤岩干酪根红外吸收峰强度比值分布

      Fig.  4.  Infrared absorption peak intensity ratio of mudstone, carbonaceous mudstone and coal in Pinghu Formation, Xihu depression

      图  5  干酪根镜质体反射率与C=C键红外吸收最小波数Wmin之间关系

      Fig.  5.  Relationship between kerogenvitrinite reflectance and infrared absorption minimum wave number (Wmin) of C=C bond

      图  6  西湖凹陷HY14-1-1井(3 031.15~3 063.10 m)原油样品PVT相图(a)和原油密度与含蜡量的关系(b)

      Fig.  6.  PVT phase diagram of crude oil samples in HY14-1-1 well (a) and relationship of density and wax content of crude oil (b), Xihu depression

      图  7  西湖凹陷不同原油的轻烃的气相色谱

      a.平湖五井深度为3 695.5 m的原油;b.平湖四井深度为2 708.6 m的原油

      Fig.  7.  Gas chromatogram of light hydrocarbons of different crude oil in Xihu depression

      图  8  西湖凹陷不同原油甾烷化合物分布


      Fig.  8.  Distribution of steranes of different crude oil in Xihu depression

      图  9  西湖凹陷原油、暗色泥岩、碳质泥岩和煤岩的Ph/nC18和Pr/nC17的分布(a)和饱和烃与芳香烃的碳同位素关系(b)

      Fig.  9.  Distribution of Ph/nC18 and Pr/nC17 (a) and diagram of carbon isotope of saturated hydrocarbons and aromatic (b) of crude oil, dark mudstone, carbonaceous mudstone and coal rocks in Xihu depression

      图  10  西湖凹陷原油Pr/Ph与含蜡量关系

      Fig.  10.  Diagram of Pr/Ph and wax content of crude oil in Xihu depression

      图  11  西湖凹陷原油次生变化识别(a)和正构烷烃碳数与摩尔分数分布(b)

      Fig.  11.  Dentification of secondary changes in crude oil (a) and distribution of n-alkane carbon number and the molar fraction (b) in Xihu depression

      图  12  西湖凹陷凝析油和高蜡油的成因模式

      Fig.  12.  Genesis of condensate and high wax oil in Xihu depression

      表  1  西湖凹陷原油油样的成熟度参数

      Table  1.   Maturity parameters of crude oil samples in Xihu depression

      计算参数 轻烃参数 芳烃参数 生标成熟度参数
      Temp(℃) Rm(%) MPI-1 RMPI-1(%) Ts/Tm C29甾20S/(20S+20R) C29ββ/(αα+ββ)
      范围 119~137 0.82~1.03 0.38~1.22 0.6~1.1 0.77~1.36 0.39~0.64 0.41~0.75
      注:Temp=140+15[ln(2, 4-DMP/2, 3-DMP)](Mango, 1990);Ro=0.012 3 Tmax-0.676 4(Mukhopadhyay and Dow, 1994);RMPI-1=0.6MPI-1+0.37.
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