Vegetation and Climate Changes around Celebes Sea during Holocene
摘要: 全新世时期的环境和气候变化是全球气候模拟、预测中不可或缺的资料.对苏拉威西海西北部MD98-2178孔(3.6200°N,118.7000°E,水深1 984 m)全新世的样品进行孢粉分析和浮游有孔虫氧稳定同位素测试,重建全新世苏拉威西海周边地区植被演化和气候变化图景.根据孢粉记录得到:在全新世早期至7 ka BP时,各孢粉组合浓度剧烈下降,指示海平面处于上升阶段;在7~4 ka BP时,各孢粉组合浓度都处于低谷,体现为高海平面期;在4 ka BP之后,孢粉记录则显示海平面有小幅的下降.在全新世中期,即5~4 ka BP,热带高山雨林花粉含量明显上升,表明是温度低值期.蕨类孢子记录显示降雨量在全新世早期是持续增加的,但在全新世中期之后,降雨量有所减少,这与陆地孢粉记录和印尼石笋记录的结果相似,体现全新世该地区降雨量受海陆格局和太阳活动共同影响.Abstract: The environment and climate information during the Holocene is indispensable data for the global climate modeling and forecasting. Scenarios of regional vegetation and climate changes around the Celebes Sea during the Holocene are explored based on the alynological and oxygen isotope records of core MD98-2178 (3.6200°N, 118.7000°E; 1 984 m water depth) from the northwest Celebes Sea in this study. Sea-level changes are discussed since the marine pollen record of core MD98-2178 is considered as an indicator. The sharp decline in concentration of all pollen groups during the Early Holocene, ~10-7 ka BP, indicates a sea-level rise. All pollen groups at 7-4 ka BP suggest sustaining of a high sea-level. The marine pollen record after 4 ka BP shows a slight fall of sea-level. The significant increase in pollen percentage of the tropical montane forest during the Middle Holocene, 5-4 ka BP, suggests a much cold condition along the Celebes Sea at the time. It is suggested that precipitation along the Celebes Sea has been affected by variations of land-ocean distribution and solar activities. It is implied by fluctuation in fern spores record that precipitation was at a high level during the Early Holocene, but lowered after the Middle Holocene, which is in a similar pattern as indicated by the Indonesian stalagmite records.
Key words:
- Holocene /
- Celebes Sea /
- pollen analysis /
- sea-level change /
- temperature /
- precipitation /
- climate change /
- vegetation
图 1 研究站位地理位置
图中红星为站位位置,虚线为南海穿越流,实线为印尼穿越流;修改自Gordon et al.(2012)
Fig. 1. General location of the study cores
图 5 苏拉威西海西北部MD98-2178孔与菲律宾南部MD06-3075孔海洋孢粉记录对比
红色曲线以左侧坐标轴来度量;黑色曲线以右侧坐标轴来度量,据Bian et al.(2011);a.花粉总浓度;b.红树林花粉浓度;c.红树林花粉含量;d.热带高山雨林花粉含量;e.草本植被花粉含量;f.蕨类孢子含量;g.蕨类孢子浓度
Fig. 5. Comparison of pollen records of core MD98-2178 from northwest Celebes Sea and MD06-3075 from the southern Philippines
图 6 MD98-2178孔海洋孢粉记录和古海洋记录与石笋记录对比
黄色阴影区为全新世中期植被和气候突变期;a.浮游有孔虫氧同位素记录,据Fan et al.(2013);b.海水表层温度(SST),据Fan et al.(2013);c~e.热带高山雨林花粉含量、红树林花粉含量和蕨类孢子含量;f.蕨类孢子浓度;g.中国石笋δ18O记录,据Wang et al.(2005);h.婆罗洲石笋δ18O记录,据Partin et al.(2007);i.印度尼西亚石笋δ18O记录,据Griffiths et al.(2009)
Fig. 6. Comparison of marine pollen and palaeoceanographic records from core MD98-2178 with stalagmite records
图 7 菲律宾南部棉兰老岛(a)、婆罗洲(b)以及印度尼西亚Flores岛的月平均降雨量变化(c)
降雨量资料来源于全球降水气候中心(Global Precipitation Climatology Centre,GPCC,;据Tierney et al.(2012)资料
Fig. 7. Observed monthly cycles of precipitation for the Mindanao in the southern Philippines (a), Borneo (b), and Flores in Indonesia (c)
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