Characteristics and Environmental Interpretation of Cone-in-Cone Structure, Early Cretaceous Bayingebi Formation, Celaomiao Depression
摘要: 为了全面了解测老庙坳陷早白垩世叠锥构造的沉积特征,并探讨其成因及形成环境等问题,运用野外露头实测、光薄片观察、X射线衍射分析、阴极发光照相、扫描电镜照相等方法,发现叠锥构造发育于钙质结核外侧,覆盖所有方向,呈放射状,直圆锥锥顶指向结核中心;叠锥矿物成分主要为纤维状低镁方解石,纤维状方解石呈锥形套叠,具波状消光;阴极发光显微镜下呈均一的棕红色,不具微量元素分异和析出的成岩色带;叠锥结核的发育规模明显受制于原生沉积环境.结果表明叠锥结核的发育具有明显的阶段性;其发育的原生沉积环境应为水深在5~30 m、水体能量较高的滨浅湖沉积环境.推测叠锥构造的形成可能是同沉积期生物沉积作用和胶结作用,以及后期上覆岩层静压力共同作用的结果.Abstract: To better understand the sedimentary characteristics of the cone-in-cone structure in the outcrop areas, and to explore the causes of the formation and the environmental issues of the cone-in-cone structure, we employ methods such as outcrop measure, polished thin section observation, X-ray diffraction analysis, cathode-ray luminescence, electronic scanning in this study. It is discovered that cone-in-cone structure develops radially around the calcareous concretions, with conical apex pointing straight to the concretion center; the major mineral composition of cone-in-cone structure is fibrous low magnesium calcite, with fibrous calcite crystals being cone-shaped nest, with wavy extinction which appears uniform red-brown under cathodoluminescence microscopy without diagenetic ribbon with trace element fractionation and precipitation. The developing scale of cone-in-cone concretions is in the control of primary sedimentary environment obviously. It is considered that the growth of cone-in-cone concretions has distinct stages; the original sedimentary environment should be shallow lake sedimentary environment with about 5-30 m depth and relatively higher energy. It is concluded that the formation of cone-in-cone structure is a result of synsedimentary biological deposition, cementation and later overburden static pressure.
Key words:
- cone-in-cone /
- Bayingebi Formation /
- Celaomiao depression /
- sedimentology /
- environmental geology
图 1 国内外典型叠锥样品
a.国外学者所展示的典型叠锥样品,取样位置不明,据Selles-Martinez(1994);b.硅质叠锥样品,摩洛哥Erfoud东南部Hamada地区,Lower Visean Merdani Formation,据Lugli et al.(2005);c.发育于湖泊滨岸带泥岩中的叠锥,伊犁盆地三工河组(取样点坐标:44°00′35.23″ N;81°03′ 38.52″E)
Fig. 1. Typical cone-in-cone samples in the domestic and overseas
图 2 内蒙古测老庙地区地质构造简图及研究区位置
图a中:1.上白垩统乌兰苏海组;2.下白垩统苏红图组;3.下白垩统巴音戈壁组;4.下元古界宝音图群;5.中元古界渣尔泰山群;6.燕山期黑云母花岗岩;7.燕山期二长花岗岩;8.印支期伟晶状白云母花岗岩;9.华力西期黑云母花岗岩;10.花岗闪长岩;11.华力西期黑云母花岗岩;12.华力西期花岗闪长岩;13.华力西期石英闪长岩;14.华力西期角闪辉长岩;15.加里东期伟晶状白云母花岗岩;16.黑云母斜长变粒岩;17.不整合地质界线;18.蚀变断裂破碎带;图b中:浅蓝色线为1 700 m等高线,向北东方向高程降低;红色曲线为岩体与下白垩统地层之间的不整合界线;深蓝色线为野外实测路线;黄色虚线为叠锥结核统计路线;中国地图据中华人民共和国地图(1∶5 900 000),中国地图出版社,2012年第1版
Fig. 2. Geological structure sketch of Celaomiao area, Inner Mongolia and the position of the study area
图 7 叠锥结核及其所赋存的地层各项特征变化趋势
Fig. 7. The characteristics of cone-in-cone concretions and their bearing strata
图 9 鄂尔多斯盆地东北部叠锥构造(a)及同层暗色泥岩(b)
Fig. 9. The cone-in-cone structure (a) and the mudstone symbiosed (b) in the northeast of Ordos basin
表 1 叠锥赋存地层各岩相矿物成分
Table 1. The mineral composition of each lithofacies of the cone-in-cone bearing strata
岩相 石英(%) 长石(%) 蒙脱石(%) 绿泥石(%) 伊利石(%) 高岭石(%) 方解石(%) 白云石(%) 红色泥岩 51 7 0 15 15 10 2 0 灰绿色泥岩 44 6 15 10 15 10 0 0 深灰色粉砂质泥岩 37 17 20 5 10 5 3 3 油页岩 39 8 25 10 10 0 5 3 表 2 不同岩性、不同沉积构造与相应水深对应关系
Table 2. The correspondences between different lithology, sedimentary structure and corresponding depth
岩性 水深(m) 沉积构造 水深(m) 蒸发岩 0~5 大型交错层理 0.5~5.0 砾岩、砂岩 1~10 大型交错层理 0.5~5.0 鲕粒灰岩 1~15 波状层理、平行层理 5~20 泥质粉砂岩 5~20 波状层理、平行层理 5~20 礁灰岩 5~25 水平层理 >17 暗色泥岩 >20 鲍马序列、槽模、丘状交错层理 >30 油页岩 >50 鲍马序列、槽模、丘状交错层理 >30 注:据张才利等(2011). -
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