Deep-Water Contourite Depositional System in Vicinity of Yi'tong Shoal on Northern Margin of the South China Sea
摘要: 利用高分辨率2D地震资料揭示南海北缘一统暗沙附近(水深700~1 000 m)发育海山相关的深水等深流沉积体系, 为南海北部陆缘深水洋流循环和深海动力学研究, 以及深水油气矿产资源勘探提供了新的资料.一统暗沙南、北两侧发育边缘侵蚀槽沟, 其中北缘的边缘槽沟可称为"环槽", 反映底流(可能属于南海中层水循环体系)自西向东流经海山.一套等深流沉积的伸长状-丘状漂积体沿环槽北岸发育.一统暗沙南侧和背侧还发育黏附型漂积体、南侧沉积区和补丁型漂积体.地震沉积记录显示该区稳定底流侵蚀-沉积活动可追溯至晚中新世早期.Abstract: Using high-resolution 2D seismic data, this study reveals the presence of a deep-water contourite depositional system that developed in vicinity of the Yi'tong Shoal (700-1 000 m depth), on the northern margin of the South China Sea. The development of a moat north of the Yi'tong Shoal indicates eastward flowing bottom currents, which might belong to the South China Sea Intermediate Water Circulation. Due to the coriolis deflection, an elongated-mounded drift is developed to the north of the moat. A marginal trough, a plastered drift and a deposition zone developed south of the Yi'tong Shoal, indicative of relatively weak hydrodynamics in the south side. A shadow zone downstream of the Yi'tong Shoal was generated where the currents slowed down, developing a depositional tail. Seismic stratigraphy shows that the initial development of the deep-water contourite depositional system was developed from the early Late Miocene (11.6 Ma).
图 1 研究区地质概况
a.研究区位置(红色方框)及中国南海北部珠江口盆地构造单元划分;b.研究区海底地形及本文图 2~图 5中地震剖面位置示意图,白色虚线指示一统暗沙南、北缘海底地形的下凹现象;c.古新世以来珠江口盆地地层序列、构造演化及海平面变化历史.据魏魁生等(2001);解习农等(2011),有修改
Fig. 1. Geological background of the study area
图 2 研究区典型剖面的裂后期层序地层格架,以及地震、测井资料(剖面位置见图 1b)
Fig. 2. The post-split sequence stratigraphic framework of a composite profile over the studied area, with seismic and logging data
图 3 NNW-SSE方向,一统暗沙附近等深流沉积体系地震剖面(剖面位置见图 1b)
Fig. 3. NNW-SSE oriented profile showing the seamount-related contourite depositional system in close vicinity of the Yi'tong Shoal
图 4 NNW-SSE方向,一统暗沙附近等深流沉积体系地震剖面(剖面位置见图 1b)
Fig. 4. NNW-SSE oriented profile showing the seamount-related contourite depositional system in close vicinity of the Yi'tong Shoal
图 5 一统暗沙附近等深流沉积体系地震剖面(剖面位置见图 1b)
Fig. 5. Profiles showing the seamount-related contourite depositional system in close vicinity of the Yi'tong Shoal
图 6 一统暗沙附近深水等深流沉积体系沉积模式
a.应用Hernández-Molina et al.(2006)提出的“海山相关的等深流沉积模式”后,一统暗沙附近底流经过海山时水动力条件变化及侵蚀-沉积作用示意图;b.一统暗沙附近海底地形特征及底流路径;c.一统暗沙两侧边缘槽沟(环槽)以及海山背侧尾端沉积体的形成模式.据Davies and Laughton(1972)和Hernández-Molina et al.(2006),有修改
Fig. 6. Depositional model of the deep-water contourite depositional system in vicinity of the Yi'tong Shoal
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