Coral Assemblages and Their Ecological Environment of Well Xike-1, Xisha Islands
摘要: 西科1井0~748 m井段岩心中珊瑚化石欠丰富, 属种比较单调, 共鉴定6科16属及1个未定属.在井深216 m以上的地层中发现第四纪特有的Endopsammia(内脊沙珊瑚)和Heliopora(苍珊瑚)等, 表明含上述特征性珊瑚化石的地层应划归第四系.在216 m以下井段的岩心中Endopsammia和Heliopora已全部绝迹, 应划归比第四纪更老的地层.地层时代从老到新, 生态环境发生了明显的变化, 生物的抗风浪能力逐渐加强.中新统可能属于泻湖相, 尔后又逐渐转变为内礁坪相, 到上新统演变为内、外礁坪相相互交替, 第四系则可能属于外礁坪相.Abstract: The coral in 0-748 m of the well Xike-1 is less abundant and simple, 6 families including 16 genera and 1 undefined genus are identified. Some Quaternary genera such as Endopsammia and Heliopora are only found in the strata above 216 m depth and disappear below, which indicate that the strata above 216 m depth is Quaternary and the strata below is older. In term of time, the palaeosedimentary environment has been apparent changing and the ability of wave or wind resistance of the biology has been strengthening. It is lagoonal environment in Miocene, and then gradually changes to the inner reef flat facies. In Pliocene, the inner and outer reef flat environments alternately occur. Until the Quaternary, the palaeosedimentary environment may be outer reef flat facies.
Key words:
- coral assemblage /
- ecologic environment /
- well Xike-1 /
- Xisha Islands /
- marine geology
图 1 西科1井第四纪珊瑚化石(薄片)
a.滨珊瑚(Porites),薄片编号:134,深度:49.19 m,照片编号:134-2;b.陀螺珊瑚(Turbinaria),薄片编号:88,深度:31.35 m,照片编号:88-4;c.苍珊瑚(Heliopora),薄片编号:84,深度:29.61 m,照片编号:84-3;d.蔷薇珊瑚(Montipora),薄片编号:186,深度:70.24 m,照片编号:186-2;e.陀螺珊瑚(Turbinaria),样品编号:86,深度:30.49 m,照片编号:86-5;f.内脊沙珊瑚(Endopsammia).样品编号:194,深度:73.24 m,照片编号:194-1
Fig. 1. Quaternary corals of well Xike-1 (thin-sections)
图 2 西科1井第四纪珊瑚化石(薄片)
a.刺星珊瑚(Cyphastrea),薄片编号:204,深度:78.48 m,照片编号:204-3;b.属种未定( sp.indet.),薄片编号:311,深度:118.41 m,照片编号:311-1;c.蜂房珊瑚(Favia),薄片编号:213,深度:82.00 m,照片编号:213-1;d.属种未定( sp.indet.),薄片编号:301,深度:114.49 m,照片编号:301-3;e.鹿角珊瑚(Acropora),薄片编号:262,深度:100.01 m,照片编号:262-2;f.角蜂巢珊瑚(Favites),样品编号:242,深度:93.44 m,照片编号:242-1
Fig. 2. Quaternary corals of well Xike-1 (thin-sections)
图 3 西科1井第四纪及新近纪珊瑚化石(手标本)
a.蜂房珊瑚(Favia),样品编号:XK1-A9,深度:34.19 m,照片编号:8510;b.扁脑珊瑚(Platygyra),样品编号:XK1-A18,深度:144.39 m,照片编号:8552;c.陀螺珊瑚(Tubinaria),样品编号:XK1-A2,深度:25.97 m,照片编号:8489;d.陀螺珊瑚(Tubinaria),样品编号:XK1-A1,深度:25.11 m,照片编号:8488;e.角蜂巢珊瑚(Favites),样品编号:XK1-A21,深度:161.52 m,照片编号:8566;f.陀螺珊瑚(Tubinaria),样品编号:XK1-A11,深度:61.17 m,照片编号:8527;g.丁香珊瑚(Caryophyllia),样品编号:XK1-A37,深度:643.42 m,照片编号:8641;h.星孔珊瑚(Astreopora),样品编号:XK1-A34,深度:558.60 m,照片编号:8625;i.变沙珊瑚(Enallopsammia),样品编号:XK1-A36,深度:568.64 m,照片编号:8638;j.陀螺珊瑚(Turbinaria),样品编号:XK1-A19,深度:155.43~155.79 m,照片编号:8557;k.鹿角珊瑚(Acropora),样品编号:XK1-A33,深度:508.66 m,照片编号:8608
Fig. 3. Quaternary and Neogene corals of well Xike-1 (specimens)
表 1 西科1井中发现的物种
Table 1. The species found in well Xike-1
目 科 属 石珊瑚目Order Scleractinia Bourne, 1900 鹿角珊瑚科Family Acroporidae Verrill, 1902 鹿角珊瑚Genus Acropora Oken, 1815 蔷薇珊瑚Genus Montipora Quoy & Gaimard in Blainville, 1830 星孔珊瑚Genus Astreopora Blainville, 1830 滨珊瑚科Family Poritidae Gray, 1842 滨珊瑚Genus Porites Link, 1807 蜂房珊瑚科Family Faviidae Gregory, 1900 蜂房珊瑚Genus Favia Oken, 1815 角蜂巢珊瑚Genus Favites Link, 1807 菊花珊瑚Genus Goniastrea Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1848 扁脑珊瑚Genus Platygyra Ehrenberg, 1834 刺星珊瑚Genus Cyphastrea Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1848 双星珊瑚Genus Diploastrea Matthai, 1914 丁香珊瑚科Family Caryophyllidae Gray, 1847 丁香珊瑚Genus Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1801 真叶珊瑚Genus Euphyllia Dana, 1846 木珊瑚科Family Dendrophyllidae Gray, 21847 陀螺珊瑚Genus Turbinaria Oken, 1815 内脊沙珊瑚Genus Endopsammia Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1848 变沙珊瑚Genus Enallopsammia Michelotti, 1871 未定属Gen. indet. 八射珊瑚目Order Octocorallia Haeckel, 1866 苍珊瑚科Family Helioporidae Moseley, 1876 苍珊瑚Genus Heliopora Blainville, 1830 表 2 西科1井第四纪珊瑚鉴定(薄片)
Table 2. Quaternary corals distribution of the well Xike-1 (thin-sections)
井深(m) 珊瑚中文属名 珊瑚拉丁文属名 25.13 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 29.61 苍珊瑚 Heliopora 30.49 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 31.35 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 38.52 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 49.19 滨珊瑚 Porites 61.29 苍珊瑚 Heliopora 64.51 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 67.23 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 69.38 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 70.24 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 73.24 内脊沙珊瑚 Endopsammia 78.48 刺星珊瑚 Cyphastraea 80.13 蜂房珊瑚 Favia 80.60 蜂房珊瑚 Favia 82.00 蜂房珊瑚 Favia 83.38 蜂房珊瑚 Favia 87.53 属、种未定 Gen. et sp. indet. 93.44 角蜂巢珊瑚 Favites 94.04 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 94.26 蜂房珊瑚 Favia 98.70 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 100.01 鹿角珊瑚 Acropora 115.79 刺星珊瑚 Cyphastraea 123.55 蔷薇珊瑚 Montipora 129.69 刺星珊瑚 Cyphastraea 130.00 滨珊瑚 Porites 131.78 滨珊瑚 Porites 133.56 滨珊瑚 Porites 134.54 刺星珊瑚 Cyphastraea 135.01 刺星珊瑚 Cyphastraea 136.10 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 137.57 刺星珊瑚 Cyphastraea 140.93 滨珊瑚 Porites 141.24 真叶珊瑚 Euphyllia 141.93 真叶珊瑚 Euphyllia 150.13 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 161.69 内脊沙珊瑚 Endopsammia 213.95 刺星珊瑚 Cyphastraea 表 3 西科1井第四纪珊瑚鉴定(手标本)
Table 3. Quaternary corals distribution of the well Xike-1 (specimens)
井深(m) 珊瑚中文属名 珊瑚拉丁文属名 25.11 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 25.97 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 27.53 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 28.49 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 29.58 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 29.67 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 33.24 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 34.07 蜂房珊瑚 Favia 34.19 蜂房珊瑚 Favia 34.20 蜂房珊瑚 Favia 61.17 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 61.41 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 78.92 扁脑珊瑚 Platygyra 141.84 双星珊瑚 Diplastrea 141.98 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 141.84~144.38 鹿角珊瑚 Acropora 144.39 扁脑珊瑚 Favites 155.43~155.79 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 157.18 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 161.52 角蜂巢珊瑚 Favites 186.88 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 201.83 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 表 4 西科1井新近纪珊瑚鉴定(薄片)
Table 4. Neogene corals distribution of the well Xike-1 (thin-sections)
井深(m) 珊瑚中文属名 珊瑚拉丁文属名 221.34 刺星珊瑚 Cyphastraea 463.88 滨珊瑚 Porites 504.14 菊花珊瑚 Goniastrea 511.72 滨珊瑚 Porites 552.49 滨珊瑚 Porites 611.85 薄星珊瑚 Leptastrea 670.48 属种未定 Gen. et sp. indet. 719.78 滨珊瑚 Porites 表 5 西科1井新近纪珊瑚鉴定(手标本)
Table 5. Neogene corals distribution of the well Xike-1 (specimens)
井深(m) 珊瑚中文属名 珊瑚拉丁文属名 297.03~299.68 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 300.03~302.65 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 376.18 鹿角珊瑚 Acropora 446.86 属、种未定 Gen. et sp. indet. 478.03 鹿角珊瑚 Acropora 508.48 双星珊瑚 Diplastrea 508.66 鹿角珊瑚 Acropora 518.67 鹿角珊瑚 Acropora 554.33 星孔珊瑚 Astreopora 557.63 陀螺珊瑚 Turbinaria 558.60 星孔珊瑚 Astreopora 563.22 鹿角珊瑚 Acropora 568.64 变沙珊瑚 Enallopsammia 643.42 丁香珊瑚 Caryophyllia -
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