Late Devonian Conodonts and Chondrichthyes from TaketaiFormation in Western Junggar, NW China
摘要: 新疆西准噶尔哈拉也门地区原有一套地层划分为下石炭统和布克河组,岩性组合与标准剖面差异较大,因此,新建塔克台组.在该组参考剖面TK01第3层含化石的灰岩透镜体中,发现了少量非常重要的浅水相牙形刺,包括3属6种1未定种:Icriodus alternatus alternatus、Icriodus cornutus、Icriodus expansus、Polygnathus krestovnikovi、Polygnathus procerus、Polygnathus makhlinae、Ancyrognathus sp.,与这些牙形刺共生的还有软骨鱼类化石Protacrodus sp.和Phoebodus sp..该化石组合表明,新建的塔克台组的时代为晚泥盆世法门期早期.Abstract: The Devonian Famennian conodont and chondrichthy have been found from the newly established Taketai Formation which previously was assigned to the Early Carboniferous Hebukehe Formation in Halayemen region, western Junggar. Conodont fossils include 3 genera, 6 species and 1 indeterminate species: Icriodus alternatus alternatus, Icriodus cornutus, Icriodus expansus, Icriodus sp.1, Icriodus sp.2, Polygnathus krestovnikovi, Polygnathus procerus, Polygnathus makhlinae, Polygnathus sp.1, Polygnathus sp.2, Polygnathus sp.3, Ancyrognathus sp.. Chondrichthyes include 2 genera: Protacrodus sp. and Phoebodus sp.. It indicates that Taketai Formation belongs to early Famennian of Late Devonian.
Key words:
- conodont /
- chondrichthy /
- Taketai Formation /
- Late Devonian /
- western Junggar /
- paleoenvironment /
- paleontology
图 1 西准噶尔及邻区地层区划与研究区位置
Fig. 1. Sketch showing stratigraphic regionalization in western Junggar and its adjacent regions as well as location of the study area
图 3 西准噶尔哈拉也门煤矿上泥盆统塔克台组上段实测地层剖面TK01
Fig. 3. The measured stratigraphic section of the Upper Devonian Taketai Formation in Halayemen coal mine, western Junggar (TK01)
表 1 塔克台组上段岩性与分层描述
Table 1. Lithology and stratigraphy of Upper Devonian Taketai Formation
未见顶 上泥盆统塔克台组上段(D3tkb) 总厚度355.6 m 12.黑色劣质煤层,夹中细粒砂岩薄层或透镜体. 2.5 m 11.灰白、灰黄色厚-巨厚层含砾粗砂岩、细砾岩,夹少量青灰色中粗粒砂岩,含大量的植物茎干化石. 43.8 m 10.黑色劣质煤层. 18.4 m 9.灰黄色中-厚层中粗粒砂岩,夹少量细砾岩,含较多的植物碎片化石. 13.4 m 8.灰黄色中粗粒砂岩,岩石较破碎. 10.2 m 7.灰黄、黄绿色薄-中层状中细粒砂岩,夹少量灰色泥质粉砂岩,含丰富的腕足类、腹足类等碎片化石. 9.1 m 6.灰-青灰色、灰绿色中-厚层凝灰质粉-细砂岩,底部为一套含砾粗砂岩,夹少量中粗粒砂岩,含腹足类化石. 18.9 m 5.灰-灰绿色中-厚层凝灰质中细粒砂岩与黄绿色薄-中层状泥质粉砂岩不均匀互层,含腕足类、双壳类、腹足类等化石. 29.9 m 4.灰-青灰色中-厚层状凝灰质细砂岩,夹少量泥质粉砂岩,含大量的海相动物化石. 102.6 m 3.灰-青灰、灰绿色凝灰质粉-细砂岩,夹灰岩透镜体,含腕足类、双壳类、鹦鹉螺亚纲角石类及少量植物碎片化石,处理得到微体化石有牙形刺:Icriodus alternatus alternatus、Icriodus cornutus、Icriodus expansus、Icriodus spp.、Polygnathuskrestovnikovi、Polygnathus makhlinae、Polygnathus procerus、Polygnathus spp.、Ancyrognathus sp.,软骨鱼类:Prota-crodus sp.、Phoebodus sp.. 47.4 m 2.浅灰-灰色中-厚层细砂岩,夹少量灰岩透镜体. 12.9 m 1.灰-浅灰、灰褐、灰绿色薄-中层状凝灰质粉-细砂岩、泥质粉砂岩,夹一层厚约5 cm的浅灰色凝灰质粉砂岩,其中含丰富的三叶虫、腕足类、海百合茎、腹足类、苔藓虫、珊瑚、植物茎干及遗迹化石. 46.5 m =============断层============ 上泥盆统塔克台组上段(D3tkb) 化石 产出层位 牙形刺 a.Icriodus alternatus alternatus 口视,西准噶尔哈拉也门塔克台组上段TK01实测剖面第3层,晚泥盆世,登记号TK01-3-001. b.Icriodus cornutus 口视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-002. c.Icriodus expansus 口视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-003. d.Polygnathus krestovnikovi 口视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-011. e.Polygnathus makhlinae 口视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-012. f.Polygnathus procerus 口视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-013. g.Ancyrognathus sp. 口视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-021. h~i.Polygnathus spp. 口视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-014,TK01-3-015. j~l.Icriodus spp. 口视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-004,TK01-3-005,TK01-3-006. 软骨鱼类 m.Protacrodus sp. 侧视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-031. n.Phoebodus sp. 侧视,产地层位同上,登记号TK01-3-032. -
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