Characteristics of Cleavages with Different Directions in Houshan Area of Karamay, Xinjiang, NW China and Their Geodynamic Background
摘要: 劈理构造是一定应力场中形成的具有透入性的面状构造, 一般代表变形过程中的最大压扁面.通过了解某一区域的劈理特征和发育序次, 能对该区域的构造变形序次和大地构造演化研究有一定的指示意义.在准噶尔盆地西北缘扎伊尔山石炭纪地层中发育多组透入性的劈理构造, 通过实地对研究区内劈理系统性地观察, 理出了3类劈理: (1)早期与蛇绿混杂岩构造就位相关的劈理; (2)晚期顺达尔布特断裂和哈图断裂发育的断裂劈理以及(3)方位十分稳定, 与层理发生不同程度置换, 构成不同大小的夹角, 代表近南北向区域性挤压运动的近EW向劈理.早期劈理产生于晚石炭世早晚之交, 与研究区内蛇绿混杂岩系在晚石炭世陆块斜向汇拢洋盆汇聚闭合、蛇绿混杂岩陆续构造就位于上覆相对较新的地层系统有关; 大型断裂劈理与区域内二叠-三叠纪大规模的北东-南西向断裂左旋走滑有关; 东西向劈理切过305±15 Ma的花岗斑岩脉, 而未影响到不整合于石炭系地层之上的中生代地层(最老为晚三叠世), 结合区域构造背景确定其形成时限为二叠纪末-早中三叠世, 与第2类劈理近于准同时, 可能与西伯利亚板块向南推挤导致的近南北向陆内挤压有关.Abstract: Cleavage is a type of penetrative planar rock feature produced under certain stress fields, commonly normal to the direction of maximum compression. Detailed investigation into the physical characteristics and sequences of different cleavages can facilitate the understanding of the regional deformational history, and further the tectonic evolution of a given area. Three categories of cleavages have been recognized through systematic observations of the penetrative cleavages developed in the Carboniferous turbidites in the Zaire Mountains of western Junggar: (1) relatively earlier cleavages associated with the tectonic emplacement of ophiolites; (2) later fault-related cleavages developed along major faults, such as the Darbut and Hatu faults; (3) cleavages with rather consistent east-west strike across region, and at various angles to bedding planes, which denote a widespread north-south regional compression. The earlier cleavages were formed during the Early-Late Late Carboniferous, when the older (Ordovician to Devonian) ophiolites got emplaced into the overlying younger (Carboniferous) strata due to the oblique convergence of different blocks and closing of ocean basins. The fault-related cleavages were related to extensive sinistral strike slip along NE-SW trending faults during the Permian-Triassic. The east-west cleavages didn t affect Mesozoic strata (the oldest of Late Triassic) in the region and crosscut granite porphyry veins dated as 305±15 Ma. In the consideration of the extensional tectonic background of the area from the Late Carboniferous to Perimain, the east-west cleavages probably lasted from the latest Permian to Middle Triassic, roughly concurrent with the fault-related cleavages of the second type, both of which signify an intracontinental north-south compression concurred with the southward movement of the Siberian plate.
Key words:
- cleavage /
- Carboniferous /
- bedding-cleavage intersection /
- tectonic deformation /
- western Junggar
图 1 研究区位置及不同劈理带分布
a.新疆北部构造格架简图据Xiao et al.(2008)修改;b.克拉玛依后山地区地质简图和3类不同方向劈理的空间分布.1.第四系;2.新近系独山子组;3.下白垩统吐谷鲁群;4.上侏罗统齐古组;5.中侏罗统头屯河组;6.中侏罗统西山窑组;7.下侏罗统三工河组;8.下侏罗统八道湾组;9.上三叠统小泉沟组;10.中-上二叠统库吉尔台组;11.上石炭统-下二叠统库吉尔台组;12.下-上石炭统哈拉阿拉特组;13.下石炭统太勒古拉组;14.下石炭统包古图组;15.下石炭统希贝库拉斯组;16.中奥陶统科克沙依组;17.正长花岗岩;18.花岗闪长岩;19.二长花岗岩;20.达尔布特中志留世-中泥盆世蛇绿混杂岩;21.克拉玛依-白口泉中奥陶世-晚志留世蛇绿混杂岩;22.玛里雅晚寒武世蛇绿混杂岩;23.整合地层界线;24.不整合地层界线;25.实测断层;26.地层产状(°);27.走廊带区域范围;28.大型断裂带劈理;29.蛇绿混杂岩构造就位相关劈理化带;30.区域性90°方向强劈理带;31.达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩带两侧劈理统计的空间范围
Fig. 1. Location of the study area and distribution of different cleavages in the Houshan area of Karamay, Xinjiang, NW China
图 2 达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩内部的劈理变形特征
Fig. 2. Deformational characteristics of the cleavages distributed in the Darbut ophiolitic mélange, Xinjiang, NW China
图 3 达尔布特混杂岩两侧及内部劈理密度统计,同一岩性在不同空间分布的劈理差异
a. 野外实地进行劈理密度统计照片;b.达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩带与围岩界线处深灰色凝灰质粉砂岩劈理密度80片/10 cm;c.离达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩北界约1 km处的深灰色凝灰质粉砂岩劈理密度56片/10 cm;d.离达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩北界约2 km处烟灰色凝灰质细粉砂岩劈理密度40片/10 cm;e.离达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩北界约3 km处的凝灰质粉砂岩劈理密度15片/10 cm
Fig. 3. Field measurement of the cleavage densities, showing different cleavage styles of the same lithology in and away from the Darbut ophiolitic mélange, Xinjiang, NW China
图 4 达尔布特混杂岩两侧及内部劈理、层理产状和劈理密度特征
a.达尔布特混杂岩附近局部地质简图(红色字体表示空间所测得的劈理密度,表示方法为劈理产状-岩性-每10 cm的劈理条数);b.达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩带两侧及内部劈理和层理的等密图,红点表示产状面的法线投影;c.根据图a中数据所作出的距达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩北界不同距离的不同岩性中劈理密度变化趋势,以达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩北西界为原点,达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩北西方向距离为负,南东方向距离为正.cg.中粗粒杂砂岩;ms.泥质粉砂岩;ss.凝灰质粉砂岩
Fig. 4. Characteristics of the attitudes of the bedding and cleavage and cleavage densities in the vicinity of the Darbut ophiolitic mélange, Xinjiang, NW China
图 5 达尔布特断裂与哈图断裂的劈理特征
Fig. 5. Characteristics of the cleavages in and near the Darbut and Hatu fault belts, Xinjiang, NW China
图 9 石棉矿地区小尺度追索路线层劈关系解剖
Fig. 9. Analysis of bedding-cleavage relationships by small-scale route tracing in the Shimiankuang area, Xinjiang, NW China
图 10 EW向劈理在不同岩性中的显微特征和成因机制
Fig. 10. Microscopic deformational features of different lithologies influenced by the EW direction cleavages in the Houshan area of Karamay, Xinjiang, NW China
图 11 克拉玛依后山地区受EW向劈理改造的花岗斑岩脉U-Pb年龄数据结果
Fig. 11. U-Pb dating of a granite porphyry vein crosscut by the EW direction cleavages in the Houshan area of Karamay, Xinjiang, NW China
表 1 N1112花岗斑岩样品中锆石LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素分析结果
Table 1. Results of LA-ICP-MS zirzon U-Pb isotopic analysis of the granite porphyry sample N1112
样品点号 207Pb/206Pb 207Pb/235U 206Pb/238U 208Pb/232Th Total(Pb)(10-6) 232Th(10-6) 238U(10-6) 比值 1σ 比值 1σ 比值 1σ 比值 1σ 1112-1-01 0.068 2 0.002 4 0.451 5 0.015 6 0.048 2 0.000 7 0.014 9 0.000 5 135.0 393.0 699.0 1112-1-02 0.082 5 0.003 3 0.555 0 0.025 9 0.047 7 0.000 7 0.023 9 0.001 3 198.0 376.0 1 067.0 1112-1-03 0.093 4 0.002 1 0.648 3 0.013 2 0.050 2 0.000 6 0.024 6 0.000 6 308.0 527.0 1 249.0 1112-1-04 0.105 1 0.005 8 0.683 9 0.034 9 0.048 3 0.000 9 0.028 1 0.001 7 39.6 65.2 187.0 1112-1-05 0.058 6 0.002 1 0.423 1 0.014 9 0.052 7 0.000 8 0.017 9 0.000 5 102.0 270.0 594.0 1112-1-06 0.034 4 0.001 5 0.225 4 0.009 1 0.044 0 0.000 8 0.010 2 0.000 6 120.0 254.0 744.0 1112-1-07 0.053 7 0.002 8 0.364 2 0.018 4 0.046 2 0.000 8 0.014 2 0.000 7 63.0 113.0 271.0 -
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