Three-Dimensional Electrical and Deep Structure Features of Akebasitao Area in Western Junggar by AMT Data
摘要: 为探究西准噶尔阿克巴斯陶岩体的三维电性及达尔布特断裂在该区的性质,采用音频大地电磁测深方法进行了三维的地质填图勘探,把奥克姆(Occam)二维反演得到的结果进行三维展示. 结果表明,测区岩浆主要通过东南和西北部两个通道上侵,分布在达尔布特断裂两侧,其中东南上侵岩体规模大,但是被达尔布特断裂切断,与阿克巴斯陶岩体只在少部分区域是相连的, 西北部上侵岩体与中部岩体相连,岩体侵入到测区中部呈倒三角锥体型堆积,岩体浅部展布范围大,深部慢慢变小,中间最深部位达7~8 km,岩体正下方是低阻带;得到了达尔布特断裂在该区的部分性质,即北东-南西走向,倾向北西,倾角大并保持陡倾持续到5 km以下,有的地方甚至到10 km,断裂深部与岩体正下方的平缓低阻带相连.Abstract: To investigate three-dimensional electrical features of Akebasitao rock mass and the structure of Darbut fault, we used audio magnetotelluric sounding for geological mapping exploration of three-dimensional nature in the region and display the results of the two-dimensional Occam inversion in three dimensions. The results indicate that there are two magma channels in southeast and northwest parts in two sides of Darbut fault. The southeast intrusive rock mass is large in size and only partly connected to Akebasitao rock mass since it was cut by Darbut fault. The magma channel in northwest is directly connected to rock mass as a reverse cone pyramid which is larger in shadow part and getting smaller in the deep, which resulted from the magma intrusion into the middle of the survey area. The rock mass can be 7-8 km deep in the middle part and there are low resistance materials below the rock mass. It is concluded that Darbut fault in this area strikes northeast-southwest to northwest, with big inclination angle, as steep as 5 to 10 km and the lower part of fault is connected to the low resistance material below the rock mass.
Key words:
- Akebasitao /
- Darbut fault /
- audio magnetotelluric /
- Occam /
- geophysics
表 1 西准噶尔阿克巴斯陶岩体实测物性
Table 1. Measured property table of akbasitao areas in western Junggar
岩性 标本数量(块) 磁化率 电阻率(Ω·m) 极化率(%) 变化范围 常见值 变化范围 常见值 变化范围 常见值 花岗岩 395 1~1192 110 442~5814 2716 0.570~2.790 1.320 硅质砂岩 19 109~385 250 1262~9278 3369 0.730~2.426 1.370 凝灰质粉砂岩 15 127~376 222 1503~5673 2639 0.870~2.230 1.170 辉长岩 6 143~608 294 1453~3015 2227 0.520~2.000 1.210 蛇纹岩 2 108~312 108 1056~3786 1056 0.880~1.480 0.880 角岩化凝灰质粉砂岩 5 125~318 236 1066~8671 6010 0.710~1.520 0.870 -
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