A 3D Geological Modeling Method Based on Geophysical Data
摘要: 地质采样信息不足是制约深部三维地质建模的重要因素, 深部物性探测数据由于其易于获取而能够有效形成可视化模型.结合这一特点, 在地质调查项目工作中探索出了一种基于物性探测数据的三维地质建模方法.它首先利用岩石样品物性测量实验数据提取出物性参数及其对应地质属性的映射关系, 然后将不同地球物理方法所获取到的物性数据进行综合建模并解释, 最后将解释后的可视化模型转换为地质三维模型.实践证明, 该方法能够针对性地解决项目中的一些深部地质三维建模问题.Abstract: Inadequate geological sampling information is a major constraint for 3D geological modeling of the deep geological body. Since it is relatively easier to acquire the deep geophysical data, the visualization model of the geophysical data can be formed effectively. In this study, a 3D geological modeling method by the geophysical data collected in the geological survey is proposed. It involves firstly extracting the mapping function from geophysical data to the geological property by geophysical experiment on the samples, and then integrating the visualization models constructed from multi-source geophysical data for interpretation, and finally converting the interpreted visualization model to the 3D geological model. The method proves feasible for solutions on 3D modeling concerning deep geological bodies in the project.
表 1 样品实验数据示例
Table 1. A case of the experimental data
属性 属性值 密度(g/cm3) 2.628 7 磁化率(10-6) 18.800 0 电阻率(Ω·m) 4 842.850 0 极化率(%) 0.890 1 … … 岩性 紫红色硅质岩 表 2 几种方法比较结果
Table 2. The comparison result of several methods
方法 正确率(%) 收敛速度 稳定性 信息粒模型 87.4 较快 中 模糊聚类 83.6 快 中 硬聚类 78.8 快 高 神经网络 81.6 慢 低 支持向量机 86.5 较快 高 -
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