Three-Dimensional Geological Mapping and Visualization of Complex Orogenic Belts
摘要: 三维地质填图是一项探索性很强的开拓性工作,目前尚无成熟经验可循.对于地球物理和钻探资料相对有限的复杂造山带成矿带地区,区域性的三维地质结构的揭示更具挑战性.结合西准噶尔克拉玛依后山地区三维地质填图实践,提出造山带基岩三维地质填图的基本思路,对具有一定幅面一定比例尺的区域三维地质填图与建模的方法技术进行了总结,提出针对造山带区域的“基于地表地质调查剖面网络基础上的地质-地球物理-钻孔联合约束的三维地质调查方法体系”,探索实践“基于地表地质调查剖面网络基础上的三维地质建模技术方法”,强调建模的数据基础来自地表基础地质调查的系统路线剖面和实测剖面,即以地表实测地质路线为基础结合地球物理和钻探资料向下合理延拓,从而实现“区域三维地质填图”概念上的三维地质结构的数字表达.
- 造山带 /
- 三维地质调查与建模方法 /
- 地表地质调查 /
- 地质-地球物理-钻孔联合约束
Abstract: Three-dimensional geological mapping is a pioneering job in frontiers without much experience. It is far more challenging to work out three-dimensional geological structure in a square area with certain scale for complex orogenic and metallogenic belts, where geophysical and drilling data are relatively limited. In this paper, we put forward a framework of the three-dimensional geological mapping and visualization for bedrocks of orogenic belts based on our three-dimensional geological mapping practice in the northwest Karamay, western Junggar. We emphasize that the basic data involved in visual modeling for a certain square area and scale are primarily based on the network of systematic surface geological sections and then the extension for the deep geological bodies which are based on geological-geophysical-drilling united constraints. With the combination of surface geological sections and geophysical/drilling data, three-climension geological texture from surface to certain depths at a certain confidence level can be traced. That is to say that three-dimensional numerical models of geological structures can be constructed by utilizing the rich data of classical "surface regional geological mapping" with the combination of geophysical/drilling data. -
图 1 西准噶尔克拉玛依后山地区石炭系下伏基底及蛇绿混杂岩系右旋楔入概念模型
Fig. 1. Conceptual model of the underlying basement of Carboniferous and the right lateral wedge-thrusting pattern of the ophiolitic melange in the north mountain areas of the Karamay, western Junggar
图 3 白碱滩一带(1∶100 000白碱滩幅基岩区)插入1号线地质-地球物理综合解释剖面的三维地质结构剖面网络格架
Fig. 3. Network of three-dimensional geological structure profile which inserts No.1 geological-geophysical comprehensive interpretation section in Baijiantan bedrock areas of 1∶100 000 Baijiantan map sheet
表 1 深部地质信息约束条件分级评价标准
Table 1. Evaluation criteria for the deep geological information constraint classification
约束条件 高 较高 中 较低 地表地质信息 与地表地质观测资料有直接联系,地表观测资料详实可靠 有正确的理论或概念模型为依据,与地表地质信息关联性较好 有一定的理论或概念模型为依据,与地表地质信息有一定关联,但存在一定的不确定性 理论或概念模型不确定,地表地质信息与深部关联性不确定,推测性大 地球物理信息 有地球物理勘探结果约束 有可借鉴的地球物理探测资料 有可借鉴的地球物理探测资料,但推测性较大 与地球物理信息关联较弱 钻孔约束 有钻孔控制 有钻孔资料借鉴 -
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