Speleothem-Based Rainfall Records: A Comparison of the Arid Region of Northwest China to the Monsoon Region of the Eastern Part of China
摘要: 中国东部季风区和西北干旱区分别受控于季风和西风环流,是全球变化响应的敏感区域.过去50年全球升温,西北干 旱区降水显著增加,而东部季风区的降水变化不明显.在未来全球继续变暖的情况下,两个地区降水将如何变化尚不清楚.利 用湖北神农架三宝洞和新疆特克斯科桑洞的石笋生长速率记录,考察它们对降水变化的响应,研究冰期-间冰期旋回中两地 的降水变化及其差异,为未来气候变暖下的中国降水模型预测提供一个验证实例.研究表明,500ka以来中国东部季风区和西 部干旱区降水呈现冰期-间冰期波动变化,气温偏高的间冰期降水量大.但是,中国西北干旱区降水的响应滞后于东部季风 区,指示两地降水对温度变化的响应可能并非完全同步.Abstract: The monsoon region of the eastern part of China and the arid region of western part of China are the sensitive areas of g1oba1 change, which are separately contro11ed by monsoon and westerly circulation. In the past50 years, due to g1oba1 war- ming, the precipitation of the arid region of Northwest China has significantly increased while the precipitation of the monsoon region of the eastern part of China shows no obvious variation. The future trend of two regiona1 precipitations remains uncertain under the conditions of continuous g1oba1 warming. Based on the speleothem growth rate records from Sanbao Cave, Shennong jia, Hubei, and Kesang Cave, Tekesi County, Xinjiang, we investigate the responses of those records to precipitation and the precipitation variations as we11 as distinctions of the two regions on glacia1-interglacia1 scale, providing a case for precipitation forecasts from climatic models in future warming in China. It is found that the precipitation of the eastern part of China and the northwestern part of China fluctuate during glaciation-interglaciation, with an abundant precipitation in both two regions during interglacia1 period, corresponding to higher temperatures. Nevertheless, the precipitation of Northwest Chinalags behind that of the eastern part of China, implying the correlation between precipitation and temperature of the two regions are probably not completely simultaneous.
Key words:
- precipitation /
- speleothem /
- growth rate /
- Sanbao Cave /
- Kesang Cave /
- climate change.
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