The Relationship among Human, Water and Land: Optimizing Function of the Embankment in the Yangtze River
摘要: 作为长江中下游防洪的骨干工程,长江堤防的兴建防改写了中下游平原“三年两淹”的历史,发挥了巨大的防洪效益.同 时,堤防的存在也引发了新的流域环境问题.基于“人-水-地和谐”流域治水理念,分析了堤防建设对自然状态下河流地质过 程和水文环境的干预与改变,以及由此引发的新的水环境问题.提出堤防建设应充分考虑地质背景条件和地学演化规律,适应 水文环境,以人-水-地和谐为宗旨.未来长江堤防建设的重点应该放在适应地质条件和顺应地质作用规律上.在新的防洪形 势下,长江堤防的功能与作用需要重新定位.随着三峡及上游水利工程的建设和运用,长江中下游的防洪形势发生了重大变 化,长江中下游的水问题(水多、水少、水浑、水脏)的重要性排序正在悄然发生变化,即由水多(洪灾)、水浑(水土流失与泥沙淤 积)转向水少(干旱)和水脏(水污染).长江堤防的功能相应由防洪骨干工程转变为水资源合理利用与生态环境保护的骨干工 程,其主要作用应该由“挡水”转为“控水”和“导水”.以长江堤防为依托的防旱、排水、江湖连通、湿地生态保护等系统工程构建 应成为未来长江中下游水利工程的重点.Abstract: The embankment in the middle and1ower reaches of the Yangtze River, the major project of the f1ood contro1, has stopped frequent f1ooding disasters. However, the projectleads to new environment problems. In this study, the relationship among human, water andland is exp1ored, and the changes in hydro1ogica1 environment and geo1ogica1 process caused by con- struction of embankment in the middle-1ower reaches of the Yangtze River are discussed. We suggest the geo1ogica1 setting and hydro1ogica1 environment should be taken into fu11 account before construction of embankment. Dams in the upper Yangtze Riv- er Basin, particularly the Three Gorges Dam, have significantly changed the f1ood contro1 in the middle-1ower reaches. Thus, the function of embankment in the middle-1ower reaches of the Yangtze River should be properly changed and optimized. The major problems of water resources in the middle-1ower reaches used to be f1ood, drought, soi1 and po11ution erosion in order of priority. However, the drought and po11ution now gradua11y become the top priority. We suggest the embankment ought to function better in the eco1ogica1 environment protection and rationa1 utilization of water resources other than the f1ood contro1. Hydraulic engineering in the middle-1ower Yangtze sha11 focuses on such functions of the embankment as the drought contro1, drainage, thelake-river connectivity and eco1ogica1 protection of wetlands.
Key words:
- Yangtze River /
- embankment /
- flood control /
- water resources /
- geomorphology
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