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    蔺林林 郭会荣 郝璇 黄忆琦

    蔺林林, 郭会荣, 郝璇, 黄忆琦, 2014. 激光拉曼原位观测储层温度压力条件下乙烷在纯水中的扩散系数. 地球科学, 39(11): 1584-1592. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.151
    引用本文: 蔺林林, 郭会荣, 郝璇, 黄忆琦, 2014. 激光拉曼原位观测储层温度压力条件下乙烷在纯水中的扩散系数. 地球科学, 39(11): 1584-1592. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.151
    Lin Linlin, Guo Huirong, Hao Xuan, Huang Yiqi, 2014. Determination of Diffusion Coefficients of Ethane in Water at High Pressure and Temperature with In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy. Earth Science, 39(11): 1584-1592. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.151
    Citation: Lin Linlin, Guo Huirong, Hao Xuan, Huang Yiqi, 2014. Determination of Diffusion Coefficients of Ethane in Water at High Pressure and Temperature with In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy. Earth Science, 39(11): 1584-1592. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.151


    doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2014.151

    国家自然科学基金项目 41102154

    国家自然科学基金项目 41176047


      蔺林林(1989-), 女, 在读硕士, E-mail: linll@2012.cug.edu.cn


      郭会荣, E-mail: hrguo@cug.edu.cn

    • 中图分类号: TE122

    Determination of Diffusion Coefficients of Ethane in Water at High Pressure and Temperature with In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy

    • 摘要: 乙烷和甲烷是深部天然气藏中的重要组成部分, 精确测量其扩散系数对于正确理解深部页岩储层中的烃类气体的分布运移及其分异具有重要意义.目前乙烷在水中的扩散系数数据局限在低压和283~333K温度范围内, 缺少天然气储层高温高压条件下的数据.本研究利用显微激光拉曼光谱, 在高压透明毛细管中原位观测了20MPa下273~393K温度范围内乙烷在纯水中的扩散, 测定了各温度下的扩散系数, 并用Speedy-Angell指数方程拟合出乙烷扩散系数D(乙烷)(m2/s)与温度T(K)之间的关系式: D(C2H6)=D0[(T/Ts)-1]γ, 式中: D0=13.8055×10-9m2/s, Ts=237.4K, γ=1.7397.相同温度压力条件下, 测得的乙烷的扩散系数小于甲烷的扩散系数.据此计算了2种气体通过低渗透盖层的扩散量的差异, 发现甲烷和乙烷溶解扩散的分异程度随盖层厚度、扩散时间而显著变化.


    • 图  1  高压广阔温度下乙烷在纯水溶液中的扩散观测实验装置


      Fig.  1.  A schematic diagram of system for study of diffusion of ethane in pure water at wide temperature and high-pressure

      图  2  高压毛细管中乙烷由气液界面向水柱末端扩散示意


      Fig.  2.  A schematic diagram of diffusion of ethane from the interface to the end of water in the high-pressure optical cell

      图  3  20MPa,25℃时B点处乙烷浓度随时间变化光谱


      Fig.  3.  Time-dependent Raman spectra of ethane collected at the spot of B, at different time after the water was pressurized by ethane to 20MPa at 298K

      图  4  20MPa不同温度下各测点上峰强度比实测值与计算值随时间的变化


      Fig.  4.  Measured values and calculated values of Raman peak intensity ratio HR(C2H6/H2O), as a function of time after water was pressurized by ethane at different temperatures at specific pressure of 20MPa

      图  5  本文实验所得扩散系数与前人实验或计算所得扩散系数随温度变化的对比


      Fig.  5.  Comparison of our results with previously measured or calculated data on the diffusion coefficients of ethane in water

      图  6  乙烷在纯水中扩散系数的对数与温度倒数的函数关系


      Fig.  6.  Logarithms of ethane diffusion coefficients in water as a function of reciprocal absolute temperature

      图  7  甲烷、乙烷通过盖层扩散示意

      Fig.  7.  A schematic diagram for study of diffusion of methane and ethane through the cap rocks

      图  8  甲烷、乙烷通过不同厚度盖层岩石的扩散量

      Fig.  8.  Diffusion amount of methane and ethane through cap rocks of different thickness

      图  9  不同厚度盖层岩石中乙烷、甲烷气体扩散量的比值

      Fig.  9.  Ratio of diffusion amount of methane and ethane through cap rocks of different thickness

      表  1  压力20MPa,各温度下甲烷、乙烷在纯水中的扩散系数及置信度95%时的误差

      Table  1.   Diffusion coefficients (D) of ethane and methane in pure water measured at different temperatures (T) at specific pressure (P) of 20MPa and the deviation of diffusion coefficients

      P (MPa) T (K) D(C2H6) (10-9m2·s-1) 误差(%) D(CH4) (10-9m2·s-1) 误差(%)
      20 273 0.517 14.89 0.702 9.97
      20 283 0.793 8.20
      20 298 1.230 5.69 1.640 6.10
      20 353 4.150 10.84 4.980 6.83
      20 393 6.350 8.50 8.680 7.60
      注:表中甲烷的扩散系数及其误差值引自Guo et al.(2013).
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