Effect of Rainfall Patterns on Stability of Shallow Landslide
摘要: 在降雨与浅层滑坡稳定性关系的研究中, 目前的研究往往忽略了降雨类型的影响.因此, 选取4种具有代表性的降雨类型: 均匀型、递增型、递减型以及峰值型为对象, 基于Rosso提出的降雨强度与地下水关系模型, 构建考虑降雨类型的浅层滑坡地下水位高度随降雨时间的变化关系, 研究不同降雨类型对浅层滑坡地下水位变化的影响.进而, 结合无限边坡理论, 建立浅层滑坡的稳定性计算模型, 研究不同降雨类型对浅层滑坡稳定性的影响.研究结果表明: 降雨类型对浅层滑坡稳定性的影响是明显的, 递增型降雨作用下的浅层滑坡安全系数最小, 其次是均匀型降雨, 再次是峰值型降雨, 最大的是递减型降雨; 同时在确定浅层滑坡临界降雨量和进行区域浅层滑坡易发性研究时降雨类型的影响不容忽视.Abstract: The effect of the rainfall patterns is often ignored in studies of the relationship of rainfall versus shallow stability of landslide. This paper takes four representative rainfall patterns including uniform, delayed, advanced and central ones as the object of study to explore the effect of the rainfall patterns on the height of ground water, based on the hillslope hydrological model proposed by Rosso. And then the infinite slope failure model is applied to establish the stability calculation model for shallow landslide, and the effect of the rainfall patterns on shallow landslide stability is analyzed. Results show that rainfall patterns have strong effect on the stability of shallow landslide, with the delayed rainfall having the lowest safety factor for shallow landslide, followed by uniform rainfall, then central rainfall, and lastly the advanced rainfall. It is found necessary to consider the effect of rainfall patterns for determining of the critical rainfall and analyzing of the susceptibility of shallow landslide in a region.
Key words:
- underground water /
- shallow landslide /
- rainfall patterns /
- stability /
- infinite slope /
- geologic hazard
表 1 各岩组的物理力学指标参数
Table 1. The physical-mechanical properties of each petrofabric
岩土类别 天然密度P(kN/m3) 导水率T(m2/d) 内摩擦角φ(°) 三叠系上统须家河组 21.0 70 40 泥盆系中统养马坝组 19.6 95 38 震旦系下统 17.6 75 33 表 2 不同降雨类型下, 浅层滑坡不稳定区的面积比
Table 2. The ratio of the unstable area to the total area under the different rainfall patterns
降雨类型 递减型 递增型 峰值型 均匀型 面积比 0.182 7 0.242 3 0.183 8 0.189 0 -
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